Yeah, they're already pouring in: everyone has a list of the best or worst of 2007. Most I couldn't care less about, but the Beast's 50 most loathsome people in America is at least primo grade-A disgust.
The winners in this year's list weren't just predictable, they were inevitable.
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You made me read the whole damn thing at 2am! But I am glad to have done so, as I laughed out loud a number of times, especieally at the end.
the end made you laugh?
made me get all angry-like.
they're absolutely right about this being the worst pres in history, and how fucking ineffective the dems, who we gave back the house AND senate, have been in shutting this idiot down.
frankly, I was having a decent night until i read that.
3000% profit cheney made on his halliburton stocks this year.
What Coturnix said, though I skimmed over a few. Also, for Dick Cheney it says, "Charges: Worst president ever..."
Also, for Dick Cheney it says, "Charges: Worst president ever..."
that was intentional.
think about it.
I call for a grassroots campaign to get 'Falafel' Bill O'Reilly higher up on the list, if for no other reason than his willing role in keeping the republican base blindly loyal to the truly scary people at the top of the list.
we gave back the house AND senate
We didn't give them a filibuster-proof majority. The new Dems who won seats in 2006 have an excellent voting record -- what more can you ask of them?
I was pretty honored by making #9 on the list. After having been similarly lionized by Time magazine, I'm gradually becoming convinced of my greatness.
One quibble:
It's a little late for that...
The new Dems who won seats in 2006 have an excellent voting record -- what more can you ask of them?
a LOT, actually. have you actually looked at the voting record since they have gained majorities? You think it's excellent?
do you really think it's all come down to issues that would require bypassing fillibusters?
I failed to be impressed when they were in the minority, and I see very little has changed.
I understand where you are coming from, in that MAJOR changes probably would not survive direct votes (not large enough majorities), but I've still seen them rubberstamp way too much of the current administration's BS. Nor have they even tried to push through serious changes or challenges regardless of whether they could overcome a fillibuster or not. all we have seen are half-measures and minor (proposed!) ammendments to other bills.
just take the war financing issues for a starter.
they easily could have stopped the war by stopping the funding, it doesn't take a majority to do that. That's what the majority dem opinion during re-election was: end the war, get our troops out, etc. you heard them say it over and over again.
hell, they could have stopped it even when they were in the minority, purely from a financial standpoint.
the rethugs essentially brought Clinton to a grinding halt in his second term, with not much effort, really. Yet the current moron-in-chief continues on his merry way, and his minions just flip the bird to critics and essentially walk away.
so yeah, it seems like more could be done, eh?
You think buying Chinese goods stimulates our economy."
Come on now. Just...jeez.
I'm not sure I trust a list of fifty loathsome people that doesn't contain at least one person I actually admire.
a LOT, actually. have you actually looked at the voting record since they have gained majorities
Are you capable of reading? I referred to the "The new Dems who won seats in 2006" -- their voting record is entirely "since they have gained majorities".
do you really think it's all come down to issues that would require bypassing fillibusters?
Every bill requires overcoming a filibuster.
but I've still seen them rubberstamp way too much of the current administration's BS.
Who is "them"? Blame DINOs like Feinstein. The fact is that you haen't "seen" anything -- you don't know squat about their individual voting records and can't distinguish one Dem from another -- they are all "them" to you.
Nor have they even tried to push through serious changes or challenges regardless of whether they could overcome a fillibuster or not.
Argumentum ad ignorantiam.
they easily could have stopped the war by stopping the funding, it doesn't take a majority to do that.
Indeed anyone who has voted to enable Bush's war budget is a fuckhead. The great majority of those people are Republicans.
OMG that was beautiful.
I do quibble with the Britney Spears thing though. She's not loathsome because she's fat - she's not even fat, really. She's loathsome because she crammed her size 3 body into a size 0 outfit (and her management are loathsome for letting her). Plus the whole thing where she's a junky airhead who doesn't take care of her kids.
