What? Do people still read Powerline?

Someone compiled a list of the most popular Minnesota blogs. Pharyngula is number two. That would be OK, except that number one is that awful exercise in Bush sycophancy, Powerline.

I'm sorry to have to put this burden on you, but you're going to have to read this site twice as often, and you're going to have to show your grandma how to subscribe to it, because, really, Powerline is so creakingly archaic. We need to pass them by.

At least they don't bring up evolution any more, since the last time they got spanked.

(via #4)


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My favorite nickname for Powerline is from Clown Central Station--Butt Propulsion Laboratories. Which comes from John Hinderaker's self-given nickname of Hindrocket...or as Left Blogistan likes to rechristen him: Assrocket.

I bet Pharyngula is much more popular outside the US (Minnesota?) than Powerline. The list only reveals that Pharyngula has 484 subscribers less who use Google Reader. However, I will send my grandma an e-mail.

By Don Quijote (not verified) on 16 Oct 2007 #permalink

Good luck with that, PZ. If you succeed, does that prove there is no god?

Very funny. Truthy, outright.

By David Marjanović, OM (not verified) on 16 Oct 2007 #permalink

My modest offering is a relatively unread Minnesota blog. I could only wish I had more readers than Powerline.

Or just readers, period. :grins:

Assuming that the guy who compiled that list got it right, PZ has added 373 subscribers so far this morning. Not bad.

But where's Greg Laden on that list? He should be No. 7

Tis a puzzle - Powerline.

I actually logged in to see what all the fuss was about, and then I remembered why I never log in to Powerline. Maybe there is some kind of robotized computer programmed to log in there?

PZ is so industrious that it is hard to keep up, but I will try harder.



Good luck with that, PZ. If you succeed, does that prove there is no god?

Umm, yes if it is successful then yeah it would prove there is no god, lol. Thanks for shopping. :P


Bad Astronomy Blog

1,166 subscribers

By CalGeorge (not verified) on 16 Oct 2007 #permalink

Didn't Powerline launch Pajamas Media? There was celebrating and parties and then...
It went down like the titanic. I avoid that place like the ebola virus. The paranoid whiney ass titty babies are only good for a laugh in small doses.

Being a long time fan of Husker Du, I see Minnesota and Powerline, all I can think of is their album "New Day Rising".
If you are so inclined, here is Husker Du doing three songs from that album; 'Terms Of Psychic Warfare', 'Powerline' and 'Books About UFOs'. 'Powerline' starts at 2:00. Enjoy.


This is a horribly crude and biased measure of popularity. I didn't even *know* Google has a RSS reader. This is like trying to identify traffic volume through an intersection by counting all the green Chevys.

I used to read Powerline. One day (and this was long before I started reading Pharyngula) one of them posted something like "so just because I don't believe in evolution, that makes me less credible?" I thought about it, realized, "yeah, actually, it does." Other than following a link once or twice, I haven't been back.

Why is there a pic of a guy standing on the Marin side of the Golden Gate Bridge on a Minnesota blog?

Or is that some bridge that just looks like the GG?

Good luck with that, PZ. If you succeed, does that prove there is no god?

Very funny. Truthy, outright.

By David Marjanović, OM (not verified) on 16 Oct 2007 #permalink