Don't nuke the colossal squid!

It'll make it all rubbery!

I hadn't realized that there were microwave ovens around capable of handling a half-ton of meat.

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I don't know how they can manage not to cook the thing. I have trouble just defrosting a chicken breast fillet without the borders getting cooked.

Great. Now they're going to require a gigantic paper towel.

This frakkin' squid is worse than The Pearl and If You Give A Mouse A Cookie combined.

Well, if it all goes wrong, they get in the Guinness Book of Records for the largest ever portion of calamari.

Geez, haven't they seen any monster movies from the 50's? The moment you irradiate an animal, it becomes gigantic and rampages across cities. Imagine what will happen when you do this to a creature that's 'colossal' to being with!

(And don't tell me it's not a problem 'cause it's already dead. That's what they thought about the Beast From 20,000 Fathoms.)

Speaking of squid, I noticed yesterday that my local Wal-Mart is now selling Squid Soap. Fun for all!

>>Imagine what will happen when you do this to a creature that's 'colossal' to being with!

It will shrink. :) "Honey, I Shrunk the Squid" doesn't sound like a good movie title, though.

By Commissar Dragunov (not verified) on 22 Mar 2007 #permalink

Sorry if this ends up being a double or triple post, but I'm having problems getting this comment to appear. Anyway...

I'm not a biologist, so somebody tell me why they couldn't just put the squid in a big tub of formaldehyde and let it defrost in there. Wouldn't the formaldehyde keep the outer parts from rotting while the inner parts were thawing? Or is there a good reason why this can't be done?

I can't get the video to work, but anyway, how can anyone think this is good solution? It seems like a bad idea to take a risk on such a priceless specimen.

Favorite quote from the article:
"calamari rings made from it would be like tractor tyres"

8-) !

By Eamon Knight (not verified) on 22 Mar 2007 #permalink

How do you think these people get kauri boardsdown to useable moisture content?

fusilier, who'd love to spend the next year planing THAT suckah with a L-N 40 1/2
James 2:24

I guess they aren't going to use a vat of ethylene glycol or propylene glycol solution to do this?

By Dark Matter (not verified) on 22 Mar 2007 #permalink

gg: "Geez, haven't they seen any monster movies from the 50's? The moment you irradiate an animal, it becomes gigantic and rampages across cities. Imagine what will happen when you do this to a creature that's 'colossal' to being with!"

Oh no - I live in a city in New Zealand. You've got me worried now - how do I protect myself?

Ah, but Ptaylor it won't be a problem. We're nuclear free remember? Radioactive mutant squid would be illegal, so it would just have to go and bother the Australians.

Colossal Squid is the new Jumbo Shrimp. I'll have mine breaded, thanks.

By Occam's Electr… (not verified) on 23 Mar 2007 #permalink

Ptaylor wrote: "Oh no - I live in a city in New Zealand. You've got me worried now - how do I protect myself?"

Well, I would say, "You're in my prayers," but this is REALLY the wrong blog for that.

Maybe somebody could also irradiate a sperm whale to defeat the colossal squid. Of course, then you'd have a giant sperm whale to deal with.

Oh no - I live in a city in New Zealand. You've got me worried now - how do I protect myself?

By not going to Tokyo. Ever.

By David Marjanović (not verified) on 23 Mar 2007 #permalink

...then you'd have a giant sperm whale to deal with

Irradiate godzilla.


Oh no - I live in a city in New Zealand. You've got me worried now - how do I protect myself?

By not going to Tokyo. Ever.

By David Marjanović (not verified) on 23 Mar 2007 #permalink