Looking for Sin Insurance?

For everything from the intermittent masturbator to the mass murderer, FaithBrokers has a package for you.


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From their testimonials:

"...as I'm also quite heavy sinner. I joined the Frequent Sinner program, and I have time to do all my favorite activities again."

Favorite activities? Like...commiting a sin or two? :-)

I like the look of the Gold Sin Card:

Enjoy a worldwide welcome Worldwide coverage, including Amsterdam.

Colour me interested!

By Silmarillion (not verified) on 07 Mar 2007 #permalink

Of course the Church was doing exactly the same thing for real before Luther nailed those theses to the cathedral door...

By Steve LaBonne (not verified) on 07 Mar 2007 #permalink

ndrstnd thy hv smthng smlr fr ll th nvrnmntlly-mndd ppl wh jst cn't gt by wtht wnng hg mnsns tht s ngh lctrcty t pwrsmll cts.

Perhaps they also have vowel insurance fo trolls.

By Steve LaBonne (not verified) on 07 Mar 2007 #permalink

Perhaps they also have vowel insurance fo trolls.

Ah...it seems not.

Trth hrts, dsn't t, PZ?


You have purchased Quick Confession. Your confirmation number is : 87
Please write your confirmation number down and memorize it. After passing away, provide this number the to authorities at Pearly Gate.
Note that you cannot take anything with you, including your own body. It is very important that you memorize the number.

Thank you internet...

By Matt the heathen (not verified) on 07 Mar 2007 #permalink

Does the "Mortal Sinner Package" cover atheism? I might just be up for one them, if it does. (If it's good enough for Pascal, who am I to complain?)

By Graham Douglas (not verified) on 07 Mar 2007 #permalink

Too funny. I wish I were more of a sinner, but it's hard when you don't believe in "sin". Those cards would make mighty fine bumper stickers, though.

I'll buy a plan, since it provides coverage athyests and librils, but I am still paying off my reincarnation coverage. (I take Pascal's Wager seriously.)

I'll stick with my "Get out of Hell Free" cards from www.THISISTRUE.com. Whether I believe or not, the cards have the great byproduct of making people with a sense of humor, religious or not, laugh.

Payment Instructions:
Our services are 100% free of charge. Simply click on one of the ads of our brainwashers to your right, close your eyes, clap your hands 3 times and sing 'halellujah'.

Althought we keep no record of whether you clicked or not, please remember that you cannot lie to Our Lord and at the same time expect to receive our services, therefore we strongly suggest to click to avoid further consequencies.

Click here for the transaction receipt.

Another work of genius. Where do you FIND THESE THINGS?!?

uh oh. Here's a problem: No bodily resurrection. Of course, this MAY have been changed on the website since The Lost Tomb of Jesus aired... can't have our facts wrong can we? ;)

Note that you cannot take anything with you, including your own body. It is very important that you memorize the number.


they cover atheists, people who are a little bit different, and they have a pic of Bin Laden.
I found this website yesterday when I was surfing for kicks...
Did you know there is actually a christ.com? I have not checked allah, vishnu and co., but something tells me I am not going to find a Mohamad.com....

Yes the "Quick Confession" is way cool.

"Payment Instructions:
Our services are 100% free of charge. Simply click on one of the ads of our brainwashers to your right, close your eyes, clap your hands 3 times and sing 'halellujah'."

I did click through all of the google ads, hopefully to provide the FaithBrokers wizzards with some income at the expense of the whacko Christian organizations behind the target sites. This target, Kelowna Christian Center, is a must see comparative site. Maybe the clever folks at FaithBrokers shortchanged us on the godly music and heavenly chimes, but for everything else -- priceless.

Where is the carbon foot print sin card?

By The Physicist (not verified) on 07 Mar 2007 #permalink

As far as carbon foot print and global warming, I see this problem. We have the left saying we are kill a bunch of people, while simultaneously claiming that the world is over populated, therefore missing the crucial point, that if mans activities are causing catastrophe, then it is just nature taking its course. So what's the big deal?

Then on the right, you have those who believe the left is using global warming as a scam to tear down borders and redistribute wealth while creating a New World order under th auspice of the UN. All the while it is the right (neo-con) trying to build a new world order by spreading democracy and cooperate exploitation of the working class by going to countries who will provide the slave labor.

I think they are all liars every damn one of them.

By The Physicist (not verified) on 07 Mar 2007 #permalink

You really don't make alot of sense.

"Liberals" would like to leave a better world for their children.
Not one that will make them sick and kill them.
Not a hard concept to grasp.

Environmentalists have no problem with corporations profiting from
greener practices. Cleaner fuels, renewable energy... they sell, we buy.
They just have to step up and do it.

The otherside figures they wont' be around for the impact so why not
make a profit on what they already have cornered.


Didn't you know? You don't take your body with you because you get a new perfected body in Heaven. I am NOT joking. Some of the religious wingnuts actually believe this one.

By Heather Kuhn (not verified) on 07 Mar 2007 #permalink