When you see a car labeled with creationist slogans parked, don't you expect to see a dozen guys with floppy shoes and big red rubber noses pop out of it?

(I think the fellow in this picture is mocking the car, so don't laugh at him if you see him in public.)
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Hey, that's Salvador's car!
What a horrible, horrible fate for an Escort.
Is there some symbolism to making the gas port a globe?
That would be a more obvious conclusion if he had used a different choice of fingers.
The "Georgetown University" sticker on the back window does not fit the general theme.
I´m sure the vehicle in question isn´t powered by "fossil" fuels, that would be inconsistent, or not?
I want to leave a note under the wiper that says,
You're wrong.
I would say that ignorance is bliss, but, in the case of that car, it's just sad.
I think that the woodpecker drawing beside the "Intelligent Design" caption symbolizes how hard-headed IDiots keep hammering away at the same point only to make a deeper and deeper hole for themselves.
Car: Piece of shit.
Paint job: Load of old shit.
Contents of owner's mind: Three day old freshly stirred sun dried pig shit.
Hmmm I'm beginning to see a pattern!
P.S. I know I shouldn't be hard on them but hey, dumb can only be tolerated so far. Better slogan "Creationism: The fossils say "you're shitting me, right?"
I´m sure the vehicle in question isn´t powered by "fossil" fuels, that would be inconsistent, or not?
It would not be inconsistent. Nothing is inconsistent. They can have whatever they want. Maybe the flood turned the fossils into fuels or something like that. Who freaking knows, man. Have a nice day.
People, people, people: God made the earth with the oil already in it because he knew we'd need it. Now, why it's none of it under Israel ... well, I'm sure there's reason. There always is.
I think it's hilarious when creationists use the "Evolution is a fairy tale for grown-ups" line... especially considering the story they believe.
On the contrary, shit may eventually become quite a good compost.
This owner's mind will not become anything save more useless.
Please, please, consider value of shit before you speak. Some of us pay big money for it. :-)
People, people, people: God made the earth with the oil already in it because he knew we'd need it.
Thanks. I always thought it caused by the fossil frictions due to the turbulence of the big flood waters. Thanks for clearing that one up.
I'm surprised that Pinkoski's car is that nice!
2003 Ford Escort: $12,000
Paint Job: $800
Having a picture your car on the internet where everyone can make fun of what a dumbass you are: Priceless.
From Carl Zimmer's blog:
'At the same time, the macaque genome promised to bring human evolution into sharper focus. Humans, chimpanzees, and macaques share an ancestor that lived 25 million years ago. Imagine that you discover that the gene I just mentioned is AAAC in macaques. The simplest explanation for the three versions of the gene is that the ancestor had AAAC, which macaques and chimpanzees inherited. Only in humans did it flip to AAAT. Now imagine that you can make this sort of judgment on all of the roughly 18,000 genes in the human genome.
The macaque genome team has published three papers in the journal Science, along with a dedicated web site. The papers are the latest in a long series of papers that show how intimately intertwined evolutionary biology and medical research have become (despite unfounded claims to the contrary). You just need to look at the title of the lead paper: "Evolutionary and biomedical insights from the rhesus macaque genome."' (Thanks, Carl.)
We need stickers with this printed on them, for sticking on cars like that, or even on those just sporting the fish symbol. Or better still, on the foreheads of the Gumbies that drive them.
"People, people, people: God made the earth with the oil already in it because he knew we'd need it.
Thanks. I always thought it caused by the fossil frictions due to the turbulence of the big flood waters. Thanks for clearing that one up."
Clearly, both of you are just evolutionist shills. The obvious truth is that the word "fossil fuels" is part of the Darwinist/global warming hoax. See, they want you to believe it is carbon based so they can destroy the economy and America, that bastion of Christ's WORD. SOOO, to break our resolve they created the lie of evolution to undermine GOD. Following me? Good. The real answer is this, "fossil fuels" are actually the Holy Ghost at high viscosity. I believe you will find my logic irrefutable, gentlemen. I bid you adieu.
Yes it does.
"I want to leave a note under the wiper that says,
You're wrong.
Really, I would rather spray paint it or use some silly string.
I've seen worse.
"The fossils say no," but maybe the fossils are just playing hard to get. ;-)
Oh wow, something I submitted shows up! This thing is truly horrible. If I were a slightly less ethical person I'd almost be inclined to sacrifice my car by ramming it and taking one for humanity. Also, you've got to love the Intelligent Design "logo" next to the woodpecker. How random.
