Know the enemy

Via AlterNet, here's another book I'm going to have to add to my wishlist: The Sinner's Guide to the Evangelical Right (amzn/b&n/abe/pwll). It'll complement all the information on the subject I get from Jesus' General.

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A few disclaimers: I do get kickbacks from affiliate programs when you purchase books after clicking through those links. If you'd rather not fund a perfidious atheist's book addiction, just look up the titles at your preferred source—I don't mind. This list is not a thinly-veiled attempt to get…
Via Leiter Reports, it's Google Mars! Hey, just an odd thought…the distance to Mars is such that communications have a lag of tens of minutes. When I move to the new colony after I retire, am I not going to have a hard time browsing the weblogs any more? I'd send a request to go to a page via http…
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Also in the "know your enemy" thread, read this:
Educational Psychology Meets the Christian Right, by David Berliner. Among the things he notes:

"...The school curriculum used in many fundamentalist Christian schools was also analyzed and found to be limited, biased, and sometimes untrue. The arguments made against outcomes based education and whole language programs were found to be confused and chaotic. The antagonism of the Christian Right to these programs is based on a fear of losing control over their children's thinking, rather than any compelling empirical data. It is concluded that many among the Christian Right are unable to engage in politics that make a common school possible."