Oh, no

Zeke is gone.

More like this

Just to reinforce the "Live Journal" flavor of this weblog...I have to recount a Craig's List story. I was recently looking for an apartment to rent, and I was playing email/phone tag with a guy "Zeke" who was subletting his extra room. When I was looking at a different place "Zeke" called me,…
Long time readers here, and fans of Creek Running North, the best-written blog on the internets, will remember Zeke…and if you don't, you've been missing out. And now you can get a whole book of nothing but concentrated Zeke, which sounds like Dog Heaven to me.
... may or may not form over the next several days. There is a disturbance that has a 60% chance of forming into a tropical storm some time between now and the middle of next week. This will head out to the wet and not menace the US mainland, as is typical (but not inevitable) for Eastern Pacific…
When good things happen, I am the first to cheer. If it is your birthday or blogiversary, you got married or your child is born, if you got a promotion on a job or published a paper - you know I am the first one to post a comment on your blog, perhaps post about it here... But when the news are…

So very sad.

Zeke was very fortunate to have Chris and Becky for owners all those years. If I were a dog, I would definitely pick them for family.

By Paguroidea (not verified) on 03 Feb 2007 #permalink

I didn't want to put this on Chris's blog, he has enough to deal with right now, but the sweetest poem about losing a dog was written by Ogden Nash. It ends:

She seems to pant, time up, time up.
My little dog must die
And lie in dust with Hector's pup.
And so, by god, must I.



PZ, these little moments of compassion ruin your image. Here you're supposed to be this evil perverted of the godly paradigm, and you go and demonstrate this actual FEELING for dogs and dog-owners.

You had A Great Loss to Caninity back on March 3, 2006.

... and now this.



i see no reason why compassion can't or shouldn't happen despite a passionate devotion to science, nature, law, etc.

but, anyway, the event is too fresh and raw, so i'm posting here instead of chris' blog, assuming chris will check in when he is ready. our pups, buddy-the-gentle and cora-the-incorigible, went on a good romp in wildcat canyon today, just as zeke would have liked. the cats have been more staid in their rememberances, but all were adopted, just like zekie was -- 2 of the 5 pets were from the same shelter. our blind youngest cat, the duke of earl, has been especially hungry today. he got some token dog food, his very favorite treat -- earl was fostered with dogs as a rescue kitten, and he never did master cat manners. he would have adored zeke to no end.



I think it was a great loss to all of us who have enjoyed reading Chris Clarke's blog over the years.

Zeke was special. I was lucky enough to meet him and his human this past November. I was headed for the gym today when a friend called me and told me about it. I sat in my truck and cried -- tears for Zeke but also for Ranger and Tito, my own good friends.

I've thought many times that I'd love to see a local bar offer an annual Old Dogs Night, where owners could meet in sympathetic company to toast the memory of each furry friend-gone-by.



hank -- kensington circus? they are good to kids; why not dogs, too? [i don't get out much. ron sullivan probably has more ideas.]

The only thing worse than them leaving us, is us leaving before them.

Of the few species that I know well, dogs are the only ones that I love completely, and unconditionally.

Tru my 16 year old dog had to be euthanized last friday. His kidneys were failing... he was still so lucid which made it so hard. They walk next to you for so long. It's so odd not to have him there with me.

Bye Tru, Bye Zeke.

We'll miss you.

So sorry for your loss Steve_C. Pets certainly enrich our lives but oh the sorrow we must face when they're gone. Hang in there.

By Paguroidea (not verified) on 04 Feb 2007 #permalink

My sympathies Steve_C for your loss.

I agree with Hank (and Monado), an "Old Dogs and Cats Night" might be one of the few times I make it our to the bar.

By Pygmy Loris (not verified) on 05 Feb 2007 #permalink