
Why does Revere torment me so? He's got a collection of highlights from the current presidential campaign that make me want to secede from the union.

Is Huckabee out of the race yet? I've been actively avoiding news from the Huckster lately, to prevent the awful symptoms of head-asplodey.


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Huckabilly is still in at # 2 for the Republicans. But you knew that.

By Richard Harris (not verified) on 02 Mar 2008 #permalink

In that case, your head will flat-out explode if you go here. They are absolutely convinced that Huckabee is going to force a brokered convention and win the nomination, and then the presidency. And God is unequivocally on their side.

At the PharynguFest I suggested that it would be interesting to register and stir up some mischief, but I'm not quite evil enough to do it myself. Although...if he's still in the race after Mississippi, I would be sorely tempted.

Yes Huckabee is still around. I drove by a Chick-fil-a joint (which I refuse to patronize due to their religious bend) here in Austin and there were a group of Huckabee supporters on the property visibly showing signs and cheering at passing cars...

I visibly flipped them off....

I know it was bad, mean and nasty but I just couldn't help myself. The non-existent devil made me do it...

By BowserTheCat (not verified) on 02 Mar 2008 #permalink

Huckabee is the Xian Dominionist candidate with a platform to toss the US constitution, destroy the USA, and head on back to the Dark Ages.

He seems to have gotten 10% of the total dem/rep primary votes, mostly in the DFN.

Rather astounding really. 10% of the US population hates this country enough to bring it down around their heads. In a rational world or even a few decades ago he would be considered a kook and laughed at from a safe distance.

Ironically the Huckster does have a reasonable shot at being president. He could well be McCain's VP and McCain at 72 could drop over dead any time. He has already had melanoma twice.

Huckabee's basically eliminated, I think he's hanging around hoping to win Texas (he's got a chance, esp. with the tight Democratic contest likely pulling independents away from McCain) and go out on a high note.

I live in Europe and if a asshole like the huckster should some how become president then I would gladly become a citizen of the European Union

By Ex Partiate (not verified) on 02 Mar 2008 #permalink

Bad news from the Reuters/CSPAN/Zogby polls for Huckabee:

Texas GOP Primary:
McCain 54%
Huckabee 36%
Paul 4%

Ohio GOP Primary:
McCain 61%
Huckabee 27%
Paul 3%

And, for good measure, the Rasmussen poll for Vermont's GOP Primary:
McCain 68%
Huckabee 17%
Paul 5%

I'm going to go out on a limb and bet that Huckabee will not take Rhode Island.

Finally, from Robert D. Novak:

Insiders close to Sen. John McCain's presidential campaign have put out the word that there is absolutely no chance that his last remaining major opponent for the Republican presidential nomination, former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, will become McCain's vice presidential running mate. McCain personally likes Huckabee, and McCain's campaign has not wanted to antagonize Huckabee's evangelical supporters, whose backing will be needed in the general election. But McCain's close advisers reject a place on the ticket for Huckabee, who is unacceptable to economic conservatives.

The immediate problem that Huckabee poses for McCain strategists is how to get him out of the presidential race without offending him. While Huckabee cannot possibly get enough delegates to be nominated, he worries the McCain camp by threatening to win an occasional state, as he did recently in Kansas. Huckabee attempted to upset McCain in Virginia, though McCain wound up winning the primary there by a comfortable nine points.

I live in Europe and if a asshole like the huckster should some how become president then I would gladly become a citizen of the European Union

I would be shopping for a Dutch, Belgian, or Spanish husband.

I assume "Ex Partiate", when she/he says a citizen of the European Union, means a citizen of a member country of the EU. There is no such thing as an "EU citizen" (albeit whether or not there should be is a different matter).

MAJeff, ½ British, living in France any good?

Huckabee says he's majored in miracles, not math. So yeah, he's still in the race, probably praying to God for some miracle, 'cause he'd need one at this point.

I've been actively avoiding news from the Huckster lately, to prevent the awful symptoms of head-asplodey.

yes I also am a sufferer and some day it may probably kill me unless the source of inflammatory stupidity pollution is removed and treated

By uncle frogy (not verified) on 02 Mar 2008 #permalink

Now, i'm from Europe, but given the amount of influence that the US has on the rest of the world, the upcoming election is being covered extensively in our media and is harvesting a great deal of interest from us.

As i see it, Huckabee is the only candidate whos political goals are directly influenced by his christian faith. While apparently every candidate is to some extend a devoted christian too, it seems that everyone else is just saying these things to plead with the average Christian american.

I'm no christian myself and i fully believe in the separation of state and church, but as long as politicians aren't outright creationists, i have no problem with them being religious. And since the majority of americans are christians too, it would be unwise (from a campaigning point of view) for any candidate to not show that they are christians as well.
Since the US is such a large nation, consisting of so many different people, having to choose a single president will unfortunatly (and unavoidably) make a lot of people unhappy. As atheists we can only hope that the next president will be a moderate christian.

MAJeff, ½ British, living in France any good?

As long as i can get some kind of citizenship deal. And, and this is a necessity in any marriage I might enter, as long as we keep separate apartments :-)

The family left Holland too long ago to apply back through the Netherlands.

If the Huckabilly and the PantSuit win their nominations then we will have Huckabee for president. Otherwise, prolly Obama.

Re J

I wouldn't believe anything written by the lying piece of filth Robert Novak.

