I tried to help out the "Darwin is Dead" carnival by promoting it, but to no avail—one of the most patently absurd anti-evolution efforts has apparently met its demise. I'm not sure how anyone could tell, though—it was pretty much brain-dead on arrival.
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My schadenfreude will know no limits when the DI goes the same way. Shouldn't we prepare some kind of online celebration for the day (cuz it will come, mark my words) when that happens? Perhaps a carnival to the honour of excellent transitional fossils, or something like that (All fossils are transitional fossils, but you get my idea)...
Terri Schiavo and those acephalic kittens were brain-dead, too, but that didn't stop the guv'mint from intervening.
I think a worldwide day of celebration would be in order. With lots of good music, naturally.
Oh, and PZ? They finally have a "cat macro" that's just right for you: cat and squid
Even if they resurrect the carnival, perhaps as "Darwin has now gone to the fjords and become a fossil", science still wins - Darwin was transitional. :-)
My schadenfreude will know no limits when the DI goes the same way.
The DI is going to be around for a while yet. I don't bet on it going away any time soon.
However, someday it's going to collapse and on that day I say, everyone in Seattle grab the papers from the DI's garbage, because they won't have time to shred it all, and I want it. ;-)
I dreamed I saw CHarles Darwin last night,
Alive as you or me.
Keep that up and you won't be invited to sing at the DI or Walter Reed.
News Flash: Isaac Newton is also dead.
The laws of classical physics will surely collapse anytime now. Please avoid going near bridges and tall buidings.
All these great men, dead and buried - and yet Schrödinger's Cat still lives! Oh bitter irony!
Kristine: I think PZ posted a rumour here of the DI having pretty tight finances a couple of weeks ago.... perhaps I WANTED it to be true a little too much. The ironical thing is, though - old-skool creationists like Answers in Genesis recieve much bigger funding than the DI and it's sneky tactics. To be honest, I'm not quite sure which is the worst - sheer lunacy, or badly polished pseudo-science.
(Oh, and by the way - there are other rumours circulating here, namely that you are a witch. I think you should be aware of them, lest you be burned at the stake. ;-P )
*typo* sneaky, that is
Are you sure?
I'm actually kind of sad about this. Unintentional humor is usually the best.
Like yesterday, I was reading a rant on a Dallas Mavericks' blog, complaining about what crappy "roll models" the Warriors were.
I just laughed and laughed.
I told him I stopped reading right there, and asked him if he wanted some honey on his roll.
I mean, they published parodies, and didn't recognize them as parodies. That's solid gold, man.
Well, um, among other things.
Only because you cheated and peeked! Way to ruin a thought experiment, you jerk.
I'm sorry. I... I wasn't thinking!
However, In the interest of full disclosure, I should tell you that due to the inevitability of decay, the cat was down to two lives.
If we're talking radioactivity, shouldn't that be two half-lives?
The bats in Behe's Bell Tower
Have eaten all he's read.
There never was a Black Box.
Charles Darwin's Dead
Undead Undead Undead
Ahhh... bauhaus.
Thanks for the link! The hits at my new blog went through the roof, and I had a wonderful time looking to see where all my visitors came from. I have written about it, with a graph to show the effect of a Pharyngula link, at The Power of PZ.
Even if they resurrect the carnival, perhaps as "Darwin has now gone to the fjords and become a fossil", science still wins - Darwin was transitional. :-)
Well, um, among other things.