Time should have used this for their cover


This has got to be good. I understand Cthulhu is lurking in the wings with a folding chair, too.

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LOL, nice graphic. But I think the date is wrong. Shouldn't it be 7/7/07?

LOL but please do NOT give Vince MacMahon (sp?) any ideas. Unfortunately my husband watches this junk and I am amazed at all the vampires, bikers, mutants and such that have entered the ring over the past few months. And he has the sort of chutzpah to pull off a God vs whomever match.

Although I do wonder who would wrestle as God. Charlton Heston or maybe Rick Flair. LMAO

Ploink Ploink eats Cthulhu for breakfast.

By Great White Wonder (not verified) on 06 Nov 2006 #permalink

Which one is Darwin?

The sane-looking one with the really bad static-cling problem.

Where's his hat??? Darwin is sooo much cooler with his hat!

God was actually booked to take part in a match on one of the WWE's pay-per-view shows in the last year. It was Vince McMahon and Shane McMahon versus God and Shawn Michaels (a not-born-right-the-first-time Christian). Not surprisingly, God didn't show.

In a discussion with some friends, I specuated half-seriously that a wrestling fed with deliberate religious themes could be popular. Mix in the most obnoxious stereotypes you can imagine, offend EVERYONE - and watch folks tune in.

By DragonScholar (not verified) on 06 Nov 2006 #permalink

Carlos Mencia had a skit in his 2nd season where Jesus wrestled a bunch of other deity types (Buddha, Vishnu, Tom Cruise, etc.). He even had Edge from the WWE there to do commentary.

Wouldn't this match up end with a double-disqualification?

God wouldn't show up, because he's imaginary.

Darwin wouldn't show up either, because of that whole "dead and buried" thing.

50,000 fans in the stands and no main event.







It'll be bigger than Jesus.

Charles Darwin's background shouldn't be lightning, it should be barnacles, beetles and beagles. (And squid)

Which one is Darwin?

The one with the beard.

By Evan Murdock (not verified) on 06 Nov 2006 #permalink

Posted by Mike: "It'll be bigger than Jesus."


By John Lennon, r… (not verified) on 06 Nov 2006 #permalink

I'm confused - I thought the christian god was geriatric, doesn't he use his son nowadays to deal with devils, sin, the end of the world, and other matters of religious practicality? And a spirit working his private cable television tap. Or something like that.

By Torbjörn Larsson (not verified) on 06 Nov 2006 #permalink

Whatever, my money is certainly on trained apes over televangelists. They win out in cleverness and ferocity. Though the televangelists might take the feces-slinging event.

" . . . Darwin's trained ape battalion . . ."

'specially suited for gorilla warfare.

Thank you, thank you - I'll be here all week. And don't forget to try the squid . . ."

"In a discussion with some friends, I specuated half-seriously that a wrestling fed with deliberate religious themes could be popular."

Sorry, your idea has already been taken,
google Christian wrestling and check out the results.

And then try to explain #3
Women Christian Wrestling at http://www.jesus21.com/poppydixon/sports/cww.html

Darwin's background shouldn't be lightning (that's usually in the portfolio of a deity).

It should be KIRBY DOTS!

(And, perhaps, some beetles. Or tentacles.)

Read the comments left on the picture.

From a scientific stand point both theories are invalid. The theory of evolution contradicts the second law of thermodynamics, and is thus disproved regardless of the evidence. Creationism has no scientific evidence but there is nothing scientific to disprove it."

I thought that gem of an argument was just a joke that people used to make fun of creationists. Looks like I was wrong.

Monkey army vs televangelists Sounds like a good idea for a stupid little flash game.

Relatedly, I saw a great Mary vs. Jesus jello wrestle match during the opening sketch for one of Peaches Christ's Midnight Mass film showings (oh yeah, it was Mommy Dearest). Which I highly recommend seeing if any of you are in San Francisco in July or Aug.

I'm boycotting this poster because it suggests God is a white man.

(Kidding. God is white, just like Jesus.)

Zarquoan said: "Charles Darwin's background shouldn't be lightning, it should be barnacles, beetles and beagles. (And squid)"


And the dogs and pigeons, for that matter.....

By G. Tingey (not verified) on 06 Nov 2006 #permalink

If theistic beliefs are so clearly wrong then why put so much passion and emotion into mocking those beliefs?

Because the stronger the subject of comedy, the funnier the jokes. Witness Margaret Dumont in the Marx Brothers movies. It wouldn't be half as funny seeing a poor housewife having her troubles, but a wealthy woman, oh yeah!

And because from the outside, theistic beliefs are some of the silliest stuff, and it's amazing and mind-boggling that some people continue to believe in it, but not Santa.

"theistic beliefs are some of the silliest stuff"

I don't think that's true. I think that there are some good benefits from them those beliefs (a rational view on the universe, moral guidance).

"it's amazing and mind-boggling that some people continue to believe in it, but not Santa."

Well, a Creator of the universe and a man who brings presents are require a different level of commitment and are based on different reasons. There are many intelligent people who think that one can be warranted and justified to believe in God who don't feel the same way towards Santa. Also, the idea of Santa is based on an actual person.

Take care.

Darwin is GOD

"I don't think that's true."

Of course it is true that "from the outside, theistic beliefs are some of the silliest stuff"!

"a Creator of the universe and a man who brings presents"

Do you say that size (in the gifts) matter? Santa can give us a universe for christmas if he wanted to.

"There are many intelligent people who think that one can be warranted and justified to believe in God who don't feel the same way towards Santa."

Exactly the point - this is one of the things that makes it some of the silliest stuff.

"Also, the idea of Santa is based on an actual person."

Most gods are like that - even Cthulhu and FSM, what doesn't look like a person like the christian gods depictions, has personalities.

Which are other reasons, both why it is so easy and why it is so important to joke about the silliness of it all.

By Torbjörn Larsson (not verified) on 07 Nov 2006 #permalink

Wow, amazing!! So bold, such guts! Now I am sure the promoters will arrange for a showing in locations such as Riyadh, or Tehran. Or maybe a whirlwind tour in the West Bank. Yeah, let them in on what you really think about God. I am sure the masses will embrace them with open arms and see the hilarity in it all.

And, it just might be their last booking. Why not go out with a bang! After all, it is just sound and fury, signifying nothing.