Aim high, Michele, aim high

When asked what her aspirations for her new term in congress might be, Michele Bachmann's answer was:

"My No. 1 goal is to not go to jail," Bachmann said, chuckling.

I think that's nice. Set impossible standards for yourself, Michele, so that when you fail, you can at least say you tried.


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She be settin' some lofty goals. Methinks she be more comely wearin' a pearl necklace than clamped in irons. ARRG!

By Dread Pirate Flynt (not verified) on 15 Nov 2006 #permalink

What I want to know is, what genius reprogrammed the voting machines to send Bachman and Doolittle to Congress, and then persuaded the Repubes to get Trent Lott to propel himself out of the cake? How accomodating can these Repubes be? Take heart, Ken; all your hard work was not for nothing.

Thumpin' Part Two!

So are there any plans to prosecute her for anything?