A useful syncretism

He died for your sins so you can get presents.

He is Jesus the Christ, he's got a list and he's checking it twice.


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Ho-Ho-Holy Ghost!

Merrrrrrry Crucifix!

By Scott Hatfield (not verified) on 21 Dec 2006 #permalink

Parody video? I sure hope so!

Let's replace Santa Claus with the Jesus Bunny.

>Parody video? I sure hope so!

Hard to imagine how it could be anything else. Does *anyone* openly applaud commercialism swamping the "spiritual" aspect of Xmas?

They have lyrics posted on their website, www.sindestroyers.com. Lines like

Mary was hot and Joseph was lonely.
But Mary said a vision from God told you not to bone me.

clinch the fact that it's parody. (Any true Christian would know that it wasn't a vision and it wasn't God: it was the angel Gabriel who told Mary not to do the wild thing. Sheesh.)

How dare they blaspheme against Santa!


Wow. Wow.

Every time I think the Christian f*cktards can't get more tasteless, they go ahead and surprise me all over again.

Good golly goobers, that was absolutely dreadful.

"Every time I think the Christian f*cktards can't get more tasteless, they go ahead and surprise me all over again."

Harrumph! The video is tasteless and silly, but IMHO, in a fun kind of way.

It's hard to tell, though, if the Sin Destroyers are a parody of a Christian band or are a Christian band with a strange sense of humor.

By J. J. Ramsey (not verified) on 21 Dec 2006 #permalink

The Lite Brite says Slayer.


By Todd Adamson (not verified) on 21 Dec 2006 #permalink


If this is not a parody, I'll eat my own head.

By secularizer (not verified) on 21 Dec 2006 #permalink

Atheists who did not grow up amongst the Christian Right often cannot separate Christian Right parody from reality.

As an atheist who did grow up amongst the Christian Right, let me point out the most obvious "it's parody" element to you...

It has Jesus in a Santa outfit... on a green cross... flying around by flapping his arms like they're wings...

Hello??? Obvious parody.