Nah, I think the note from God should be on paper. Faux-parchment paper with the note written in flawless calligraphy.
I heard Benedict is gonna repaint the Popemobile to look like this.
At least he's already got the guys in clown suits to go with it.
Nah, oil doesn't come from old fossils; oil is abiotic! We create oil every day.
Sheesh. How come I'm the only one who gets it?
(Disclaimer: I'm not serious. This is one of the stoooopidest theories I've ever heard. And using WND as one of your primary sources doesn't help credibility.)
"The fossils say no," but maybe the fossils are just playing hard to get. ;-)
Just ask any paleontologist.
Anyway, Kristine always brings a winner to the comments.
The seemingly random woodpecker is probably a reference to the idea that the woodpecker's tongue supposedly must have been designed (based on a misunderstanding of how said tongue works). Though the sticker is excellently preadapted for the additional function of encouraging a hearty "Ha-ha-ha-HA-ha, ha-ha-ha-HA-ha" from viewers.
I'm curious about the license plate. NOPRIM8? Obviously they don't think humans are related to other primates, but if you're going to exclude humans from the order primata based on that, wouldn't you have to throw out the concept of classifying lifeforms in those kinds of groups although? After all, according to creationists, none of them are really related to each other. Do the ID advocates use phyla, classes, order, etc.? This actually piques my curiosity.
Sakurai: Who needs Taxonomy when you have Baraminology...
Well, he or she may have gone to Georgetown, but his or her vanity plate ("NOPRIM8") is from Clarke County, Georgia, home of the University of Georgia. Probably faculty.
What's the animal on the hood? It looks like a blue raccoon.
Aha! This explains all the new comments on my flickr pictures.
The guy in the picture is(was? - I haven't kept up with him since this picture was taken) a graduate student in anthropology at the University of Georgia. The car was parked on the main drag between downtown and campus in Athens. It was parked directly in front of a bar in which the anthropology students were having a happy hour. They eventually all made it out to the sidewalk to hoot and holler at the funny car.
From what I've heard from locals since taking the picture, the owner of the car is one of those guys who likes to stand on the corner with a sign on Friday and/or Saturday nights and try to convert the poor drunk heathen college students. I've never seen or met him.
Oh, and no idea about the Georgetown sticker.
Above the headlights it says "Evolution is a fairy tale for grownups".
Does that make creationism a fairy tale for children?
What a creepy stalker.
Pssst. We don't care. You're a boring broken record.
Nah, I think the note from God should be on paper. Faux-parchment paper with the note written in flawless calligraphy.
Posted by: Rey Fox
I was going to suggest stone tablet but I don't want to be misconstrued as advocating a smashed windshield.
Er, what?
This is EXACTLY why these doofoids are 'winning'. They'll stop at nothing to get more people to think their way. This gag, while laughable to more intelligent people, will stick in someone's head a lot longer than reading a dissertation on the web.
We should borrow this gimmick. Or post signs over freeway bridges (like http://www.freewayblogger.com/howto.htm). Spread fliers. Anything short of spamming people (that's going way too far, no matter what).
You're banned because you're an annoying douche bag.
Even IF you're not Davison... you link or post crap about
him every time you manage to get on.
We don't care. You don't engage in debate at all. You're a ranting troll.
Don't ask, Brownian. Really.
Hey, Spirula - Creationist lips may say, "No, no," but there's "Yes, yes" in their lies! ;-)
Maybe I'm in the minority, but I actually like it when the creationists let their freak flag fly.
Give me more museums with scale models of Noah's ark, and drawings of dinosaurs across the lake from humans. More cars like this one.
V-M, I read that thread late last night and began composing a response, but scrapped it for reasons I have subsequently explained on that thread. I admit I'm a little puzzled by the lack of response to your Davison-free posts, but that could be due entirely to my own shallow grasp of evolutionary biology.
notthedroids - yes! People like Egnor worry me because they have a strong aura of credibility surrounding them; they can say what they want, dress it up in sciency eloquence, and reasonably intelligent but under-educated people will be vulnerable to his charms. Krazy Kars aren't going to win over too many fence-sitters who take any pride in using their heads.
"I'm curious about the license plate. NOPRIM8?"
Probably just means "NOMONKY" was taken. And substituting numbers for phonemes is about as high as religious humor gets.
I´m sure the vehicle in question isn´t powered by "fossil" fuels, that would be inconsistent, or not?
Ahem.. I believe these vehicles are "Soular Powered By The Son".
A bud and I saw a car like this once. It was a bit less specific in its nuttiness but the overall effect was similar. And one of the things on it was a magnetic bumper sticker with the aforementioned "Soular Powered..." quote on it. I believe my man has that thing on his fridge to this day.
