The latest atrocity to spur right-thinking Christians to action!

What fresh horror could drive the American Family Association to call out the troops? Evil, repulsive soap operas.

Procter & Gamble has resumed using explicit, open-mouth homosexual kissing in their soap opera, "As the World Turns."

So stop buying soap and shampoo, Christians! If you aren't dingy, greasy, and stinky, we'll know you're an advocate of boys kissing.

Helpfully, AFA includes a link to the "repulsive" video, so if you're a good Christian you can also watch these two attractive young men being affectionate with one another. You can watch it over and over. You can watch it until those strange, funny feelings drive you to embrace Jesus.


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Doesn't the fact that the AFA now admits that seeing two gay guys kissing is "repulsive", give the lie to their contention that homosexuality is just a "lifestyle" choice?

How can a heterosexual man possibly "choose" a lifestyle which requires him to repeatedly do something repulsive?

By Gingerbaker (not verified) on 28 Apr 2008 #permalink

It is a good thing that they are not using IMPLICIT, open-mouth homosexual kissing in their soap opera!

That would be too much.

By Anhomoioi (not verified) on 28 Apr 2008 #permalink

I wonder if they threw a fit when years ago Star Trek DS9 had what amounted to a veiled lesbian kiss scene.

I wonder if the people at AFA have real jobs. They seem plenty happy to make busy-bodies of themselves.

By BlueIndependent (not verified) on 28 Apr 2008 #permalink

Hawt! I've got to start reading the AFA website more.

OH NOEZ!!!! TEH GHEYZ!!111!!!one!!!

Good thing they don't watch Torchwood.

"I wonder if they threw a fit when years ago Star Trek DS9 had what amounted to a veiled lesbian kiss scene."

If the AFA had been around in the 1960's, they would have undoubtedly protested Star Trek's famous interracial kiss as well.

By Jason Failes (not verified) on 28 Apr 2008 #permalink

Shocking! why I've never seen anything like this. Well except for my date last night when I was kissing another guy, but still shocking open mouth homosexual kissing! Think of the children!!!


Also, I heard about a study that showed that homophobic men were more aroused by explicit homosexual imagery than were heterosexual men with no such bias. The fundie doth protest too much, methinks!

BlueIndependent: Oh there was a ruckus about it. Jedziah Dax wasn't actually female.

That said, I guess a some wet, sloppy fellatio would make the people at AFA's heads explode. Some how someone should get them to the Gay Video Awards show.

Last month I watched videos of a British tv series from 1996 that had the gay characters making out just as much as the straight ones, and even 12 years ago in the U.K. it was no big deal, the series was popular, well-reviewed, no controversy.

I often wonder what its like living in a country that is apparently at least marginally sane. I'd move there if I could.

BlueIndependent, based on this (
didn't you realize that lesbianism--within the proper Christian context, of course-- is not even close to being as offensive to sweet Jeebus' eyes as the dude on dude? One is okay so long as you follow god's playbook for threesomes, one is a mortal sin that will place your non-existent soul in danger of hellfire for eternity.
Get it?

Thanks to PossumMomma for the link!

Procter & Gamble?!? That's teh Satanic corporation!

A coalition of Christian groups is calling on the Department of Justice to block the proposed merger between Procter & Gamble and razor giant Gillette because of P&G's ties to the Church of Satan. If the corporate marriage is approved, the new corporation will be the largest in the world to be controlled by Satan worshippers.

By Curt Cameron (not verified) on 28 Apr 2008 #permalink

Oh, come on. Everybody knows that all us macho guys can't help but be tempted by another man's taut, lithe, muscular body, right? All of us secretly desire to just reach out and...


Shit, never mind.

craig @ 11

What series was that? It sounds like Queer as Folk (written by the same guy who relaunched Dr Who in 2005, and is also responsible for Torchwood, no big surprise there), but that was in 1999.

Incidentally, there was quite a bit of criticism for QaF, but mainly around the depiction of a minor having homosexual sex.

Well, i am guessin that if their feelings get that tingly, Jesus will be the last thing they embrace.

By firemancarl (not verified) on 28 Apr 2008 #permalink

Since this is a "soap opera" that I assume is about a 95% female audience, seems that this is just trying to introduce (translate) yaoi into the american market. maybe? I don't know. just a thought.

