Tangled Bank #97

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Hey, it's been a while since I did one of these, so let's catch up! The Carnival of the Godless Freethinker Sunday Sermonette I and the Bird #66 Grand Rounds Carnival of the Liberals #56 Carnival of Education #154 Humanist Symposium #13 Karl Mogel will be hosting the next Tangled Bank at The…
Tangled Bank #97 - The Frozen Bank - is up on The Inoculated Mind Accretionary Wedge #5 - Geological Misconceptions and Pie - is up on Green Gabbro Grand Rounds Vol. 4 No. 18 - The All Too Common Cold - is up on ButYouDontLookSick Carnival of the Green # 111 is up on TREEconomist The Carnival Of…
A few carnival announcements: Carnival of the Animalcules Carnival of Feminists Carnival of Education The next Tangled Bank will be held next Wednesday at The Inoculated Mind (yes, it's back up!). Send your submissions to karl AT inoculatedmind DOT com with "Tangled Bank Submission" in the…
The newest edition of the Tangled Bank, Tangled Bank #62—Travel Bingo edition, is now up at the Hairy Museum of Natural History. The editor went all out for this one and made custom icons for each entry: don't you wish you'd submitted something now?