Anyways, am I way too much of a gearhead or is "Front Passenger Body Panel" really preferred over "Right Fender" these days?
Perhaps we could arrange for this creationist car to star in a video like the one Citroen used for one of its cars - only at the end of the dance sequence, the transformerbot it turns into walks into a paint spray shop, comes out a nice metallic silver with a "DEMBSKI KISS MY ***" sticker on the rear (displayed courtesy of a Beyonce style booty shake) and says "aah, that's better" ...
For those who haven't seen it, here's the Citroen original:
and here's a mickey take version that is probably closer to the state of the art of creationist thinking:
Photo looks like a failed attempt to "do a Lynndie".
Better luck next time, guy on the internet!
It's never been explained so well or illustrated so clearly. Lord, I believe.
Well it won't win any paint awards on the car show circuit. Unfortunately it won't win any awards for intelligence either. Could this car be, in fact, the official transportation of (in historic irony) the Darwin Award?
Actually, I really appreciate the car's owner's efforts. It serves a very responsible, very public purpose: "Warning. Driver engaged in faith-based steering."
Please post the state in which the picture was taken. I'm staying away.
Fortunately, the artist Ray Troll has provided us with an answer to this paltry creationist car--the "Evolvo!"
Nah, the car probably belongs to a very outspoken evolutionist, and the paint job you see is the result of a roving band of creationist hooligans who decided to vandalize it.
Faux-parchment paper with the note written in flawless calligraphy.
Posted by: Rey Fox
God would not use "faux" anything.
Real parchement is available online, should anyone have such a welcome opportunity.
Calligraphy lessons extra.
Oh Carl Zimmer, I found a fossil that says humans share ancestors with tree shrews 26 million years ago. Who is Mr. Smarty Pants now?
Amy Watts, this was also posted on Reddit earlier today, so the images are spreading around the internet like mad. Chances are Digg is sending visitors too. Prepare to be virtually famous, and thanks for the photos!
Now, why it's none of it under Israel ... well, I'm sure there's reason.
God doesn't really care about Israel.
In His Eternal Ledger, all oil is divided into three major, ahem, baramins: Texacovian, Shellian and Exxon-Mobilian.
Question ye not this Divine Order, lest ye be stranded roadside.
Creationist clown car
Sounds like a band name.
Certainly. After all, these categories (well, not the phylum specifically, but I digress) were invented in the middle 18th century and supposed to mirror God's Plan of Creation.
In fact, they are a hindrance; they mislead people into believing two orders are somehow comparable because they are orders (read: because someone has written that they are orders). Modern phylogenetic nomenclature can do entirely without them, and usually does. We don't lose anything if we don't call Primates an order.
Phonemes are not letters. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phoneme
Probably has something to do with the fact that Israel isn't diving under the Zagros mountains.
Okay, how about "substituting numbers for the letters that constitute homonymous phonemes"?
Dang, I was kind of hoping it was inspired by this Top Gear episode where slogans were painted on beater cars as a dare to see how the locals would react.
Except I'd assume most of the people the "Creationist car" owner think they're offending would simply point and laugh (or post pictures on their blogs) instead of throw rocks.
No, letters don't constitute phonemes. (They might represent them... but English really stretches it.) Why not just "substituting numbers for letters"? :-)
Because that would presume a one-to-one relationship, whereas the number 8 in this case represents the letters "ate", which, together. Which I guess is actually just a combination of phonemes (long a and whatever actual linguists call the 't' sound). But never mind.
An ordinary [t], and a diphthong that most would write [eɪ], with no relation to [aː] other than a historical one. Alright, I'll stop nitpicking already! Promised! :-Þ
Certainly. After all, these categories (well, not the phylum specifically, but I digress) were invented in the middle 18th century and supposed to mirror God's Plan of Creation.
In fact, they are a hindrance; they mislead people into believing two orders are somehow comparable because they are orders (read: because someone has written that they are orders). Modern phylogenetic nomenclature can do entirely without them, and usually does. We don't lose anything if we don't call Primates an order.
Phonemes are not letters. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phoneme
Probably has something to do with the fact that Israel isn't diving under the Zagros mountains.
No, letters don't constitute phonemes. (They might represent them... but English really stretches it.) Why not just "substituting numbers for letters"? :-)
An ordinary [t], and a diphthong that most would write [eɪ], with no relation to [aː] other than a historical one. Alright, I'll stop nitpicking already! Promised! :-Þ