Say hello to the new ERV

Same as the old ERV, only in fancy new digs.


More like this

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On ERV, Abbie Smith writes “Malaria kills 1.24 million people a year. Mostly babies under 5 years old.” Malaria, although carried by mosquitoes, is caused by a single-celled protist which infects the liver and goes on to parasitize red blood cells. Now, a little genetic engineering could put a stop…
I write about lots of things on ERV, but I didnt anticipate ever getting to the point where I can write new blog posts on new publications by cutting and pasting from old blog posts on old papers... Lots of news outlets have been talking about this new paper: Impact of HLA-driven HIV adaptation on…

Scienceblogs is sabotaging all of the scientists who use other systems.

First PZ had to switch, now ERV. They're growing into an evil monopoly as a part of "Big Science." Stein told ya about Big Science, and you didn't listen.

On the plus side, things sure ran smoother after PZ switched.

Glen D

/puts on his tin foil hat

Any chance there was some questionable activity in the blogger version of ERV's disappearance?

/hat off

Either way, congrats ERV in your assimilation.

So, she doesn't use apostrophes, because she's too lazy, and she's PROUD of that?


ScienceBorgs: Resistance is futile. You will assimilated.

I'll add ERV to this list. Waiting for the reason for the deletion to become clear but it looks like google isn't a fan of free speech. Also adding a chemist who was excommunicated from the Orthodox Presbyterian sect for accepting evolution. Anyone know any other victims, post it.
[link goes to Blake Stacey's blog which has a must read essay with documentation of the cases below.]

Posting the list of who is really being beaten up, threatened, fired, attempted to be fired, and killed. Not surprisingly, it is scientists and science supporters by Death Cultists.

I've discovered that this list really bothers fundies. Truth to them is like a cross to a vampire.

If anyone has more info add it. Also feel free to borrow or steal the list.

I thought I'd post all the firings of professors and state officials for teaching or accepting evolution.

2 professors fired, Bitterman (SW CC Iowa) and Bolyanatz (Wheaton)

1 persecuted unmercifully Richard Colling (Olivet)

1 persecuted unmercifully for 4 years Van Till (Calvin)

1 attempted firing Murphy (Fuller Theological by Phillip Johnson IDist)

1 successful death threats, assaults harrasment Gwen Pearson (UT Permian)

1 state official fired Chris Comer (Texas)

1 assault, fired from dept. Chair Paul Mirecki (U. of Kansas)

1 killed, Rudi Boa, Biomedical Student (Scotland)

Death Threats Eric Pianka UT Austin and the Texas Academy of Science engineered by a hostile, bizarre IDist named Bill Dembski

Death Threats Michael Korn, fugitive from justice, towards the UC Boulder biology department and miscellaneous evolutionary biologists.

Death Threats Judge Jones Dover trial. He was under federal marshall protection for a while


By Ryan F Stello (not verified) on 28 Apr 2008 #permalink

raven's quote of Blake Stacey's list of harrassed teachers of evolution:

1 successful death threats, assaults harrasment Gwen Pearson (UT Permian)

Does anyone know where this took place? I mean, 'UT Permian' doesn't tell us much, as Utah is so backward practically all of it is in the Permian.

Does anyone know where this took place? I mean, 'UT Permian' doesn't tell us much, as Utah is so backward practically all of it is in the Permian.

U. of Texas, Permian Basin branch.

Google it or Blake's blog has links to the original sources.

It will be good to see Abbie over here. I'm betting Dembski's Single Malt Bottle of scotch that she will be a top 5 traffic- blogger here before Dembski gets a new sweater - which should be less than 6 months.

ps: Don't anyone tell Creo-Tard William Wallace!

ERV? Earth Return Vehicle?


It seems to me that refusing to use apostrophes from the third grade to grad school would require a heck of a lot more effort than just using them.

(And, yes, if you're going to play grammar police, please use proper calitalization and sentence structure. Thank you.)

Endogenous Retrovirus

Ah - I did wonder when the clever lass'd be inducted.

Does anyone else have trouble picking up her RSS?

damn, i thought it was erogenous retrovirus...

By Angus Beefheart (not verified) on 28 Apr 2008 #permalink


It's about time ERV found her lovely ways over to the hive, and I am definitely looking forward to reading what she's got to say.

re #1: "On the plus side, things sure ran smoother after PZ switched.
So Glen D, you're saying Scienceblogs made the brains run on time?