Did I say it was St Patrick's Day? I was mistaken…it is actually AIR KRAKEN DAY!

While you're celebrating with excessive imbibage today, keep scanning the skies—about the time you fall over backwards and your eyes are glazing and defocusing, you might just spot the fabulous air kraken gliding overhead.
It's been a light week for cephalopod art, and I just have a few more examples below the fold.
Someone in Hawaii needs to find this, buy it, and ship it to me:
This splendid image is actually how I see myself—it's very revealing.
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Air kraken looks like he is about to avenge centuries of oppression by the limey bastards.
They are all very good. What is the best "paper" material for underwater books though? It also looks very much as if the naughty shark has snapped that pencil.
I just recently read The Kraken Wakes by John Wyndham. I can only presume that is what this refers to. In the book, red orbs from outer space fall into deep ocean trenches. Then, from those trenches, the human race is attacked by intergalactic squid with their sea tanks and sticky tentacles.
Sky Kraken. Fear.
I sent you a bit of political cephelart the other day. Or at least, I thought I did. Second cartoon from the top at HYPNOCRITES. (Comments here won't take images). It's two different octopi (pl?), Octopus vulgaris and Octopus REALLY vulgaris.
I'm afraid I have terrible news.
I was right where that picture was taken just today (had to go somewhere after hitting Foyles' for more books) and there was no squid in the sky, just a giant floating sperm whale.
Nature is harsh sometimes.
What wonderful colorful art of the octopus reading the books! Oh, all the books one could hold with those tentacles. Then one would just need extra sets of eyes for reading.
Why? Don't you know that cephalopod eyes are vastly superior to chordate eyes?
I guess we'll be in good shape then, Science Pundit!
that top one looks like a scene from "Hellboy".
..which, coincidentally, I just now found playing on the FX channel.
London without rain, how stupid they think we are?
You want cephalopod art? We got cephalopod folk art.
my god i somehow want to express my love for Air Kraken!
and also frank zappa
Mighty fine art, PZ. The Air Cracken is pure genius.
Happy birthday, too!
The sepia tone is a nice touch.
Lindsay: do not offend the Kraken by misspelling it's name.
The sepia tones in the first picture reminds me of the glory of Guinness... Or perhaps I've had too many this fine St. Paddy's Day! Damn my Irish heritage and too much beer and whiskey!
Responding on blogs when drunk is a sad, pathetic activity, isn't it? Almost as pathetic as making pro-ID comments...
I wonder if a literate cephalopod could read a different book with each eye ...