For the glory of the worker!

The heroic Mario fights for the people. It's inspiring.

(via One Good Thing. And to answer Flea's questions, yes, yes, late teens, they had no problem, of course they are—but we threw every terrifying thing we could find at the kids, it wasn't very scary, it was for kids, and you have to be the judge of whether you're overprotective.)


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The People's Mario has been a long-time favorite of mine on Newgrounds. There is also a pretty funny "tribute" to Kent Hovind posted a couple days ago on NG; I suggested the author should send it to Pharyngula, but not sure if he did or not.

By MJ Memphis (not verified) on 12 Sep 2007 #permalink

Victory to the Proletariat!

That's you!

By Commissar (not verified) on 12 Sep 2007 #permalink


God damn that was a brilliant episode: "Nobody shucks my corn but meeeeeee....."

By Sarcastro (not verified) on 12 Sep 2007 #permalink

Bozhemoi, he even wears a hat like Trofim Denisovitch!

I guess the turtle was that burgeois Mendelist-Morganist Vavilov.

James 2:24

Bozhemoi, he even wears a hat like Trofim Denisovitch!

I guess the turtle was that burgeois Mendelist-Morganist Vavilov.

James 2:24

Bozhemoi, he even wears a hat like Trofim Denisovitch!

I guess the turtle was that burgeois Mendelist-Morganist Vavilov.

James 2:24

This "Mario on Shrooms" video is, in my opinion, way, way funnier.

That is funny. It took me a half-a-minute to realize that the woman was Peach - odd given that I use a "Golfing Peach" image as my avatar on Yahoo. Duh!

Eegggggg! Sorry for the triple post.

Please accept my apologies.

James 2:24


Pete Seeger and Billy Bragg referenced in the same thread?
Yes! There is hope.

By Ken Mareld (not verified) on 12 Sep 2007 #permalink

Raising 'shrooms on the collective?

Proletarii fseks stran, soyedenyaetes'!

(I'm sure Kseniya will correct my transliteration.)

-- CV (bezbozhnik)

By CortxVortx (not verified) on 12 Sep 2007 #permalink

On the Mario tip, it would be a shame if nobody name-dropped Handré De Jager in this thread. (Link is to a blog posting about Handre, his "deviantart" site seems to be empty now, but you can find more of his wonderful, surreal, and disgusting video game art by just doing a google image search on his name.)

Eingang, that art is rather naive, but I also rather like it.


We decided to make Saturday night family movie night, and sit down and watch it with them. The people have spoken: we are overprotective weenies. Monster House it is.

Mendelist-Morganist Vavilov

Mendelist-Morganist-Weissmannist, please. Except I'm not sure about the number of ns in the third part.

By David Marjanović (not verified) on 13 Sep 2007 #permalink

Who can disagree with the sentiments?

Alas, not the sentiments, comrade. The inability to realize the ideal, and the willingness to sell out the sentiments, and the haste to sacrifice innocents on the altar of a 'golden future time', all these are why I disagree. That's why I think utopianism, be it Marxist or Hayekian, is a very dangerous thing.

But the Internationale is catchy.

By Dave Eaton (not verified) on 13 Sep 2007 #permalink

Mendelist-Morganist Vavilov

Mendelist-Morganist-Weissmannist, please. Except I'm not sure about the number of ns in the third part.

By David Marjanović (not verified) on 13 Sep 2007 #permalink