Why is so easy to get zealots to watch gay porn, but so hard to get them to read a science book?

By StupidityAssimilator (not verified) on 28 Apr 2008 #permalink

Good luck with that. I think the populations of soap-opera fans and fundamentalist believers have, shall we say, significant overlap.


Why is so easy to get zealots to watch gay porn, but so hard to get them to read a science book?

That's great! Think it'll fit on a licence plate in Florida?

Confused, I don't really remember the name. It was about several of 20-something lawyers sharing a house.

I wonder if the people at AFA have real jobs.

Nope. They don't need to. Welcome to the wonderful world of Wingnut Welfare, brought to you by the letters Scaife, Mellon, and Coors, and also by the number Ahronson.

By Interrobang (not verified) on 28 Apr 2008 #permalink

I think people need to email this organization with requests to post more videos like that!
The world needs to see a solid number of examples promoting "homosexual agenda." Just one measly scene won't do!

I sent my email through the AFA system. Anyone else?

"As the WOrld Turns is Great Again!

Dear Mr. Lafley,

I am happy that Procter & Gamble has decided to side with human rights activists in promoting a healthy lifestyle represented by a loving homosexual relationship. I would suggest that P&G continue making the best products possible while also embracing the spectrum of human diversity.

Please keep up the great work!"

"You can watch it over and over. You can watch it until those strange, funny feelings drive you to embrace Jesus."


If you think the AFA's reaction to this is bad, just wait until they find out one of the characters is wearing a cotton/polyester blend!

And PZ's comment about 'tingly feelings' driving one to 'embrace Jesus' reminded me of a fridge magnet proudly displayed by a friend of mine. It says, "I love Jesus, but I still make Him wear a condom."

I am totally going to Christian message boards and posting links to yaoi anime sites. Man, I love kicking theological/ideological hornet nests. :-)

By Quiet_Desperation (not verified) on 28 Apr 2008 #permalink

I love the way youtube suggests other related content after you watch a vid... I wonder how many super-concerned Xtian males will find themselves helplessly following a sordid link trail of sin.

From the hate site:

"As the World Turns" is totally owned and controlled by Procter & Gamble.

So is "Guiding Light".
Can't they be happy that one of their soaps has Christian overtones (or have times changed so much that even that isn't a safe haven, anymore)?

By Ryan F Stello (not verified) on 28 Apr 2008 #permalink

R #26, yep that's it.

I don't get it - does P&G have its own soap opera? is this some play on words video making the rounds on the internet or is it a real how on tv? im so lost!

The Founder and Chairman Donald E. Wildmon is soooooo my type ! What a hunk.

By negentropyeater (not verified) on 28 Apr 2008 #permalink

I am totally going to start watching that show. I am also going to write Proctor and Gamble and tell them that if they just show a tiny glimpse of one of those ravishing young men's asses, I will buy a LIFETIME supply of Prell or whatever crappy-assed shampoo they sell.

If you follow the link back to the Action Alert they very kindly provide an e-mail form to register your "protest" with P&G.

There seems to be no problem altering the message but it may be as well to send any statements of support direct, using the highlighted e-mail address beside the form, in case of filtering.

If you are so inclined, you can change the wording of the email form on their website to let P&G know you approve of them promoting the homosexual lifestyle. Let's give them a headache.

Dobson's organization, Focus on the Gays and Coral Ridge have both been losing members and revenues. My guess is some people get tired of paying exorbinant fees to wear a tinfoil hat and run around acting like a moron.

Besides, the Prosperity Ministry hacks will make you rich instead of costing you money and the faith healers will reduce your doctor bills.

Someone over there seems awfully fascinated with those two, since 12 out of the 15 "related" clips are about them........ but what's the "Doctor Who Megamix" video doing there?

By themadlolscientist (not verified) on 28 Apr 2008 #permalink

You can watch it until those strange, funny feelings drive you to embrace Jesus.

But can Jesus kiss like those two hot young men?

