Photoshop unnecessary

In an exercise that will tempt photoshoppers world wide, but makes alteration superfluous, an Italian magazine has run a photogallery of the Pope in various strange costumes. I rather liked

cowboy Ratzi and the

grim leprechaun, but my favorite has to be

evil santa.

When I get to be old and sunken-eyed, I promise…I will dress comfortably and tastefully, put away the frilled shirts and the puffy pantaloons, and avoid wearing garish velvet. It's a good suggestion for both pirates and popes.


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Fancy that. The pope's ferret lined high-heels can be seen in the box to the right of the slideshow.

There's nothing like slipping your feet into a dead polecat to ease away those nagging theological doubts.

By christianjburn… (not verified) on 24 May 2007 #permalink

The old geezer sure has a lot of pretty dresses. And gaudy bling.

His smile is more disturbing than most men's scowls.

ROFL, Grim leprechaun? I kept hearing Monty Python's "bring out your dead" BTW though the photoshoping would indeed be superfluous, how about a funny caption contest? I was also reminded of a lucky shot someone took of the last pope on one of his visits to the Big Apple it was framed with the pope's head covering the "O" in the word donut as he rode by a sign on the street. I wish I had the link, it was priceless.

By Fernando Magyar (not verified) on 24 May 2007 #permalink

The one with the green vestments and the thurible just reminded me of that old punchline, "Dahhhling, your drag is divine, but your purse is on fire!"

By Bill Sheehan (not verified) on 24 May 2007 #permalink

Hilarious! Now, how about some pictures of blacks and Jews in funny poses?

And retards and ugly women.


Great fun.

By Humes Boys (not verified) on 24 May 2007 #permalink

Humes wrote:

Hilarious! Now, how about some pictures of blacks and Jews in funny poses? And retards and ugly women.

Interesting rhetorical trick. PZ makes fun of X. Replace X by Jews and suddenly PZ is shown up as being as bad as an anti-semite. Replace X by blacks and PZ may as well be a racist.

By that logic, if I say that 'I don't like M&M's', that's pretty much equivalent to me stating 'I don't like blacks and Jews'.

By Christianjburn… (not verified) on 24 May 2007 #permalink

How can you get up this bloody early?

PZ, you may not be sunken-eyed, but, sorry to say, you are old.


I know looks are a poor metric for judging character, but man that is one evil looking bastard.

By Darrell E (not verified) on 24 May 2007 #permalink

When I get to be old and sunken-eyed, I promise...I will dress comfortably and tastefully

But a long silk dress is wonderful for lounging in.

I read this morning in my local paper that while in Brazil the idiot said something to the effect that what Europeans had done to indigenous peoples in Southamerica was fine since they all wanted to be introduced to Jeebus and just didn't know it. I think that is one of the most outrageous neocolonialist racist remarks ever uttered by anyone in the catholic hierarchy in recent memory. Under what rocks are they finding these dinosaurs ?

Clothes make the man.

Clothes make the man seem oh-so-important to all those brainwashed people.

Manipulative bastard!

By CalGeorge (not verified) on 24 May 2007 #permalink

Your "Evil Santa" reminded me of a Gahan Wilson cartoon:
an almost vampiric Santa louring over a terrified boy, and saying, "Willie, I hear you've been a very naughty boy."

By Elliott Grasett (not verified) on 24 May 2007 #permalink

I will dress comfortably and tastefully, put away the frilled shirts and the puffy pantaloons, and avoid wearing garish velvet. It's a good suggestion for both pirates and popes.

Popes, yes, I'll grant you that. But frilly shirts are okay for old, sunken-eyed pirates, and anyway, pirates get to wear whatever the hell they want. Nobody's going to say, "Hey, Edward Teach, you look creepy in that getup." They're going to say, "Please don't hurt me, sir."

By Chinchillazilla (not verified) on 24 May 2007 #permalink

It's Papal Paper Doll Dressup Time!

What a fun product that could be. And i'd finally know what to give my half-sister and her kids, who recently converted to Catholocism. So much better than Border's giftcards!

Wow, the pope is a dead ringer for a lich.

By commissarjs (not verified) on 24 May 2007 #permalink

The photo of the Pope in today's Pioneer Press (not sure of the source) is terrifying. Reminds me of Darth Sidious or Lord Sadler (from Resident Evil 4). I wouldn't want them to choose their Pope by looks, but definitely don't choose a man who looks like evil itself.

By Kele Cable (not verified) on 24 May 2007 #permalink

This pope had always reminded me of someone, someone sinister and evil, but I couldn't think of who. When I told my brother this, he replied, "The Penguin! From Batman!"

He was right.

By kellbelle1020 (not verified) on 24 May 2007 #permalink

You know, the cape in picture 7 used to be worn by bishops before the 2nd Vatican Council. He wears a style of palium (the strip of cloth with red crosses, over his shoulders in picture 4) in a style that hadn't been used for several centuries. He is also wearing the camauro (the "Santa hat") and red shoes that were eschewed by the previous popes. Even for a Catholic, he is in the backward end of the sepctrum. I wouldn't be surprised if all of the sudden he decided to bring back the use of the tiara (the triple crown, the symbol of the papal monarchy).

Man you guys are proper numpties

By Non Imous (not verified) on 24 May 2007 #permalink

First, let me say that I thought the pictures were hilarious. I don't have a stick up my ass; I laughed at Evil Santa with the rest of you. But I have to ask, though...
Why are you making fun of what the guy wears? I mean, I read this blog because, well, I like hearing well-thought out arguments, and I agree with a lot of the ones here (especially those dealing with evolution). But this didn't refute something he said, didn't argue against a policy of his... just said he wears funny clothing for photo ops.
Of course I'm saying this as a Catholic, so I realize that this isn't really my area to get involved in as a righteous defender against ad hominem arguments, but I'd just like to hear what other people have to say.

The juxtaposition of the "holiest man on earth" looking like an evil gnome is hilarious. Does it really need to be deeper than that?

I mean, no one here is saying "I've rejected Christianity on account of the pope wears weird clothes" or "I disagree with the pope's X statement because he looks dumb".

By kellbelle1020 (not verified) on 24 May 2007 #permalink

Tight threads! Ratzi be pimpin' yo. Rollin' in da popemobile. Holla!

jeez, Maya. Familiar with the concept of "fun"?

Who does her hair?

is it just me or does the "evil santa" photo look like the Emperor from Star Wars?

Every picture of the Pope looks like the Emperor from Star Wars.