More Fish

There are those who have questioned the reason for getting fish drunk. I could stumble through the explanation and make the issue much more confusing than it has to be, or I could just post a few of research articles I used to design my experiment.

Gerlai, R., Lahav, M., Guo, S., Rosenthal, A. 2001. Drinks Like a fish: zebra fish (Danio rerio) as a behavior genetic model to study alcohol effects. Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior. 67:773-782

Dlugos, C.A., Rabin, R.A., 2003. Ethanol effects on three strains of zebrafish: model system for genetic investigations. Pharmacology, Biochemistry, and Behavior. 74:471-780

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I think the consensus was that the initial explanation was a bit lacking, but after a bit more bg from PZ and others most of us appreciate the expt.

I'd still like to see more details from the student though.

BTW- it's weird how the previous post degenerated into name-calling. A lot of us come here to learn things and debate topics. I don't really come here for shouting matches and being accused of not understanding science (by somewhat trollish posters).

By Christian Burnham (not verified) on 04 Oct 2007 #permalink

being accused of not understanding science (by somewhat trollish posters).

that's an excellent way to start all over again.

again, you really should look up the definition of trolling.

cause buddy, that's what you JUST DID.

Please, please, please don't start fighting here too. Ichtyic is not being a troll (you really should look up the definition of internet troll Christian), but his name-calling was absolutely uncalled for. Both of you were wrong and both of you were right. Can you please let it rest?

There are those who have questioned the reason for getting fish drunk.

Really? I just assumed it was for the same reason anyone in college gets anyone else drunk.