Dark matter matters


Wow…so this mysterious stuff called dark matter actually exists? Sean Carroll gives us the context and the beautiful pictures, while MarkCC explains the math.


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Beautiful and fascinating! Thanks for the links.

But visible through our detectors, covering the whole e-m spectrum.....

Which is why my first testable postulate is:

No god is detectable.

By G. Tingey (not verified) on 23 Aug 2006 #permalink

Heh, just had to post this "alternative" explanation for dark matter:

What then is dark matter? I have suggested that dark matter exists within galaxies, if not elsewhere. We have considered various physical micro and macro-size possibilities. But there is another option. Perhaps the dark matter we seek is in reality the unseen hand of the Creator. We know from Colossians 1: 17 that God in some way holds all things together. Therefore at some point, physical reality must mesh with the spiritual. And that point may lie in the unexplicable problems of modern science.

From: http://www.creationresearch.org/crsq/articles/36/36_4/darkmatter.html

So what we think of as dark matter might actually be the cosmic manifestation of those trillions of little angels required to keep the orbits of the stars and planets in place. Comforting to know, I guess...

Gillian (?), of course god is detestable. Well it would be, if there were one.

By Richard Harris (not verified) on 23 Aug 2006 #permalink

Perhaps the dark matter we seek is in reality the unseen hand of the Creator. We know from Colossians 1: 17 that God in some way holds all things together. Therefore at some point, physical reality must mesh with the spiritual.

Sooooo... We're back to Intelligent Falling and God pushing stuff down with his finger?

Sooooo... We're back to Intelligent Falling and God pushing stuff down with his finger?

Damn! Does that mean that we get to call ourselves Newtonists, then?

Oh wait, that's not quite right. And it would get mixed up with that ignorant Gingrich jerk.

Einsteinists! Yes, I'm a godless Einsteinist! Hmm..doesn't quite trip off the tongue.

But when a right-winger accuses me of being a 'relativist', I reply "yes, Generally", but they never get it.

By Grumpy Physicist (not verified) on 23 Aug 2006 #permalink

My physics prof's favorite woo example was invisible green goblins pushing down on everything. Maybe they're the dark matter.

Heh, just had to post this "alternative" explanation for dark matter:

What then is dark matter? I have suggested that dark matter exists within galaxies, if not elsewhere. We have considered various physical micro and macro-size possibilities. But there is another option. Perhaps the dark matter we seek is in reality the unseen hand of the Creator. We know from Colossians 1: 17 that God in some way holds all things together. Therefore at some point, physical reality must mesh with the spiritual. And that point may lie in the unexplicable problems of modern science.
From: http://www.creationresearch.org/crsq/articles/36/36_4/darkmatter.html

So what we think of as dark matter might actually be the cosmic manifestation of those trillions of little angels required to keep the orbits of the stars and planets in place. Comforting to know, I guess...

Wow... that must mean that when God gets smacked with the spin operator, he spits out complex eigenvalues. I bet I could run a whole theology class on that. Oh, the profundity!

Heh, sorryfor the double post, I just couldn't resist this:

The Creation Research Equation:
S|God> = (3+5i)|God>

The Nietzsche Equation:
a-|God> = 0

The Jack Chick Equation of Jesus Potential:
Jesus(r) = -(g^2)(e^(-mr))/r

On the subject of beautiful things that do not owe their existence to any deity other than the FSM, is anyone else getting chain-letter spammed with this, exhorting the recipient to 'make a wish - you have looked into the Eye of God' ? A lovely picture, but it's the freaking Helix Nebula, not some Omniscient Oculus.

By DominEditrix (not verified) on 23 Aug 2006 #permalink

That's a freaking planetary nebula for chrissake! It's a dead star. If that's his eye, God needs to get his omnipotent butt to the optometrist in a hurry.

"So, God, what seems to be the problem?"
"Man, I left a contact in for the last few million years, and now I've got this electron degeneracy. Hurts like hell. Do you have any eyedrops for this?"

"But when a right-winger accuses me of being a 'relativist', I reply "yes, Generally", but they never get it."

Heh! Well, I would like to say that I'm a 'quantist', but I'm uncertain about the interpretation.

By Torbjörn Larsson (not verified) on 24 Aug 2006 #permalink

Bronze Dog: Actually, if you think about it, the vast majority of things and processes are unobservable in the strict sense. On the other hand, if we have good warrant to postulate their existence, there are indicator hypotheses that link the observable with the unobservables in question. (Warning: "Observable" here does not have its meaning sometimes used in QM.)

That's so cool!

At what point do you just say, "the theory is wrong" instead of trying to put band-aids on it?