Oh, no! I've been caught!

I've been selected, along with the Clintons, as the personification of evil.


It's too bad this spectrum is flawed. Evil should be on the left, as everyone knows, and red (as in "red state") has become the new, good, patriotic color.


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By DominEditrix (not verified) on 19 Dec 2007 #permalink

And he's mis-spelled "Bestiality". What's the world coming to?

By VeryStrange (not verified) on 19 Dec 2007 #permalink

I don't see how atheism could ever be considered more evil than insufficiently submissive women. I mean, not believing in god is one thing, but having a woman say "no" when ordered to bake a pie is a horror unlike anything a simple atheist could ever cook up.

Wait a minute, the Clintons are as evil as an atheist like Myers?

I'm just so confused now. Isn't separation from God what makes ultimate evil, and yet the Clintons are as evil as we are? How many kittens do I have to stomp to beat out the Clintons anyhow?

Glen D

The largest misinterpretation here is that atheism shouldn't be on the chart, since every order of wrongdoing on it is a form of atheism, in denying the very order handed down from god through the lord Jesus Christ.

On another note, didn't Huckabee rate homosexuality up there with Necrophelia in his book?

"Wait a minute, the Clintons are as evil as an atheist like Myers?

I'm just so confused now. Isn't separation from God what makes ultimate evil, and yet the Clintons are as evil as we are? How many kittens do I have to stomp to beat out the Clintons anyhow?"

I think if you look at it really closely of the original sized image, you can see that the Clinton line is actually drawn to a more evil point than the atheism line.


One more than you got, pal. One more than you got.

Bill and Hillary rank just below the The Big S on the fundy all-time hate parade. You can't even dream to reach those lofty heights.

On another note, didn't Huckabee rate homosexuality up there with Necrophelia in his book?

Yes. The "spectrum of aberrations" idea was his campaign flack's recent attempt to tapdance around that fact, lest all but the most brain-damaged fundies start to notice what a complete loon his boss actually is.

By Steve LaBonne (not verified) on 19 Dec 2007 #permalink

What a thrill to see you as the only one under "Atheism" !
An honor PZ! I would never consider voting for that moron
Huckabee Huckster! In fact, if I saw him bleeding in the street, would not assist him, but wouls ask him where his god is in his dire moment of need. Good grief, will this
insanity never end1 We have nothing but religious cretins
for candidates in both parties, every one of them, and I
definitely will not be voting this election. I wish Baron
Holbach was running! Am I hallucinating? What a quagmire
of rampant insanity. Perhaps I'll write in PZ MEYERS on
the ballot,if only to piss the insane fanatics off!

By JIM JORDAN (not verified) on 19 Dec 2007 #permalink

Ok, just a question.

Is this chart actually a chart produced Huckabee?

I'm lost and confused.:-)

Please, please, you avowed atheists, stop capitalizing
and giving credence to those insane words, god, jesus christ, bible, creator, etc, etc. Just get in the habit!

Every time you put those damn words in the higher case,
you only acknowledge their existence and importance which
should not be the case! Desist!

By JIM JORDAN (not verified) on 19 Dec 2007 #permalink

Fortunately, I'm not an American, so Huckabee doesn't really register on my radar, but I'm seriously concerned for your country if a presidential candidate thinks that dancing is more evil than serial murder, rape and torture.

#14, should we stop capitalizing Apollo, Necronomicon, Middle-earth and Marty McFly too?

Please, please, you avowed atheists, stop capitalizing
and giving credence to those insane words, god, jesus christ, bible, creator, etc, etc. Just get in the habit!

Every time you put those damn words in the higher case,
you only acknowledge their existence and importance which
should not be the case! Desist!

Oh, please, give me a break. This is just downright silly. The Bible (yes, I'm capitalizing it) is the title of a book. Capitalizing it is no different that capitalizing The Lord of the Rings. Jesus is the name of a person (if he existed).

I like how "Pedophilia" is in the middle-of-the-road, not-good-but-not-so-bad-either, happy yellow region of the spectrum. We all know how religious ministers love the little children.

By NeoGothic (not verified) on 19 Dec 2007 #permalink

Is this chart actually a chart produced Huckabee?

No, it's a humorous response to the campaign-flack excuse that I mentioned. Google can quickly bring you more details about the origin of the phrase, if you care.

By Steve LaBonne (not verified) on 19 Dec 2007 #permalink

Given the repressed behavior so often exposed on the right, it is no wonder to me that they wanted to put their side on the purple, Tinky-winky, purse carrying side. It makes them feel pretty.

Wait. Shouldn't necrophilia be less aberrant than homosexuality, provided the corpse is of the opposite sex?

# 16 You sound like a phony christian. There would be no
difference if your name was spelt oran? To be silly over silly matters just proves the point that one is prone to
treat serious matters with silliness.

By JIM JORDAN (not verified) on 19 Dec 2007 #permalink

How does this square with your habit of typing your name in ALL capitals?

#22. In proper english grammatical style we capitalize the names of people, real or fictional, and the titles of books.

Personally I don't capitalize the bible, since that could be any bible, from the Home Medication Bible, to the Datsun Mechanic's Bible. But I do capitalize The Holy Bible, as that is a specific title.

Jesus gets capitalized as it is a proper name, the fact that it probably refers to a fictional character is irrelevant to its being a name.

