The Pharyngula chat room has moved

Urgent news for the chatty among you: Skatje tells me the Pharyngula chat room has been playing musical chairs lately, and it is now located on channel #pharyngula on If you want to try it out, just click on the link above, and it'll launch a java-based irc client and you can type away in real time to human beings.

Creationists and fundies are especially welcome to go witness to the regulars.

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In case anyone's wondering why we moved, this sums it up.
Basically, the new network is the old one, minus one rogue admin and his server, which is all that remains of the old network now.

Creationists and fundies are especially welcome to go witness to the regulars.

That is a horrible thing to say, but I can't tell whom that is actually meaner to: the creofundies or the Pharyngula fans.

Bah, I'm stuck behind a nasty firewall in Linux chatty :(