Laughing at them is always a good tactic

Here's a nice collection of anti-creationism cartoons, all in one place. Very handy!


(via Greg Laden)

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Cue "framer" complaining that laughing at the IDiots will only alienate the moderates we should be allying ourselves with in 5...4...3...2....

The best answer I can come up with is that relativity made certain man-made, serious evolutionary events possible. You'll notice calculators and a telescope are there too, however- it's probably the general scientific principle, rather than evolution specifically being pointed out as a superior method.

Re #3

E=mc2 links to evolution through the use of radiometric dating. Einstein's equation is central to ideas of radioactive decay and isotope generation which allows us to know the ages of fossils and the rocks in which they are embedded.

Additionally, the telescope is another line of evidence supporting the idea that the earth and the universe are old. This gives evolution the time required to operate through natural selection.

That is the power of science right there; its ability to use many lines of evidence to present a clear and provocative story that explains the evidence. While there is very little that we can know with absolute certainty, we can be very confident precisely because so many different approaches support our conclusions.

In some ways I think that is why creationists don't understand how scientists can be so sure. Without formal trianing or at least some serious effort it is hard to learn enough about the many disparate fields of science and realize that they support each other. Science is not a bunch of disconnected facts. There exists a whole narrative that is often times lost when trying to explain science to the general public.

Laughter, when it comes to religiotards, is the best offense.

Religion (and therefore its practitioners) take themselves so seriously, it's an earth-shaking paradigm shift when they suddenly realize "Hey. That guy really does think I am a d0rk!" They think they're rational, which is why they're willing to argue interminably and pointlessly contribute to global warming with all the greenhouse gasses they emit - but being greeted with laughter is something they're not prepared for. It'd be hard to remain smug while preparing oneself to withstand wintry blasts of contempt or sulphurous lava-like outflows of mirth.

That is the power of science right there; its ability to use many lines of evidence to present a clear and provocative story that explains the evidence.

That is the power of the Flying Spaghetti Monster! No possible avenue of reason escapes the touch of his noodly appendage! No matter how many different paths you take to approach a problem, he'll carefully fool you so that you have a consistent (but wrong) view of the universe! What a joker. :)

Re: #3 by way of #5: Plus, it's easier to read in a small comic format than the Hardy-Weinberg equation.

Making fun of opponents is an "interesting phenomenon".
It is often indulged in by defenders of bogus theories to assuage their nervous self-doubting and reveals their intellectual bankruptcy.

By Ross Nixon (not verified) on 11 Oct 2007 #permalink

Making fun of opponents is an "interesting phenomenon".
It is often indulged in by defenders of bogus theories to assuage their nervous self-doubting and reveals their intellectual bankruptcy.

Other times, it's just fun to have a good laugh at a bugf*ck nutter and it reveals the contempt you have for their views.

There's definitely a fine line that ridicule can cross and become ridiculous.

Re # 9

Good point! That is much pithier than what I said.

Einstein's formula is merely a commonly-recognzied 'sciency' thing. Like white lab coats and pocket protectors.

By Caledonian (not verified) on 11 Oct 2007 #permalink

We can point Brownian's predicted Framers to the CSM, when they express their deep concern.

By JohnnieCanuck, FCD (not verified) on 11 Oct 2007 #permalink

@3, Nothing. Though, I have had debates over the theory of relativity with creationists. It's the most absurd thing ever. But it happens.

PZ: Your choice of which cartoon to highlight was one of my favorites. The preponderance of evidence vs. the preponderance of somebody's elbow. A gossamer thin metaphor what is behind most creationist rhetoric and activity: Intentional lies and misdirection. In other words, sin.

Ah, dear Marcus Ranum (#12)... spoken like one who spent his formative years bullied and maligned by athletic-types, shunned by those of the opposite sex, and stewing in his own self-righteousness. Very sad indeed.

Join us - the sane, rational, moderate people - at the table, he of little tolerance and much acrimony; for there are many of us whose lives are consumed with Science and the belief in its role in all things, but who also believe there is more to the universe than theories, laws, and equations could ever explain. You need not lump us all in with the extreme right... lest ye desire to be labeled as a loony lefty! (Perhaps you are cool with that designation... in which case, enjoy that organic granola my Birkenstock-wearing friend, and I will pray that you may be forgiven for your crass, myopic views).

Peace out.

Lucky you Marcus, you have a concern troll all to yourself and even praying for you :) Aren't you blessed :)


By John Phillips (not verified) on 12 Oct 2007 #permalink


For a self-proclaimed intellectual like yourself, I would have expected something a bit more, well, "intelligent."

And John Phillips - troll? You don't know me, yet you so quickly leap to such slander. Very, very sad indeed.

I can see you "intellectuals" are really no better than the extreme right-wing douches you loathe... what a pity... you're not doing much to win people over to your cause.