Another chance for Twin Cities residents

If you missed it when the Bell Museum showed it, you've got another shot now: the Anthropology Club at UMTC is showing Flock of Dodos on Thursday, 19 April.

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You should mark your calendars now…oh, wait, you're all godless neodarwinist stooges, so you've already got Darwin Day colored in with circles and arrows and hearts. OK, so you should add an annotation if you live somewhere near Minneapolis, because the Bell Museum is sponsoring a special Darwin…
Just in case anyone sensible in the Minneapolis/St Paul area feels like exposing yourself to the wild and crazy world of Minnesota creationism, here are the events coming up in February. On the 17th, you can attend the creation science fair in the Har Mar Mall, and you can drop in to the Christian…
Everyone wants to know what I'm doing in Philly this week. Me, too! Here's everything I know so far. I'm flying in on Wednesday morning, 19 November. At 5pm, I'm giving a talk on science blogging at the Kelly Writers house on the U Penn campus. Thursday, 20 November, is the big event: Janet…

Why can't a copy slip out to the web and let me pirate one?

By John Q. Thiefypants (not verified) on 14 Apr 2007 #permalink

Hemant Mehta, the atheist who sold his soul on eBay will also be speaking at the Roseville Public Library in Roseville, Minnesota. Starts at 1:00 pm on Sunday, April 15, 2007.

Just a heads up for the locals.