Here's how I used the Action Alert the AFA so conveniently provided:

"Dear Mr. Lafley,

I am very pleased that P&G doesn't kowtow to the bigotry and closed mindedness of the wingnuts who idolize Donald E Wildmon, chairman of the so-called "American Family Association."
These dirtbags dress up their rabid anti -American bigotry against anything they don't like (gays, lesbians, atheists etc) in "family" talk, but it is simply code for "icky."

Don't bow to pressure from religious bigots. Keep your day time dramas filled with whatever your audience enjoys - men kissing men, women kissing women, men kissing women and all the kissing a person can stand. Rock On P&G!"

And then I taunted the swine at the AFA - telling them thanks for providing the means to express my support for P&G's programs. HAR!

By bybelknap, FCD (not verified) on 28 Apr 2008 #permalink

Procter & Gamble has resumed using explicit, open-mouth homosexual kissing in their soap opera, "As the World Turns."

P&G has been targeted by Xian wackos before. Their old logo was a cresent moon with stars, an old folk motif. The fundies kept claiming that this proved that P&G was a corporation controlled by satan.

P&G kept suing them for lies and slander and winning. But they never stopped spreading that "fact" and I'd be surprised if the logo is still in use. IIRC, it dated back to the 1800's.

I'd be leery of using the AFA's form. For all you know, they all have the same header despite the changed content, and so would likely go unread and just be a tick mark as yet another "protest letter."

Hm, the video page has this text:

"As the World Turns" is totally owned and controlled by Procter & Gamble.

How can they turn a simple copyright statement into a sinister conspiracy hint?

Or is it just me?

Peter 5:14: Greet one another with a kiss of love.

Luke 22:47: ...and he that was called Judas, one of the twelve, went before them, and drew near unto Jesus to kiss him.

There was a lot of kissing going on in that group. It makes you wonder...

By Gary J. Bivin (not verified) on 28 Apr 2008 #permalink

Maybe my conceptions about "open-mouth kissing" are wrong, but this looked pretty tame to me. Last time my girlfriend and me went to visit her family, we had more passionate moments than that in front of her grandma.

Only the AFA would find kissing "repulsive". Only the AFA would see displays of love and affection as anti-family.

Yet, how do they know these things exist? Presumably, because they watch them.

Closet voyeurs, that's what they are.

By Forrest Prince (not verified) on 28 Apr 2008 #permalink

With sincere apologies to Mel Brooks -- "Dobson straight!"

By Jim Ramsey (not verified) on 28 Apr 2008 #permalink

All you posters with your Jesus-frenching fantasies might do well to remember that Jesus (if there ever actually was such a historical figure) lived well before the days of modern dentistry.


I remember all the times I used to get mad over AFA's reports about people being denied religious freedom in classrooms in schools despite having the Constitutional 1st amendment granting us religious freedom and reports about them complaining about today's television showing offensive shows like NYPD Blue saw them calling for boycotts of Proctor and Gamble, Disney and other cooperations supporting gay and lesbian, sexual immorality, Porn, and graphic violence which often times lead me to have people pray in my church for people to boycott the shows and the people endorsing them. Back then, I didn't really know what separation of of church and state is all about let alone what's the real history behind Christian movements and what really happened in society prior to the 1960s' and all the social movements that went on back then.

So, when I said to the church folks about not knowing what separation of church and state is all about and asks could someone please tell me what's it all about, one of them explains that it's all about a promise made to a church group by Thomas Jefferson to have the government never interfere with their church activities only to have the promise broken in the 1960s' when the Supreme Court voted to ban prayer and bible reading in public areas.

That explanation somewhat satisfy me until I came across sites like this one that clearly explains to me what separation of Church and state, which is preventing religious zealots from proselytizing people into embracing religion against their will, and the real motives behind certain Christian movements is really all about.

Nowadays, when I see AFA doing their reports in church brochures, instead of getting mad, I would stand there and wonder if these people do all the things they openly get appalled by in secret or are they just making some of it all up just for personal gain and money.

WWJK, meaning, Who would Jesus kiss? With 12 disciples, he had a choice.

Oops, already noted in #13 above.

I can understand them being upset if they had two ugly guys kissing, but... rowr! :-D

Checked out their past action reports to see if they find violence or torture scenes repulsive. Nope. Guess it's just displays of affection they can't stand.

I watched the clip and then signed the petition. Thank you PZ for making me aware of things like this.