By Galbinus_Caeli (not verified) on 19 Dec 2007 #permalink

My error; That blurb was meant for # 17. I still maintain
my stance about capitalizing the nonsense words.
JIM JORDAN is a real person with the power of reason, and
the ability to see others who lack a sufficient amount
of it in serious matters. I also capitalize MUSIC, ART DECO
AUTUMN, and so many qualities of interest in my life that
have enriched it that they deserve to be capitalized to
enhance their importance. The nonsense is not worth the
credence given to it. Can you comprehend this?

By JIM JORDAN (not verified) on 19 Dec 2007 #permalink

Ah, it's a way of prioritizing, of assigning a hierarchy of importance. I understand your method now, jim jordan.

By RamblinDude (not verified) on 19 Dec 2007 #permalink

Uh, I don't recognize many of the people pictured in the chart. Does anyone have a key for the facial-recognition imparired, and the just-plain-don't-know?

By Bureaucratus Minimis (not verified) on 19 Dec 2007 #permalink

#28: I see what you did there. *approvin-I mean APPROVING NOD*

By ANDREW (IT'S I… (not verified) on 19 Dec 2007 #permalink

Evil should be on the left, as everyone knows, and red (as in "red state") has become the new, good, patriotic color.

Wait, our left or his left? I sort of feel like Huck would have a pointer and we'd be seated politely while he patiently explained what our charges will be before a loving God sentences us to the eternity of suffering we deserve for atheism, gum chewing, and pop music.

The quote from which this originates is brilliant:

"It is now difficult to keep track of the vast array of publicly endorsed and institutionally supported aberrations--from homosexuality and pedophilia to sadomasochism and necrophilia." - Huckabee in a book in 1998

"He's not equating homosexuality with necrophilia. He's saying there's a range of aberrant behavior. He considers homosexuality aberrant, but that's at one end of the spectrum. Necrophilia is at the other end." - His advisor, clarifying the issue recently.

Huckabee may not have been saying that homosexuality is as bad as necrophilia - but he DID put it at the SAME end of the 'spectrum' as paedophilia! Frankly, comparing gays to people who violate living children incapable of consenting, often leaving them scarred for life, is even worse than comparing them to necrophiles. But Huckabee seems to regard child molestation as not that bad - certainly worse than the infliction of pain between fully consenting adults, which he ranks up there with screwing corpses.

I have red hair does that mean I'm evil or have a good patriotic head?

Personally I'll stick with the evil if it gets me closer to PZ on the spectrum and further away from the obese dog killer.

By Bride of Shrek (not verified) on 19 Dec 2007 #permalink

Ah, it's a way of prioritizing, of assigning a hierarchy of importance. I understand your method now, jim jordan.

Fixed that for ya, RamblinDude...

Okay, I don't agree with you on your general capitalization scheme, JIM, but I applaud your mention of BIX BEIDERBECKE. Great musician.

The capitals really aren't the important thing.

By CrypticLife (not verified) on 19 Dec 2007 #permalink

Gosh! Necrophilia, pedophilia, bestiality, "insufficiently submissive women" (whatever that means) are all BETTER than our excellent PZ? What is the world coming to?

And for the "insufficiently submissive women" I think it's good top or bottom!


By Science Goddess (not verified) on 19 Dec 2007 #permalink

And he's mis-spelled "Bestiality". What's the world coming to?

Whatever it is, it's so powerful it made you misspell "misspelled"... :-}

Oo! Finally! Now I can determine my signature emission-line spectrum!


In proper english grammatical style we capitalize

ARGH! Spelling isn't grammar! <wince>

By David Marjanović, OM (not verified) on 19 Dec 2007 #permalink

Wow! Congratulations, PZ, good on ya!


No pie for Dan!

So, if I'm Agnostic + an sufficiently submissive woman + fat, will that move me into the dark red area of the scale, at least? How about if we add in supportive of gay marriage?

By dwarf zebu (not verified) on 19 Dec 2007 #permalink

Capitalization is certainly not spelling. Personally I would consider it grammar as it relates to how words are constructed into sentences, rather than how the word it self is constructed. But I could be wrong.

By Galbinus_Caeli (not verified) on 19 Dec 2007 #permalink

"And for the "insufficiently submissive women" I think it's good top or bottom!"

I like insufficiently submissive women on top, personally.

"It is now difficult to keep track of the vast array of publicly endorsed and institutionally supported aberrations--from homosexuality and pedophilia to sadomasochism and necrophilia."

I'm just curious as to what "institutions" are supporting pedophilia. The manga industry doesn't really count as an institution, I don't think, so I'm stumped.

I'm no linguist, but...
Capitalization is definitely not grammar. I think it is orthography which is the rules that a language uses to represent itself in writing.

There is no grammatical difference between:
Please stop SHOUTING
for instance.

By Ashley Moore (not verified) on 20 Dec 2007 #permalink

I'd be so jealous of Huckleberry's inadvertant endorsement except he put you on the same poster with Romney....is this man confused or what?

By greensmile (not verified) on 20 Dec 2007 #permalink

#14, should we stop capitalizing Apollo, Necronomicon, Middle-earth and Marty McFly too?

And he's mis-spelled "Bestiality". What's the world coming to?

Whatever it is, it's so powerful it made you misspell "misspelled"... :-}

Oo! Finally! Now I can determine my signature emission-line spectrum!


In proper english grammatical style we capitalize

ARGH! Spelling isn't grammar! <wince>

By David Marjanović, OM (not verified) on 19 Dec 2007 #permalink