Aww, we knew him when...

Blake Stacey has taken the first step towards becoming another Mike Godwin or Bruce Salem*: Blake's Law has a Wikipedia page.

*Relative obscurity, known only for a kneejerk phrase on the web?

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And the Wikipedia entry cites PZ as some kind of trafficker or something. Trafficker in terminology?

And congrats to Blake, now semi-famous forever.

Taking bets on how long before it gets proposed for deletion for non-notability?

Why not Stacey's Law? Too girly?


I was thinking "less than a day", actually. If it were anybody else's Law, my vote (or !vote, or whatever they're called) would be a merge to some other article.

Zombie's right - it won't last very long. But thanks to Bronze Dog, it will probably have to go through AFD, which it give it 5 days post-nomination. Pharyngula is a start - now could we get Dawkins to use it? Maybe someone here has a gig with NYTimes? Anyone? :)

Taking bets on how long before it gets proposed for deletion for non-notability?

too late. it's already been marked as such.

I dunno; the problem with his law as currently formulated, is that (unlike Godwin's Law) it does not have the element of time and/or amount of discussion altering the probability.

Here's Blakes law from wikipedia:
"In any discussion of atheism (skepticism, etc.), the probability that someone will compare a vocal atheist to religious fundamentalists increases to one."

It's missing the cause-and-effect element. Should be something like "As the length of any discussion of atheism grows, the probablility ..." (And it really should be "approaches one")

It might be better to propose it as "Blake's corollary" to Godwin's law, and adopt that law's cause-and-effect structure.

Someone needs to book you on The Colbert Report; do you have a book to promote? (remember: publish or perish) It's only a matter of time before there are wanton PZ groupies, or do you have to fend off co-eds by the dozens already? Pygmies and dwarves(bwa haa haw)...

Some people just don't understand what wikipedia is for.  I've made up terms before, and they aren't on wikipedia either.  They kind of have to catch on first.

I thought Bruce was best known for his back yard: Salem's Lot.

By Peter McGrath (not verified) on 17 Jul 2007 #permalink

Not bad for a head popping thought. I hope the meme doesn't go extinct. (Especially if the unwikifying will occur - it should be a constraint on discussions.)

Btw, there is a 'corollary' to ""Blake's corollary" to Godwin's law": As the accumulated length of any office walks grows, the probability that a head pop occurs approaches one. :-P

By Torbjörn Larsson, OM (not verified) on 17 Jul 2007 #permalink

Blake's awesomeness knows no bounds! Outside of Wikipedia, I mean.

I'd bat my eyelashes, or something, if I, you know, like, did that.

Shouldn't the entry read "frequent commentator and Order of the Molly recipient Blake Stacey"?
Someone with a Wikipedia account fix that, will 'ya? I'm too lazy to register.

Make that MEMBER of the Order of Molly. Or maybe recipient of the Molly Award.

I just looked now, and thought "Wow, that's incredibly conceited of PZ, to put this post up which links to the Pharyngula wiki entry". Then I checked: they've just merged the entries. Poor Blake, being assimilated into the Pharyngula mind-hive.

Someone with a Wikipedia account fix that, will 'ya? I'm too lazy to register.

And then go through the Pharyngula page and change all the spellings of Myers. It's just not right, having so many correct spellings in one place.


"Relative obscurity, known only for a kneejerk phrase on the web?"

With apologies to Peter McGrath, you're saying that this is Salem's lot in life?

By Ginger Yellow (not verified) on 17 Jul 2007 #permalink

Ginger: chapeau!

By Peter McGrath (not verified) on 17 Jul 2007 #permalink

Not bad for a head popping thought. I hope the meme doesn't go extinct. (Especially if the unwikifying will occur - it should be a constraint on discussions.)

Btw, there is a 'corollary' to ""Blake's corollary" to Godwin's law": As the accumulated length of any office walks grows, the probability that a head pop occurs approaches one. :-P

By Torbjörn Larsson, OM (not verified) on 17 Jul 2007 #permalink