If it wasn't for you, I would not have known about this and I have done my part so that homosexuality isn't forced down everyones throat.

My guess is some people get tired of paying exorbinant fees to wear a tinfoil hat and run around acting like a moron.

There was some discussion of that on Pandagon a little while ago; if my search-fu were better, I'd be able to find and link the relevant comments.

Anyway, I think it was one of Pam's posts, referring to how leaders on the religious right like Dobson and Kennedy were bemoaning the lack of leadership in the younger generation. A commenter observed, quite on target, I think, that the problem is not the lack of *leaders*. After all, there will always be competition beating down the door of Liberty University, et al, in order to step into the shoes of the grifters at the top.

No, despite their rhetoric, their problem with the younger generation is going to be a lack of *followers*, to fund them.

Ok, the acting ability and writing was fairly repulsive but the general theme? Nope. As to the comment above about Focus on the Anus and other groups losing money could also be due to the economy. There just isn't a lot of disposable income around to throw at saving society from Teh Gay and other lunatic fringe pet causes. There is a silver lining to food doubling in price and $4/gal gas.

I may agree with them on this one. I also don't like seeing gay couples kissing on television. Although i don't like seeing straight couples kissing on television. Only lesbians should be allowed to kiss in public.

It seems we have our first disgusting bigot on this posting....

As the World Turns without Christian Fundies who feel they have nothing better to do. Har har.

Two guys kissing? Mmmm.

Well, I just used their site to send my own letter. Do they check the text? I don' think they will agree with my position.

By Cay Borduin (not verified) on 28 Apr 2008 #permalink

How everyone who posted here going to the AFA site and re-writing their email to Mr, Lafley supporting P&G and their choice to promote love and family in all its forms?

That's what I did.

"Helpfully, AFA includes a link to the "repulsive" video, so if you're a good Christian you can also watch these two attractive young men being affectionate with one another. You can watch it over and over."

This is the same phenomenon that inspired the extended "Assassination of Buckwheat" skit on SNL back in the day: "For those of you who just joined us, let's take another look" repeated about 10 times and showing the shooting in increasingly slower motion and higher resolution.

Proctor and Gamble is a satanic company. I read it on the internet. So why is Focus on the Butt going to write them letters anyway. Think they will care?

From the Lunatic Fringe [Swift] report:

Trademark of the beast
While the Gillette Co. has no known ties to the Church of Satan, Procter's relationship to the devil dates back decades. During the 1960's, Christians who looked closely at the corporate logo, a moon-star symbol that had appeared on many of the company's products since 1882, saw not 13 stars representing the 13 original colonies as the company insisted, but something altogether different: the Mark of the Beast. The arrangement of stars, noted these witnesses, secretly spelled out the numbers '666,' immediately recognizable to students of the Bible as the digits of the devil.

While Procter dropped its satanic logo in 1985, there's no word yet on what logo the merged companies will use, and whether the new image will incorporate the mark of the beast. Analysts note that in recent years, Procter has worked to update what has long been a staid image, and is thus unlikely to reuse the satanic logo from its past.

Our next guest: Satan
Procter took its relationship with the devil public in 1994, when then CEO Durk Jager allegedly appeared on the Phil Donahue and "came out" as a Satanist, acknowledging that a large portion of P&G's profits goes to support the Church of Satan. Jager proclaimed that he felt comfortable disclosing Procter's ties to the Church of Satan because of the openness of American culture.

This rumor has been spread by Amway among others. A competitor of P&G whose head was a rabid fundie head case whose claim to grace is that he is now dead. Leaving some of his loot to a creationist research group.

as evidenced by a forwarded email that showed up in my inbox just last week:

The President of Procter & gamble appeared on the Phil Donahue Show on March 1, 1994. He announced that due to the openness of our society, he was coming out of the closet about his association with the church of Satan. He stated that a large portion of his profits from Procter & Gamble Products goes to support this satanic church. When asked by Donahue if stating this on t.v. would hurt his business, he replied, "THERE ARE NOT ENOUGH CHRISTIANS IN THE UNITED STATES TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE."


If it wasn't for you, I would not have known about this and I have done my part so that homosexuality isn't forced down everyones throat.

Kenny can has pun???

