I presume no one will be surprised by this

Lauren wishes she had my score.


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"Which of the following European countries is your favorite, or with which do you most closely identify?"

one of the answers is Canada?


maybe this is also a test of general intelligence?

uh, OK, i finished at 100% Pure Evil:

How evil are you?

...and I wasn't even trying. I bet saying I thought being a lawyer was a good thing counted toward mucho evilness.


"Hmm. Apparently I'm Angelic."

Same here.

BTW, I noticed Canada was listed as a "European" country. I suspect that probably is a joke.

By J. J. Ramsey (not verified) on 10 Dec 2006 #permalink

I'm a wishy-washy "good." Probably shouldn't have listed "lawyer" as my ideal job. But they didn't give "mad scientist" (my actual and ideal job) as an option.

BTW, I noticed Canada was listed as a "European" country.

It's also listed as a "Favorite Weapon".

I know sometimes it's hard to tell humour from stupidity on the web, but I think we can safely assign this one to humour.

Pure Evil, and I am not a lawyer. But I am Canandian.

You're just using this to get more votes.

Phil is far more evil than thou. >;)

By Coxiella's Lawyer (not verified) on 10 Dec 2006 #permalink

Hmmm...well, I'm "good". Guess I don't watch the right kind of movies or something (but they didn't offer a choice of "what's a movie" since I'd rather read a good book any day...)

By Maggie Rosethorn (not verified) on 10 Dec 2006 #permalink

I came up as "pure evil" also, even though I wasn't trying!! Just out of curiousity, I went back and changed one answer... changed the type of browser that I'm using from IE to Firefox, and that dropped my evil score to "mostly evil."

So, I guess if you bow to the spawn of Bill Gates, well, you're as evil as can be.

I'm "Neutral."

By Cathy in Seattle (not verified) on 10 Dec 2006 #permalink


{hangs head in shame and sighs}

Oh well, could be worse. It could have been 'nice'.

I blame it on the Canada fixation this test has. Everybody knows we're good. It's the cross we bear.

Do not despair, oh ye lawyers.

I am rated 100% angelic, and I too chose lawyer as the best of a bad lot of choices.

I suspect the damn thing is pretty much random, or else broken.

As for Canada, if the United State could be part of NATO, SEATO, etc. all at the same time, I expect Canada can be part of Europe.

My result.

It's discrimination, I tell you! Discrimination against people with hamsters in their heads!

By Martin Brady (not verified) on 10 Dec 2006 #permalink

100% pure evil. Take that PZ. :-)

*pinky to lip*

I never thought of myself as living in a weapon. Kinda like the idea. I would like to smite some other countries. If Canada were a weapon what would it be?

How the hell did I freakin' end up as "Angelic?"

"Angelic"? Moi?

By theophylact (not verified) on 10 Dec 2006 #permalink

"Aaaah! you are one creepy soul."
PZ- "I don't HAVE a soul. MWUAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!"

I'm merely Twisted. Mere cosmic cowinky dink due no doubt to a hangover from my Twisted Sister phase during the 80s? That makes it all seem worthwhile now:)

By An Enquiring Mind (not verified) on 10 Dec 2006 #permalink

I came out "neutral." Actually, I prefer one of my friends' take on it. In her apartment she has a sign saying:


By anomalous4 (not verified) on 10 Dec 2006 #permalink

Hmph! I had to pick "Actor" as an ideal profession since "Layabout" wasn't an option.

By Tukla in Iowa (not verified) on 10 Dec 2006 #permalink

What the hell? Supposedly, I'm 100% Angelic ergo 0% Evil.

Cool, I'm twisted. I aways thought so.

By afterthought (not verified) on 10 Dec 2006 #permalink

I answered the same way twice, and was evil the first time and good the second. This test seems about as predictive as intelligent design.

As for Canada being a weapon, McArthur (the odd chap who ruled us during world war two) described Australia as being an unsinkable aircraft carrier.