Tangled Bank #84


The Tangled Bank

Sorry. I just couldn't resist. This week's Tangled Bank has an ancient Greek theme, so I think it's entirely appropriate to have King Leonidas summon you to Tangled Bank #84. Don't worry, there isn't much carnage involved.

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Incredibly interesting. The question I found most interesting was whether what they were doing can be truly considered "science," meaning tested, testable, and falsifiable. Their thoughts on devilution are innovative (as I thought much of their "science" was), but they couldn't really test it. ...of course, I guess they could have thrown to animals together and tried to see if they would mesh, haha!

Yo PZ,
Thanks for the blog. Is there any way to make comments organized into threads/subjects? The posts that really catch fire could sure use it. I'm leaving this comment here so it has a chance of getting your attention...

Wait! I thought there'd be men in leather speedos...

By Cathy in Seattle (not verified) on 18 Jul 2007 #permalink

Uh, PZ, Leonidas was a MAN who believed in defending his country.

Why are YOU referencing him?