People are always asking me this question:

I swear, though, that I never, ever give them this answer…

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Well PZ, you wouldn't know it with all the cephalopontification. =P
And wouldn't ya know it, we're less than 12 hours from the next FC!
That would be hazardous - it might produce something like the tentacled creature pictured here:
That's some great artwork, for all its simplicity. I like the way the kid's shoulders slump in the last panel.
Nobody wants a beakjob.
"People are always asking me this question"...
They don't always call you "daddy" when they do, though, do they?
There are few occasions where blogs make one really Laugh Out Loud. This is one of them.
See, I totally saw where the joke was going. But damn it if it didn't make me nearly laugh out loud at my office desk. Which would have been embarrasing.
That might explain this creature recently spotted in Nevada.
Sorry, this creature recently spotted in Nevada.
You know, my first thoughts were of you when I first read that comic over at Explosm.
Just make sure you hit up the condomari.
Huh? I don't get it. What's so strange about having sex with squids? It's not like they're Republicans.
I like the way the kid's shoulders slump in the last panel.
The kid's shoulders (entire body, in fact) are identical throughout; the change in the last panel is that the eyes lower.
Funnily enough, I've had boiled squid that looked AND tasted like condoms!
I don't have any fantasies about sex with boneless creatures. Although I've slept with a few...
Sonja - your comment is even funnier than the cartoon.
You know, I didn't open up the article until now, so for the last few days I thought the top two panels were all there was. And so I thought the joke was that he was demonstrating squid sex by holding out his arm....
Actually, I think it was funnier that way.
Um, micheyd...
How do you know what a condom tastes like?
Wait, never mind. Don't answer that.
And all you libs laughed at us REAL Americans when we warned you about the slippery slope. Here it is, Man-on-Squid sex. Happy now?
See you on Judgement Day!11!!
Why Dan...**innocent blink**..just a guess!