Amy Klobuchar (D-Minnesota) was elected in 2006 and her record isn't that great. She voted for the ridiculous anti-MoveOn resolution. I haven't checked to see how she voted on retroactively legalizing illegal wiretapping and giving immunity to the telecoms that participated in it; I was scared to find out and get even more depressed. I voted for her once but won't again.
9 should be elevated to 1. Otherwise predictable.
I couldn't laugh. Too much of it is spot-on for it to be funny. I mean, no question that The Founding Fathers, The Troops, Mormon Jesus, for example, were meant to inject a little levity, but it was like telling a joke at a funeral.
Ichthyic, I tend to agree with you about the Dems, too. The spending bill for Iraq, filled with all kinds of pork but not much room for body armor or other protections for the troops, followed by the support for more ethanol production (the news stories topped by pictures of the smiling Democrats who pushed it through), and I'm convinced that my votes for change have turned into votes for more of the same.
The most depressing thing about those sorts of lists is that the appropriate punishments are never actually meted out.
Apparently ignorant of the implications of satellite technology, Matthews shouts louder at geographically more distant guests.
I referred to the "The new Dems who won seats in 2006"
I knew you'd pick that up in your response.
it was an irrelevant point of yours to begin with, that's why I chose to ignore it in favor of talking about the dems as a body, which is the only thing that matters when we are talking about the major issues, and how they have performed as a body in the past.
You're point was as relevant as saying that the "new republicans" that were voted in during the "republican revolution" were representative of the GoP as a whole. yeah, they were just so damn effective, weren't they?
Every bill requires overcoming a filibuster.
I can only assume you mean that rhetorically, otherwise, that's the dumbest thing I've heard you say in the last 2 weeks.
as to voting records; I live in CA, have for my whole life, don't tell me I don't know the voting records of my own representatives. In fact, I used to have to work with Feinstein's office when I was running the West Coast office of an NGO trying to form a federally funded institute for environmental research. I'm very well aware of how she works.
and, just for the record, I most certainly have NOT approved of the performance of Feinstein and Pelosi over the last 10 years, and I rather thought the choice of Pelosi was not terribly well thought out. but then, choices for seat positons in congress, whether we are talking about speaker or simply heads of committees, are rarely decided on who has the best qualifications for the job. That's politics, and I understand it, but I don't have to like it.
I also don't think that just being a dem defacto makes one any smarter than a rethuglican, but at least they could try to placate their base ONCE in a while.
now then, no more assumptions about what I know about my own representatives, 'K?
at least we agree on the funding issue, so let's leave it at that.
On my personal list of the year's worst is my brother's doctor, who last week prescribed him Dr. Dino. Prescribed it.
My brother went in to the clinic where my mother works as a nurse. All he needed was a new prescription for Paxil. The doctor, new to the clinic, tried to make small talk by asking my brother what his major was. Bro answered "philosophy," to which the doctor replied, shocked, "Wow, they must be brainwashing you into believing bad stuff." At which point he whipped out his prescription pad and inscribed upon it "Dr. Dino, Pensacola Florida, David Hovind." The actual problem for which my bro came in was an afterthought at best.
Luckily, being a philosophy major, my bro knew Doc was full of it. But this is a small rural outreach clinic, so who knows who else he's "prescribed" this crap to.
it was an irrelevant point of yours to begin with, that's why I chose to ignore it in favor of talking about the dems as a body, which is the only thing that matters when we are talking about the major issues, and how they have performed as a body in the past.
In other words you insist on being an idiot.
"Every bill requires overcoming a filibuster."
I can only assume you mean that rhetorically, otherwise, that's the dumbest thing I've heard you say in the last 2 weeks.
Every bill has to pass both houses; in order to pass in the Senate these days, when the Republicans use a filibuster threat as a matter of course, 60 votes must be mustered, moron.
This scumb bag puts the TROOPS on the list?
This scumb bag puts the TROOPS on the list?
Man are you retarded. That entry is satire, dipshit.
@#15 - Note that "You" (We) moved up since last year. I'll bet that the 2008 election will determine whether that move continues or not.
Glad to see D'Souza made #29.