Those wicked farkers have taken this charming photo of a clutch of innocent cephalopod embryos and … and … oh, I cannot even describe the perversities they have wreaked upon them.
Do you think if I work up a good head of outrage, I'll be able to get on Fox News, get a few people fired, and shut down the obscene display? Billy Donohue, if you're reading this, give me a call … I need tips.
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I have to wait a while for breakfast, now. I think Donohue would happily join you in being offended at that one. This is just another volley in the War Against Cephalopodmas.
I enjoyed the one with Beaker-heads the most.
the are so cute! I have photoshop... I'm going to see what I can come up with!
This offends me!
I have to agree.
What's fun about this photoshop bonanza is seeing just how many fictional characters need little editing to look like the baby octopi. Too bad that one guy didn't understand and called them squid.
My favorite is the one with they're turned into jelly beans. Mmm.
The Brittney Spears one was fabulous.
The folks at PETA could help you: they are pretty good at generating unthinking rage, and they already support animal related causes...
I like Caravaggio's Supper at Emmaus best... The irreverence factor! I specially like the part of the Flying Spaghetti Monster touching Octo-christ.