So you don't have to come to Minneapolis…

…since Richard Dawkins is making a grand tour of the US, and he might just show up in your town.

Don't worry, though, I don't think he's planning to go door knocking and handing out atheist tracts.

More like this

Although I often don't agree with him and have cooled on him lately, I still rather like--even admire--Richard Dawkins. While it's true I've taken him to task for having a tin ear for bioethics, lamented his walking blindly right into charges of anti-Semitism (no, I don't think he's an anti-Semite…
Oh, no. Mooney and Kirshenbaum have written another loopy op-ed. I'm reading it in complete bafflement: what is their argument? What are they trying to do? Because none of it makes sense. It's confusing, right from the beginning, in which they sneer at Richard Dawkins for publishing a new book…
Richard Dawkins' tour of the US has begun — you can read an account of his talk in Arizona. Next stops are Berkeley and Stanford, then Madison (I think my boy Connlann is going to try to see that one), then Columbia and NYU, and UT Austin … then it's up my way to Minneapolis for the American…
Richard Dawkins sure does a fine job of placing sticks of dynamite under people's chairs and blowing them up. I've been out of town and I haven't even had net access for the past day, so nobody can blame me for this latest round of anti-atheist outrage going on in these parts. Dawkins' latest op-ed…

I would be thrilled to go about handing out "atheist tracts" with Richard Dawkins, if that's what he was contemplating, lol.

By speedwell (not verified) on 23 Dec 2007 #permalink

Hooray! I hope he's coming to Chicago. We had a particulary vapid article in the local paper today castigating Dawkins, Hitchens and Harris. As usual, the writer was responding to what she thought they meant, not what they actually wrote. It would be great to get Dawkins here to speak for himself.

Says he will be touring the midwest and bible belt ... what about those of us in the southwest? :o(

By dogmeatib (not verified) on 23 Dec 2007 #permalink

I am hoping that NYC will be one of his stops, since it is local enough, but if he could be persuaded to do more local it would be even better, is there a list yet, or a way to add new stops?

I saw him last year for his God Delusion book tour.

It was great hearing him read some chapters from the book.

The Q&A was not very contentious seeing as the talk was in Cambridge MA.

I hope he makes a return trip to the area even if there are fewer potential converts to be had.

I move from the midwest to New York, and he goes to the midwest. :( However, as a former midwest resident, I give him huge kudos for doing it that way. Go to the people who need it, don't stay on the coasts preaching to the choir.

Observer, which paper was it? Both seem equally moronic but the Trib did endorse Bush twice...

Congratulations - you've Pharyngulated the Times' website. On the other hand, since the Times has gone from being a reputable newspaper to a Murdoch rag, maybe there's a conspiracy theory waiting to happen...

I sure hope he has "protective services" lined up. He faces real bodily harm going to places like that. Think Mississippi 1963.

As one of your correspondents points out, The Times, once a world class newspaper, is now owned by the odious Murdoch. You may conclude what you will from the fact that this story is NOT posted on

Richard Dawkins

There's no news of this tour on either.

"what about those of us in the southwest? :o("

And the Rockies?

Come on, you have to love stuff like this:

The Rev David Cox, of the First Southern Methodist Church, Charleston, South Carolina said: "I would certainly like to protest. [Dawkins] is a tool of Satan, of the AntiChrist it sounds to me. All God-fearing people will be opposed to an atheist touring."

I also want to be a tool of Satan. Where do I sign up and when does the crusade start? Do we also burn believers at the stake, and if yes, can I bring sausages to cook over it?

By student_b (not verified) on 23 Dec 2007 #permalink

Maybe it's me, but I loathe the word choice for the title in that TimesOnline article. Comparing atheism to religion through the word "preach" is abhorrent.

'Preach', High Priest', Crusade', Church of ...'

In the first para.

Are they trying to hint at something?

Are they trying to hint at something?


To call it "hint" it would have to be at least a bit subtle, wouldn't it? ;)

To be honest, I first thought that article was meant humerous, but looks more like some serious deluded people are unable to stop projecting their own motivations...

By student_b (not verified) on 23 Dec 2007 #permalink

He's coming to Madison... woo hoo! Hands off, everyone, I need him for an interview!

I've actually known it for a couple months, but thanks for the update.

Yay, Dawkins is coming! One more good thing about living in the Midwest. That makes a total

And yeah, the Times article was not the paragon of neutral reporting.

I will most likely be moving to Denver in the next month or so...I wonder if RD is planning a stop in Teg Haggard's old stomping grounds? Although he really should stop by Northern California as well. Not too many fundies around here, thank goodness, but more astrologers/"witches"/antiscience pseudohealers than you can shake a stick at.

When I first read the article, I couldn't tell if the opening remarks were a cynical attempt at humor or intended mischaracterization. There is no tongue-in-cheek tone to the rest of the article, making it seem like an intended comparison. But then again the rest of the article does no real atheist bashing-I'm just used to any comparison to a priest being obviously negative.
I'm going to have to interpret it as a smug attempt at false equivalency. Sort of like a bad South Park episode, but less funny. Either way, at least the news got some attention!

Mena, here is a link to the column the observer talked about.,…

As you can see, it is in the Chicago Tribune.

Just want to point something out; it is true that the Tribune endorsed dubya twice. They have also endorsed every republican candidate since 1854. And as malodorous Hackabee is, if he wins the republican party, the Tribune will endorse him.

"'Preach', High Priest', Crusade', Church of ..."

Don, I think you may have discovered a new definition of 'biased' and 'leading'. A Nobel awaits.

However, age and wisdom brings with it a complete lack of surprise. Religious apologists, when faced with logic, reason and rationality can only fall back on ad hominem, misdirection, [insert favourite fallacious argument] and hysteria.

We've got 'em on the run, lads!

I hope RD makes a stop at Arizona, the land of Mormons and Virgin Mary sightings. We could use some help over here.

Religious leaders in America dismissed Dawkins and his followers.

Followers? You mean those of us who share his opinion on this one issue? Since when does that make us followers? This is a perfect example of how hierarchies are central to the theistic world-view.

By Patrick Quigley (not verified) on 23 Dec 2007 #permalink

What an unworthy way to commit suicide.

By junk science (not verified) on 24 Dec 2007 #permalink