So if you're a xtian fundy nutjob, the on/off control or channel changer on your TV no longer works?

@#3 BlueIndependant --

"I wonder if they threw a fit when years ago Star Trek DS9 had what amounted to a veiled lesbian kiss scene."

I remember hearing an anecdote in which Ira Steven Behr (I think) got an angry letter about the Dax kiss. He asked if the letter-writer would have been okay if the two women were shooting each other instead of kissing. Sadly, she responded, "Yes." It's a really sad world we live in...

(Also, that kiss also got a lot of flack from glbtq activists who said it was still too heteronormative, since even though Dax & Khan were currently both women, the original relationship had been between a female Khan symbiont host and a male Dax symbiont host. Then later, when they had the mirror universe Ezri/Kira kiss, they got shit for that too because of concern that by portraying lesbianism in the somewhat evil MU, they were portraying homosexuality as evil as well. You just can't win...)

Here's what I sent via the AFA Actopn Alert:

Dear Mr. Lafley,

I am very concerned that Procter & Gamble will be swayed to give up their programming because of a religious, intolerant and homophobic group called the "American Family Association".

I viewed the offending telecast from their website (even though it had the warning "content is repulsive"). I found it to be a sensitive portrayal of love between two people, regardless of their sexual preference.

I would have found the content more repulsive if both of them had pulled out 357 magnums and brutally murdered each other. The American Family Association would probably approve of this.

Apparently, the American Family Association doesn't know how to change the channel if they see something they don't like.

I am sending this from their website to see if you get it intact. Of course I'll never know if you got it or not.

Keep up the good work.
Ted Clark

"If it wasn't for you, I would not have known about this and I have done my part so that homosexuality isn't forced down everyones throat."

Its funny... I've seen a number of men like Kenny complain about tolerance of homosexuality, and they always seem to use the phrase "forced down everyone's throat."

Secure heterosexuals don't worry about gays because it doesn't affect them. But then there's closet cases like Kenny who can't stop worrying about gay sex, who can't tolerate public reminders of it, because they're having such a hard time trying to not always imagine things being forced down their throats.

A man and a woman kissing on TV apparently isn't forcing anything down Kenny's throat, but two men kissing on TV does, it threatens him right down to his deeply closeted soul.

I used their email link to send P&G a note thanking them for their support of gay rights. Way to go, AFA - I never would have bothered otherwise.

With the P&G's "Well-known" ties to Satanism, it's really surprising that ANY of the good little brownshirts of the AFA need to be told to boycott their shows. After all, aren't they ALREADY boycotting anything P&G makes?

By Blaidd Drwg (not verified) on 28 Apr 2008 #permalink

Oh man this stinks. I own P&G stock and they've been doing better than any of my other stocks.

Maybe Kenny meant forcing homosexual tongue down each other's throat. (If that thought doesn't pitch a tent in Kenny's pants, the next time I'll be more specific.)

ATWT also socked it to Fundies back in the 80s, by having an openly gay character on the show. One of the storylines involved a woman who was a fashion designer, and, honey, there's no way you can do a realistic portrayal of the fashion industry without some gay men! The show had him come out, and had some rather realistic reactions from the community, including the feeling of anger, confusion and betrayal of a teenaged boy who had looked up to the gay character. The character's name was Hank Elliott. No kissing for him, but, hey, it was a start.

I don't get it - does P&G have its own soap opera?

You do realize that it's not ironic for these shows to be called "soap operas" and have P&G (Ivory soap) as a sponsor? They're called soap operas because outfits like P&G provided the funding to put them on the air, with an understanding that their products would receive prominent advertisement placement. During the intro (at least in the old days), when the title came up, an announcer would state, "As the World Turns, brought to you today by Proctor and Gamble." I don't know if they still do this. I doubt it, since the shows have many other sponsors (advertisers) now.

is this some play on words video making the rounds on the internet or is it a real how on tv? im so lost!

As the World Turns is a real show. It's one of the oldest continuously running shows in America, starting in 1954 (another soaper, Guiding Light is the oldest--1951 for TV, 1937 for its radio show). ATWT was started by the "queen" of soap operas, Irna Phillips, who also originated Another World, Guiding Light, and others. Not long after its premiere, it skyrocketed to the top of the Nielsens, and was the most-watched soap opera for at least 20 years.