So lemme get this straight: you Americans vote for your presidents based on whoever proves to be best at doing nothing for 18 months but traveling around telling everyone what they're going to do when they get elected, which they ask other people to pay for based on their past achievements?

Why not just hire some slacker whose been living in his parents' basement ever since high school?

"Dude, next year I am so not working at this Gas Stop. I'm so totally gonna go to community college an' take one of those medical technician degrees. I'd be totally wicked at that. Remember last year how I fixed Dan's radio and then broke it when I fell off my skateboard trying to ollie to 'Paradise City' off the stairs at the bank? And then I stopped the bleeding with my lighter like in 'Rambo III'? Yeah, it got all infected n' shit, but that's like totally medical shit right there. An' remember Mrs. Halpert, homeroom third grade? She totally said I'd be good at science if I applied myself. Hey man, could you spot me bus fare? Mom cut me off when she busted me doing blades in the garage."

Posted by: Brownian, OM | March 2, 2008 3:05 PM

What, you think they should be doing something else? Like what? Demonstrating governing competence?

Silly furriners.

The Dallas Morning News actually endorsed Huckabee today. I mean WTF??

They are demonstrating governing competence: They are proving thay can be brought. The primaries are only to establish the minimum bribebid.

The bad news is this: Huckabee (who claims John Hagee is "a friend" despite Hagee's endorsement of J-Mac) is viewed as the future of the GOP.

I can easily image a McCain/Huckabee ticket. If things go really badly, Huck could be a player in the executive branch for the next 16 years.

Has the Overton Window dropped off the edge of the world yet?

Has the Overton Window dropped off the edge of the world yet?

That's the thing. There's a large thread of public commentary that treats the Christian Right as some sort of fleeting phenomenon. The fuckers have been building power for years now. The reason Huckabee is doing as well as he is is because there's a large segment of the American public for whom he speaks, and it's not just on the theocratic nonsense--he also speaks to an aspect where the economy has screwed a lot of working class folks over the years, which is why the R-establishment is none too pleased...he isn't playing the class war card for the appropriate class.

But his religious silliness is the primary drawing force. I've seen the death knell of the right rung in 1988, 1992, 1996, and 2006. They haven't gone anywhere. And they ain't going away for quite some time. Indeed, in terms of institutional power, they're stronger than they've probably been since their reactionary rise in the 1960s.

The sad part is, the Huckster seems like a nice enough fellow that you might quite like if you met him socially, before you found out what a nut case he is underneath the charisma and sense of humor. If only his beliefs, values and policy stances weren't so utterly repugnant, I'd probably vote for the guy.

I haven't heard much about Hickabee lately (I haven't tried to , either), but I'm sure he's still around, lurking in the bowels of Amurrikin Moronia like a tumor about to metastasize. Like MAJeff said, these freaks don't go away. As a society we may enjoy temporary remissions of the fundicarcinoma, but it always comes back. It must be genetic.


The sad part is, the Huckster seems like a nice enough fellow that you might quite like if you met him socially, before you found out what a nut case he is underneath the charisma and sense of humor.

That's what really scared me when it seem plausible he could get the nomination. It seemed too likely that a lot of people wouldn't see past the charisma to the nutty ideas deeper down.

Huckabee stays in the race to pick up the votes from those who vote against McCain. He has nothing to loose and gains credibility with each vote he gets.

... imagine how much improved Huckabee's position would be if McCain's age leads to significant health problems :-(

I saw a bunch of Hucksters in NW Houston at a big intersection. I yelled out the window they were too late. I early voted in the open Dem primary over a week ago. I didn't see anyone voting Repub and this was in a high Repub area. I thought about crossing over to Repub (it's an open primary, but the last few delegates are decided by precinct conventions) and messing things up by voting Huckabee, but then I wouldnt have the stamp that wold let me caucus for Obama at the precinct convention.

BTW, have yall read "The Angry Atheist's" endorsement of Obama?

Did The Dallas Mornining News endorse Huck? The Houston Chron backs J-Mac. And Lik all big Texas papers, includng The Dallas Morning News, the Chron majorly backs Obama

If you feel like praying, either to Praise the Pasta or sing Hosannas to the Octopus, pray that Huckabee will be the nominee for the Repubs.
Please, please, please let it be Huckabee.

I thought McCain would be disqualified from running anyway, as he wasn't born in the US? Isn't thatthe whole thing stopping Ahnold becoming president? Why is it different for McCain?

I say let's all write-in PZ Myers. Honestly I don't know who to vote...

Alan: McCain was born a US Citizen. That trumps the geography. Anyway, the Panama Canal Zone may have been a US territory when he was born.

I thought McCain would be disqualified from running anyway, as he wasn't born in the US? Isn't thatthe whole thing stopping Ahnold becoming president? Why is it different for McCain?

A "natural born citizen" is someone who is either the child of parents who are American citizens or who is born within the territorial boundaries of the United States. McCain's parents were citizens, so he's a natural born citizen. Arnold's parents were not citizens, nor was he born here, so he's a naturalized citizen. Naturalized can't be Pres.

I've been actively avoiding news from the Huckster lately, to prevent the awful symptoms of head-asplodey.

yes I also am a sufferer and some day it may probably kill me unless the source of inflammatory stupidity pollution is removed and treated

By uncle frogy (not verified) on 02 Mar 2008 #permalink