I can only dream…

…that someday Michelle Malkin does a dramatic reading of some of my blog articles. Amanda Marcotte has really pushed their buttons, hasn't she?


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Bwahahahaa! This is brilliant! Everyone can now see how crazy Malkin is and what a great writer Amanda is. Bravo for the self-annihilating stupidity of wingnutery!

OK, as much as your rants about atheism sometimes get on my nerves, I'd certainly check it out if Malkin tried to do a "parody" reading like this of a bunch of them.

At least, I'd check it out for as long as my sanity could hold out.

It always amuses me when wingnut Malkin fans defend her (granted, their number is dwindling.) Especially recently, now that she's had several stories and claims thoroughly debunked (and I mean hard) by scores of lefty bloggers.

The woman has absolutely no credibility remaining. None.

She will fade into obscurity soon. The only drawback is that she'll screech the whole way down.

Malkin is certifiably hatrack now, isn't she?

You don't swear enough or bash white males enough, PZ. Come on. How about a practice "Fuck Bushco?"

I keep imagining Malkin and Coulter desperately clutching each other, lost in a passionate embrace, seeking comfort from all the left wing Bush haters. Uhh....gotta go.....

that was painful. 15 seconds was all I could take.