Soap operas are very common throughout the world. They're romantic serial shows geared toward women, and have a primary focus on relationships--lovers, enemies, family, friends. If I understand it correctly, EastEnders is a British soap.

American soap operas have a deservedly bad reputation for 1) lousy storylines and acting (although some of our top actors learn the ropes in soaps) and 2) coming up with some crazy scenarios: long-lost children, long-lost parents, disrupted weddings, questionable paternity, people coming back from (presumably) being dead (retconning), astonishing maturation of children, characters going upstairs to get a book but never appearing again (did the attic swallow him???), people dying from falling UPstairs--the list goes on and on.

Soaps in America experienced a surge of mainstream popularity in the 80s, thanks to the Luke and Laura phenomenon on General Hospital, but that quickly dwindled. The ratings have been steadily dropping for years, and are in really bad shape now, with the top shows garnering numbers that got other soaps cancelled in the 80s.

Yeah, I know a lot about these damned soaps. My grandmother watched them every single weekday when I was living with her. So I watched them too. Some of my earliest memories are of 1) Julie Banning having her son David on Days of Our Lives and 2) Mrs. Russell Matthews (Rachel) announcing at the engagement party of her sister-in-law that the groom-to-be was the father of her unborn child (Another World).

Re. ST:DS9, Etha said: You just can't win...

You have to admit, Trek has not got the best record there. You've got those two episodes of DS9 ('one's not really a guy' and 'evil mirror world dikes') and then you have the original TNG Trill-symbiont episode where Dr. Crusher's love for a being is entirely wrecked when it switches gender. She'll throw down for a freakin' alien but only if it's male?

Reminds me of a joke wherein two English colonials are enjoying a brandy in the local gentlemen's club and one remarks to the other,

"Say, have you heard that old Smythe has started cohabitating with an orangutang?"

"Mmm, you don't say? A male or female orangutang?"

"Why female of course, nothing queer about old Smythe."

By Sarcastro (not verified) on 28 Apr 2008 #permalink

"As the World Turns" is totally owned and controlled by "Procter & Gamble"

What! Are these two f***ing playing Unreal or something?


Nice of a to show that lovely clip of human affection and to make it some convenient for me to thank P&G for showing gays in a positive light.

Re: DS9 gays, I'm watching the series on netflix right now. The Trill seem to be fairly ok with bi-sexuality, especially joined Trill who have experienced life as both sexes. There are two alien males that are maried, but it's only mentioned in passing. They didn't have the guts to set Cpt. Sisco, black, with a white woman. They can do inter-species relationships, but not inter-"race" (I know it's not true races) unless they're also not the same species. (They have O'Brian with Kako (Asian), but I don't think Asian/white mixing is as big of an issue.)

Next up for Daytime TV: The Proctology Gamble.

AFA has been bookmarked as my newest pr0n site. It's certainly better than all those american bears I've been watching. I wish I were a boy so I could have hot gay kissing.

You can watch it until those strange, funny feelings drive you to embrace Jesus.

Is it just me, or did this phrase give anyone else an urge to start using "Jesus" as a euphemism for "my genitals"?

"Why, yes, thank you, I embrace Jesus regularly. And so do many of my friends. We often have gatherings in which Jesus touches each of us quite profoundly What did you say? Children? No, that's horrible!"

Speaking of fucking Jesus there is that crucifix scene in The Exorcist.

#63 (shame, it was almost #69)

I have done my part so that homosexuality isn't forced down everyones throat.

OK, see, I'm a grown man... but I did have a giggle at that.

Fundies say the darnedest things...

By Charlie Foxtrot (not verified) on 28 Apr 2008 #permalink

@#87 Sarcastro --

Re. ST:DS9, Etha said: You just can't win...

You have to admit, Trek has not got the best record there. You've got those two episodes of DS9 ('one's not really a guy' and 'evil mirror world dikes') and then you have the original TNG Trill-symbiont episode where Dr. Crusher's love for a being is entirely wrecked when it switches gender. She'll throw down for a freakin' alien but only if it's male?

