Radio reminder

Tune in at 9am for Atheists Talk radio — this week, there will be discussions of genetics and ethics, and just in time for your summer planning, you'll learn more about Camp Quest.

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Remember — Sunday morning at 9am, you can tune in to the Minnesota Atheists' very own Atheist Talk radio program. This week, we're planning to have a bigger slice of time for the Moment of Science, and Kristine Harley and I will be talking about the idea of bad "design" — the observation that…
This morning at 9am, Chris Hallquist will be on Atheists Talk radio to discuss skepticism of Christian apologetics. In addition, it's that time of year — find out about godless summer camp, Camp Quest.
Remember—every Sunday at 9am, you Minnesotans (and clever others) can listen to the Minnesota Atheists radio program on Air America. Tune in tomorrow — it's especially important since I've heard that Air America has actually already lost one advertiser because they had the gall to actually allow…
At 9am Sunday on Atheists Talk radio, it's me! I'll be telling you all about My Summer Vacation, my trip to the Galápagos. Tune in and call in! