Maybe it was the combination of reading one after the other

A sense of giddy enlightenment emerges from reading Jennifer Ouellette on chocolate and Carl Zimmer on tapeworms. They were the highlights of my morning browse, anyway.


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Dang, I'm glad I read those in the reverse of the order you placed them :p

By TomDunlap (not verified) on 20 Feb 2007 #permalink

You know, there's probably something sinister to be said about my preferences considering that I skipped over the chocolate article, finding it uninteresting, in order to read the juicy bits about the tapeworm.

Sktj hs nnncd tht sh s b sxl!

Great job keeping on topic, Franis!
*rolls eyes*

By doctorgoo (not verified) on 20 Feb 2007 #permalink

And your point is, Franus?