Yeah, I have to agree about Trek not having a great record w/ homosexuality. Sometimes watching it I feel like their utopian future is less unprejudiced than the present in which I grew up. (Disclaimer: I grew up in Santa Monica, so...yeah. It wasn't exactly representative of the political climate of the rest of the country.)

Still, I guess my point is that if the interracial kiss in Plato's Stepchildren had aired nowadays, they'd probably be getting a lot of flack about how Kirk & Uhura only kissed because they were being mind-controlled by aliens, and how this implies something about rape/power relationships between white men and black women. But at the time, people took it for what it was: a ground-breaking moment in TV history.

(Granted, neither of the lesbian kisses on DS9 were exactly what you'd call "ground-breaking.")

I'm not saying Trek should be getting praise as a prescient show in the fight for equal rights for gays. I'm just saying that the PC side in this country might be taking things a bit too far sometimes.

And @#89 Jackal -- the Sisko thing really annoyed me. His black father, Joseph Sisko, was married twice, both times to black women, and he (Ben Sisko) was married twice, both times to black women. Come on...would a little bit of interracial diversity be so much to ask?

Still, I utterly love the show anyway.

God, I'm such a geek....

I have personally never been a "soap" fan, but I will admit to throroughly enjoying the prime time soap called "Soap".

WARNING - content is repulsive!

Really? I found it quite stimulating. As a matter of fact, by the end of the clip, I was highly tempted to dig through my porn stash and pull out my Devyn Foster videos for another round of provocative entertainment.

I agree with SteveM. If they think that was 'repulsive', what would a few choice clips from the most recent series of Torchwood do?

I seem to remember there being a big fuss about the first gay kiss on Shortland Street, NZ's favourite/only soap. That was when I still lived in NZ, though, more than a decade ago.

Maybe my conceptions about "open-mouth kissing" are wrong, but this looked pretty tame to me.

Yep, I'd rate it more "sweet" than "hot and heavy". If they think that's repulsive I vote we direct them to Torchwood, which no doubt would cause projectile vomiting--or maybe just loud assertions of disgust and "Rewind that again, so we can be properly repulsed."

Well, I guess a blowjob's right out of the question...

I don't think anyone's mentioned yet that, in the clip, the guy who initiates the kiss takes a look around to be sure that the coast was clear.

Not many heteros do that on tv/movies/real life.

have any of these people watched any soap operas lately? the stories mainly revolve around adultery, murder, kindapping, rape, assault, etc, etc.
apparently, all of these things are of good moral quality, but if you throw some gays in the mix, it's a problem?

who are they kidding?

Having watched the clip, I was frankly appalled. From the description I assumed there'd be plenty of tongues, but it was nothing more than a bit of tender smoochiness. I think AFA needs to get their act together. If they're going to alert us to hot homo action on the daytime soaps, it should at least be hard hot homo action. So to speak.

BTW, I used the email address (but NOT the form, which presumably gets vetted by the AFA) on the "send a boilerplate whine email" page to send a message to P&G saying "Please ignore the Christian Fundies". I hope others can too...

By Pete Cockerell (not verified) on 29 Apr 2008 #permalink

Kenny: "If it wasn't for you, I would not have known about this and I have done my part so that homosexuality isn't forced down everyones throat."

HaHahahahahahahaha!!!! Kenny, you're good... What an example of Poe's Law. Wowww!!!

Do you have a web page, or a pamphlet of some sort?

Uh right. Two guys kissing. my only comment were they doing so in public would be to suggest they get a room.

you can also watch these two attractive young men being affectionate with one another. You can watch it over and over. You can watch it until those strange, funny feelings drive you to embrace Jesus.

Or take a cold shower, alone. all alone, just you, your bar of soap and your hot sweaty hands.

Yeah, I have to agree about Trek not having a great record w/ homosexuality. Sometimes watching it I feel like their utopian future is less unprejudiced than the present in which I grew up. (Disclaimer: I grew up in Santa Monica - Etha Williams

Come on, how many pointy-eared inter-species hybrids were in highly responsible positions in Santa Monica at that time?

Which reminds me, how many ears does Captain Kirk have?

By Nick Gotts (not verified) on 29 Apr 2008 #permalink


Procter & Gamble actually ARE Satanic and actually ARE deserving of being boycotted because they are the leading company in the world to conduct cosmetics testing on animals.

