I may have to get this

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Yesssss!!!!! .... This is what you have been preparing for all this time. You know the classics ... "Evolutionists do it with increasing complexity" and "Honk! If you understand punctuated equilibria" These are the National Center for Science Education Bumper Stickers so far. The NCSE is not…
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Well it's in black & white, so that may help them to understand it. But it really needs the Comic Sans font to drive the message home.

By Ick of the East (not verified) on 13 Oct 2007 #permalink

Given their ability to quote mine, I expect this bumpersticker to be reported on UD and other sites as:

"ID ... ... YES!"

By dogmeatib (not verified) on 13 Oct 2007 #permalink

Controversy is not all bad, however, for it gives teachers the opportunity to engage their students at a deeper level. Instead of filling young minds with facts, teachers can show their students supernatural stuff. In this way, students begin to understand how science really works. When they see scientists and scienticians disagreeing over intelligent designr, students learn something about how scienticians are all dogmatically and catmatically lead to follow certain scripts on what to say. They also learn about the distinction between fact and fiction - and how intelligent designr is neither of these .

Controversy is not all bad, however, for it gives teachers the opportunity to engage their students at a deeper level.

Controversy isn't bad, presenting mythology as science, is. I don't have a holocaust denier in my classroom as a guest speaker during WWII, I don't have Klan members come in to explain their point of view during classes on the Civil Rights movement, they would each claim that their views on those topics are just as valid as historians.

We don't have astrologers come in for astronomy classes, and we don't have Flat Earth'ers and Heliocentrists come in either. Why? Because their views are invalid as well, they aren't appropriate, they aren't scientifically valid.

ID isn't science, it has no place in a science classroom.

By dogmeatib (not verified) on 13 Oct 2007 #permalink

WTF is a "scientician"?

...or for that matter, an "intelligent designr"?

Religion 'endumbens' the brain.

before you all get your panties in a twist, do click on the link provided in the "intelligent designr" sig.


look at the highlighted letters starting each paragraph.

need another hint?

think of the title of the debut Sex Pistols album.

From that site's whois info:

Registrant's address:
PO Box 666
Ichthus Christos
JC35 0AD

Surely proof of the truth of the hymn _Jerusalem_. God exists and is living in Great Britain! (Or at least a third of him is. The other two-thirds are up in Glasgow getting well and truly ratted.)

Quoth the integlientdesignr:

Evolution is nothing but dogma, catma and hamsterma propagated by the scientific community to deliberately exclude hyper-bunnies from a higher dimension.

Oh, indeed!

Why won't anyone think of the poor hyper-bunnies from a higher dimension?!??!!!

intelligent designr r intelligent.

By Owlmirror (not verified) on 13 Oct 2007 #permalink

Intelligent designr. You guys are Ok but you must learn how to use caps and comic sans.

before you all get your panties in a twist

I am repeatedly surprised by the utter failure of seemingly intelligent people to detect obvious parody and satire. Perhaps "scienticians" need to take more literature courses, or sumpin'.

By truth machine (not verified) on 13 Oct 2007 #permalink

Oh, so calling me a moronic lying jackass was satire.

"I am repeatedly surprised by the utter failure of seemingly intelligent people to detect obvious parody and satire."

I guess my eyes just glazed over after the first sentence or so. "Catmatically" shoulda been a dead giveaway.