Evolution is a major thread in the larger tapestry that I like to call…REALITY!

Lewis Black defends the Old Testament? He's still angry about it, at least.


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I have lost count of the number of times I have seen that particular clip and I still end up laughing to tears every time.

By John Phillips, FCD (not verified) on 16 Apr 2008 #permalink

That clip is truly a classic.

By Martin Abrahamsen (not verified) on 16 Apr 2008 #permalink

Oh WOW !

I had never heard of this guy,he is hilarious,thanks for the link PZ !!

Now longer available :-(

3 words, 1 typo!
I meant "No longer available", of course...

There's a clip out there somewhere in which Kent Hovind literally tells his flock to stop using the "devil planted fossils" argument because it was too ridiculous. I guess there's a certain volume of laugher at their "reasoning" which creationists take as cue change it up.

Still works for me...

@ people living with dinosaurs

If humans and dinosaurs really coexisted, we would have been squished into extinction by now. Either that, or the dinosaurs would have cooped us up into primate houses where they fed us bananas.

By Brandon P. (not verified) on 17 Apr 2008 #permalink

^ Non-avian dinosaurs, that is.

By Brandon P. (not verified) on 17 Apr 2008 #permalink

I love this clip. Also, "I had to remind myself to breathe" is exactly how I feel when talking to some people.

He's describing my in-laws who try to push this stuff on my kids, and who are so thin-skinned you can see the pulsing stupid inside.

Story of my life....

Yep. I love Lewis Black. Too bad his new Comedy Central show is so lame. This clip is taken from the"Red, White, and Screwed" HBO special that you can find on DVD if anyone is interested in seeing the whole thing.

I heart Lewis black.
Aaah, if only I possessed more Lewis Black material!

Actually, I think his new show will prove to be a little more apt to stick around without getting stale, since it involves other comics and new topics every week. I mean, it does have its non-moments, but overall I think it is something that you can tune into and see something new from week to week. (As opposed to Mind of Mencia, which was funny for a while but got REALLY old quickly, or Chappelle's Show, which was funny, but for some reason or other proved unsustainable.) I hope Mr. Black's show stays on for a good long while, if not simply because of the pure intelligent wit shown on this video.

By brokenSoldier (not verified) on 17 Apr 2008 #permalink

What, Lewis Black angry about something? There's a shock.

He was doing the "Indecision" election coverage for the Daily Show a few years back, and made mention of a Representative Colby, who was the only openly gay US Congressman, speaking at the Republican convention. He said the members of the Christian Coalition gathered and knelt in prayer when Colby gave his speech. As if they would burn in hell for simply listening to the words of a gay man. THAT tells me all I need to know.

Oh, and he said about the phrase, "openly gay Republican Congressman": "Does this mean the others are also gay and we just don't know it?" That comment was (forgive me) prophetic, wasn't it?

Huge Black fan--I saw him live in Toronto a couple of years ago and he brought down the house using a similar Old Testament/New Testament jibe about gay marriage: "All that anti-gay stuff isn't from your book. It's from my people's book. Our book wasn't good enough for you people. You had to write your own!...and there's a reason that stuff was written in the Bible--we were savages 3 generations removed from baboons at that point!"

Here's a form of the bit; the gay marriage riff starts at about 3:00. Audio only; and vulgar language so possibly NSFW.

By False Prophet (not verified) on 17 Apr 2008 #permalink

The social committee brought Lewis Black to my university years back when his "Back in Black" segment on The Daily Show was just starting to get popular. If you get a chance to see him live, take it. The man is pitch perfect at stand up.

Mavaddat, #6,
Answers in Genesis also tells people not to use some of the arguments that Hovind does use. It's like hierarchical stupidity. The only question is: which end is the alpha stupid?

False Prophet @ #18 -

What does the W in NSFW stand for?

SC @ #21:

NSFW is "Not Safe For Work."

