Trolls In Cyberspace!

Oh, no! What will happen to our intrepid commenter?


You'll have to read My Confined Space to find out!


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A troll up the ass is very unpleasant...

Oops. I gave it away.

The guy must be a creationist, since anyone who disagrees with him is a troll and he's whining for the moderator.

I want to be one of those cool-looking demonic trolls. :: lick, lick... ::

By Tukla in Iowa (not verified) on 28 Mar 2007 #permalink

I can't help but think of a particular Sluggy Freelance strip:
Command, we need a proctologist now!

The guy must be a creationist, since anyone who disagrees with him is a troll and he's whining for the moderator.

Yeah, pretty much the definition of "troll" is not having any valid points, and the definition of "rational discourse" is not "echo chamber". I'd be tempted to say the subject is a neocon, rather than a creationist, but there aren't that many reich-wing blogs that allow comments.