Mark Trail does squid

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Squid are cute. Tasty too!

By afterthought (not verified) on 17 Apr 2007 #permalink

Perhaps the Comics Curmudgeon would find courage if he was wearing a WELCOME SQUID OVERLORDS t-shirt :)

By Mosasaurus rex (not verified) on 17 Apr 2007 #permalink

Victorian squid are a delight for all the family.

By Christian Burnham (not verified) on 17 Apr 2007 #permalink

My two absolute favourite blogs come together! I am leaping out of the sea and jetting ink about in delight!

If only there was some way of having some sort of weekly feature, say on a Friday, that was devoted to Cephalopods in some way, and this week it featured some insightful commentary about the Mark Trail portrayal of squid. That would be awesome beyond words.

Well, according to one exam I just graded squids have "an exoskeleton and an internal and external shell", so it might hurt when they fall on you after leaping from the water.

Well, according to one exam I just graded squids have "an exoskeleton and an internal and external shell", so it might hurt when they fall on you after leaping from the water.

All that and they can still fly! The Spruce Goose is green with envy!

By afterthought (not verified) on 17 Apr 2007 #permalink

But is it flying, or flying-squirrel-like gliding, or more like Buzz Lightyear's falling with style?

ben, I hope you cleaned up after yourself...

Mark trail is an idiot. Never mind that he calls SCUBA gear an "Oxygen tank", but when he discovers an criminal scheme with enough evidence to convict, not only does he not tell the insurance co., he doesn't tell the police either. No, he sets a great example by going after the bad guy and tells no one. Maybe I'm the idiot for even knowing this. If it weren't for "In the Bleachers" I wouldn't even open the "sports" section.

By TomDunlap (not verified) on 18 Apr 2007 #permalink