You can squeeze a lot into a "…"

Wow. That's got to be a record: a creationist frankenquote that contains an ellipsis spanning seven chapters. And that's only one piece of the bad scholarship Lynch demolishes.

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Edward T. Oakes may be a good teacher of theology at St. Mary of the Lake, but he is a lousy historian of Darwinism. Witness the following statement from his review of Richard Weikart's work, From Darwin to Hitler: Evolutionary Ethics, Eugenics, and Racism in Germany: Spencer might well have been…

Lighten up, Francis. If the Almighty could create the whole world and squeeze in a substantial siesta in seven days, I think you could overlook a simple little seven chapter elipsis.

By Dave Puskala (not verified) on 14 Dec 2006 #permalink

Looks like I could start quoting the bible like that.
Let's see:

God blesses those who... lie with a man as one lies with a woman.

Or even better:

"In the begining...(t)he LORD said to Satan...'How can this be?'"

You can make the Bible say a lot of fun things.

Write to
and tell them, that their correspondent is LYING, and that we have noticed - I just have.
Shall we see if there is a response......

By G. Tingey (not verified) on 14 Dec 2006 #permalink

"In the beginning, yada yada yada, amen."

The ellipsis isn't even necessary:

"There is no God" -- Psalm 14:1

By hyperdeath (not verified) on 15 Dec 2006 #permalink

Marx was an atheist.

Oakes used to teach at Regis University in Denver, where I went to college. I had 1 or 2 classes with him. To see him show on scienceblogs is just funny...and sad.

I caught my favorite pseudo/fringe science proponent covering a page and a half with ellipses and I thought that was reaching. :)

Tingey, as you suggested I wrote to bceditor and received an interested response, in which he (John Wilson) suggested I submit a letter to be published, up to 500 words. This could cite the blog discussions, tho as he pointed out they're of very uneven quality. I'll do this.

He observed that they've reviewed many books "that take Darwinian evolution for granted", and are open to a variety of views. This is not the DI.