Here's another online petition you can sign — this one is to censure Kathy Griffin's censorship. Go ahead and sign, although I'm beginning to wonder if the reason people aren't marching in the streets and fending off flying teargas canisters and roaring angrily in person at the bad guys is that they're too damned busy filling out all these forms on their computers, instead.
Maybe I need to create a new category here: "futile, impotent political posturing" or something. But at least it feels a little bit good.
(via Greg Laden)
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Ah, signing it won't do anything. And it's not even fun. I like the teargas idea. Although.. where would you do it?
It very well may be futile, impotent political posturing. However, I blogged on Kathy too and I wrote her through both her agent and her website. Contact information is on my blog.
Also, if you write, don't call her an atheist. Some news sources quote Griffin's reaction (according to her publicist): "Am I the only Catholic left with a sense of humor?" So, she's probably not an "out" atheist, she's a Catholic.
I sent the message, but probably Jesus was too busy sucking the apostles.
[quote]Also, if you write, don't call her an atheist. Some news sources quote Griffin's reaction (according to her publicist): "Am I the only Catholic left with a sense of humor?" So, she's probably not an "out" atheist, she's a Catholic.[/quote]
Kathy is an "out" atheist.
And later they will criticize Muslims for overreacting to the Muhammad cartoons.
Robert Bell wrote:
I stand corrected. Your new information will be added to my blog. However, your link doesn't work so it's going to be your claim until you can source it.
Norman Doering:
Somehow, the rel attribute got appended to the url Robert Bell posted, but it was otherwise correct.
Here is the link to Kathy's 'militant atheist' comment.
Thanks guys. Your links are now in my blog post.
Can I just take this opportunity to say "Bill Donohue can suck it"? Ahhhh...much more satisfying than an online petition.
Awww, I don't get no respect.
I signed the petition Blake. You got my respect.
Oh, and suck it Jesus!
Hmmm... Besides the fact that the page doesn't exist, she's a comedian. One who does a lot of "shock" comedy. Which tends to leave me to believe that it's just a routine. Especially in light of the comment Norman quoted.
I already sent a protest letter to Dick Askin, although I don't know if it will do any good... I expounded at length on the fact that "Dick in a box" is much more offensive to me than "Suck it, Jesus" without stopping to think that his name is, in fact, Dick. Oops.
..."Dick in a box" being an SNL short that won an Emmy and was not at all censored on the broadcast, not simply a random offensive phrase, of course.
For god's sake, keep the controversy going!
Protest! Boycott! Petition! Parade!
It's all good for Kathy.
Sisyphus said you are a fan of Miss Giffin Dr Myers and I see he is right.
You atheists are fine ones to get outraged over this. Frankly that young hussy Miss Griffin deserves to censored and more for her ingratitude. Just because she is an atheist is no reason for her not to properly thank Jesus for the nice things He has given her. Miss Griffin's behavior is just plain rude and crass.
Let's see if Jesus gives Miss Griffin anymore awards now.
Does Jesus only give things to people in order to get praise? Seems kind of selfish to me.
Hey All,
The petition site is picking up steam. It's at over 1000 signatures now.
Thanks for blogging about it :-D
-suckitjesus admin
Look at all the things that Vishnu has given you, and when is the last time any of you publicly gave thanks to Vishnu? Man, you folks be hatin.