Chris Clarke: Criminally inoffensive

Well, I'm afraid we're going to have to start a blog war with Creek Running North since he is neglecting his bloggy duties by shunning blog wars. It's Catch-22, man—refusing to feud is an insult that instigates a feud.

Does he really imagine that people might read his writing simply because they like his writing, without the extraneous conflict motif to motivate us? What species does he belong to, anyway?


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By Who Cares (not verified) on 06 Aug 2007 #permalink

Who does he think he is? If our bloggy forefathers had refused to call each other wankers, we might still be speaking English in this country.

Guys, I'm trying to study for the LSATs here - can't you hold off on a wickedly distracting but extraneous calamari slinging fiesta until September 30th? Pretty please, with lemon and tabasco on top?

A blog war with a non-Minnesotan? Gopher it, I say!! :)

By jeffox backtrollin' (not verified) on 06 Aug 2007 #permalink

You spelled it wrong. Its one word and in all caps, and preferably with lots of exclamation points at the end, thusly:


Sorry for pissing in the pool, but Chris exiled himself because he was so upset over the treatment of right winger Ilyka Damen. Chris is basically, sadly, that not so rare form of authoritarian that claims to be a progressive liberal while actually just being a complete elitist jerk. And Ilyka Damen? She is/was a right winger that thought we should nuke the Brown People and then she claimed to have found feminism when what she really found was another way for her to bash and spew hate speech at people that she disagreed with.

For some truly bizarre reason, that struck a chord with Chris, and when Damen's antics were pointed out and she withdrew from the blogosphere, Chris decided to withdraw too.

And here if not earlier is where you'll ban me, progressive liberals were better off without both of their forms of hate speech towards other liberals that had a different point of view.

Thanks for the bio, anon. Funny, though, that what with being the blog world, we don't need to read character sketches from anonymous, flatheaded commenters when there's an actual text record. So why not link to the sources for your deep, deep insights about these people rather than expect us to take you at face[less] value?

Anon, you're really weird.

Does he really imagine that people might read his writing simply because they like his writing, without the extraneous conflict motif to motivate us? What species does he belong to, anyway?

Writer. They're a very, very strange species (although not as fascinatingly creepy as some of the species Anon).