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A new explanation!


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Peter Suber wrote the most clear, brief and to-the-point explanation of the new law (PDF). Worth reading and bookmarking. Along with the explanation of how it works, Peter also provided this handy table of myths about the new law that some of the dinosaur publishers are trying to push - save it,…
The mysterious saga of "supersolid" helium continues this week. If you recall, there were some new results a little while back showing that the effect depends on disorder in the samples, followed by neutron scattering studies that didn't show the expected distribution of states in the sample. These…
Reductionism is seductive, especially when it comes attached with a nifty sounding brain region: Explanations of psychological phenomena seem to generate more public interest when they contain neuroscientific information. Even irrelevant neuroscience information in an explanation of a psychological…
Rob Skipper has an excellent post at his blog entitled What Scientific Explanation Isn't. It's a good explanation of the DN (deductive nomological) model of explanation offered by Carl Hempel, which has come across some serious criticism of late. By coincidence, this was a major issue in the two…

There are some entertaining cartoons at that site, but most are too religious for my liking. It really did nothing to clear the Jesus from my palate from last night's debates.

Wait, weren't the dinosaurs killed by angels with lasers while they were attacking the Ark?

I just can't keep these comics you reference straight, PZ.

Damn! I was gonna flog that. I rather like Tatsuya's take on religion, actually. It's nicely tongue in cheek. And his god is crazy like fuck.

I'll pimp Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal's take on religious compromise instead then.

Where can I get me some dino-aids?!

Sinfest Rules. Daily must. Gotta love it.

Now we know why the Rol went extinct.

Maybe they got it mixed up with dinosaur digestive aids (stomach stones). Though how a big one crashed into the Gulf of Mexico from space, I don't know. ;-)

I like this one from sinfest, which features Darwin. Or at least a book.

<3 Carlie! Those Dino-aids rock!

Saw this this morning and was expecting it to show up here.

By OptimusShr (not verified) on 29 Nov 2007 #permalink