Not "National Science Foundation W[?]" ;)

Ah, thanks Kadath! What a relief - I was afraid it was "not suitable for women." Now, including the word "gank" from the previous thread, I've already learned two new things today, and it's still quite early! :)

Lewis Black came to my school. It was friggin' awesome.

Of course, you take the good with the bad. We're getting Dinesh D'souza in a week. And he's being billed by the Conservative's Club as The King of Logic!


Just smuggle in a video projector, and play Colbert's savage beatdown of D'souza on his show where Steven got him to admit that D'souza agreed with the terrorists about America.

Conservatives billing D'Souza as the "King of Logic" is like calling Robert Bork "the King of Strict Constitutionalism". It's pretty funny, but if he's the King of Logic, shouldn't they be following someone else? Unless they accidentally elided a word (the "King of Bad Logic") in which case it all makes sense.

Great stuff, but on a picky note about the video itself, what's with all the gratuitous fades? Usually those are used to indicate the passage of time, but this appears to be a continuous segment from a single show. Very distracting.

I wish you all a jewy, jewy day!


That was great. I love anti-science beatdown humour.

I saw Black do this routine live; I think it was at the Pantages theater in Minneapolis. If you like stand-up comedy even a little bit, I highly recommend Lewis Black's live show. He seems to tour just about every year.

I think this video has been posted here at least three times now.

Lewis Black is just one in a long line of comedians taking on religion and creationism and pointing out how idiotic it really is.

Now if only we had more politicians doing the same thing.

"Lewis Black defends the Old Testament? He's still angry about it, at least."

Look, he admits that it's bullshit and defends it only on the grounds of Myth. Or myth. Every culture has a creation myth. Revering that myth is nowhere near the same as denying reality, which I believe is Black's entire point. All Black is saying is "You guys who said 'no, no, that's not quite it; we got it right, but we'll include your old books anyway to make things more confusing" fucked it all up."

Answers in Genesis also tells people not to use some of the arguments that Hovind does use.

:-D :-D :-D

By David Marjanović, OM (not verified) on 17 Apr 2008 #permalink

Black states early on that Bush believes the Earth was created in seven days; but I can't find any record of Bush ever saying that. Does anyone know where (or if) Bush has stated anything to that effect?

Does anyone know where (or if) Bush has stated anything to that effect?

this is what likely sparked Black's commentary:


as to GW being a YEC?

not likely (none of his family is), but I'm sure he often had to give them lip service as a political block when running for Texas Governor.

He also, in his first year in office, had weekly telephone conversations with Ted Haggard.

Should we really care what Bush's actually ideology is, when he is more than happy to play up to any crowd that will give him a power base?

... much like McCain is doing now.

It doesn't matter what religion these hypocrites REALLY are, if they are more than happy to give the YEC's what they want anyway.

And he's being billed by the Conservative's Club as The King of Logic!

Oh, I dunno--he's an anachronistic figurehead, with no real power or authority, who got his position by an accident of birth, rather than by any real intrinsic merit...I totally see it.

Just smuggle in a video projector, and play Colbert's savage beatdown of D'souza on his show where Steven got him to admit that D'souza agreed with the terrorists about America.

:-) :-) :-)

Re: #39 - the comment thread on Sexpelled has the most LOL/LMAO material I have seen in a while! Made my evening, after spending another day gearing up for Patton to show up here next week. And we have D'Souza before that tomorrow night! Expelled and D'Souza on the same night, followed by Patton for a whole week - what a wonderful time this is turning out to be in Fresno, California!

I really didn't find it funny. I had to try to do a fake laugh and I feel like other people were doing it as well.

Whatever floats your boat though.

By Planet Killer (not verified) on 17 Apr 2008 #permalink

Maybe you are a stone cold fuck nut. :D

I really didn't find it funny.

Oh, well if the great auteur, Planet Killer, doesn't like something...

By Ryan F Stello (not verified) on 17 Apr 2008 #permalink