This is not medical or science testing to further advance mankind. It's done to test unnecessary new permutations of vanity products that no one needs.…

By Gûm-ishi Ashi Gurum (not verified) on 29 Apr 2008 #permalink

holy crap... sorry for that ridiculously long url. i guess that's what the preview button is for. my bad.

By Gûm-ishi Ashi Gurum (not verified) on 29 Apr 2008 #permalink

"have any of these people watched any soap operas lately? the stories mainly revolve around adultery, murder, kindapping, rape, assault, etc, etc.
apparently, all of these things are of good moral quality, but if you throw some gays in the mix, it's a problem?"

Excellent point Jenni, and one that illustrates just how hypocritical the AFA and their christo-fascist bretheren really are.
They support the unadulterated right to own a gun, but not the gun safety courses that *might* help to ensure responsible ownership.
They support the 'freedom' of parents to refuse medical treatment to their dying children, yet oppose universal health care.
They demand that an accidental pregnancy be carried to delivery, then abandon the child and its mother.
They support the practice of adopting Chinese babies, yet won't go so far as to adopt an American baby that was carried to term over the objections of the mother.
They claim to be "pro-life" yet support death penalty, and a war in which countless innocent children and pregnant women have already been killed, with no end in sight.

And they wonder why their membership is declining, and why they are seen by more and more people as irrelevant...

By Blaidd Drwg (not verified) on 29 Apr 2008 #permalink

@#103 Jenni --

have any of these people watched any soap operas lately? the stories mainly revolve around adultery, murder, kindapping, rape, assault, etc, etc.
apparently, all of these things are of good moral quality, but if you throw some gays in the mix, it's a problem?

Reminds me of the story about the DS9 (kind of) lesbian kiss that I related earlier...they aired the kiss, and immediately got an angry letter from some "family values" advocate. One of the producers, Ira Steven Behr IIRC, replied to her asking if she would be okay if the two women were shooting each other instead of kissing each other. Depressingly, she said yes, with no equivocation at all.

And they wonder why their membership is declining, and why they are seen by more and more people as irrelevant...

yes, they don't recognize their internal inconsistencies (and that was a nice shortlist, btw), but it's really not surprising if you simply assume they are compartmentalizing.

and no, they don't wonder why their membership is declining, they "know". I rather think you might have seen the rationalizations many of them apply as to why this is so. Essentially, anybody who "leaves the flock" has been "tempted by Satan". Hell, you've even seen the argument presented more or less on any religious channel you can name, on any given day.

In their minds, 9/11 itself was the fault of all the "gays and liberals" in the US, and their "sympathizers", remember?

Hell, that level of "honesty" finally started waking many up to how insane these creobots really are.

There is, in fact, very little "wondering" about anything that goes on in the head of a creobot.
Which, of course, is one of the ways they maintain their absurd levels of compartmentalization and dissonance, and why their minds so rapidly spin defense mechanisms of denial and projection to match.

...I would add it's also become clear (in case it wasn't already), why it is so dangerous NOT to point out groups that self-maintain large inconsistencies, compartmentalize too much, and end up providing the most horrid bits of rationalizations for their own delusions. What do you get?

8 years of W; hundreds of thousands dead, gone from seeing the best economy the US has seen in 35 years to the worst.

So, in short, allowing large groups of people to compartmentalize and rationalize away their delusions, and also project their fears onto any group "fearless leader" points his finger at, is indeed a dangerous thing to do.

I have been VERY glad to see blogs like PZ's continually gaining in popularity and influence over the last few years, but it will still be decades before the influence of the huge group of religious nutbags in the US is finally relegated to history.

far too long to wait for my tastes.

Why is so easy to get zealots to watch gay porn, but so hard to get them to read a science book?

Posted by: StupidityAssimilator

If I hadn't already decided on my molly nomination for this month that comment would be worthy of a nomination all on its own :)

By John Phillips, FCD (not verified) on 30 Apr 2008 #permalink

Any sexual act outside of marriage is sin, whether heterosexual or homosexual. Showing it on television only makes the gullible think it's an acceptable practice.
Read the Book.

By Carol Hamann (not verified) on 07 May 2008 #permalink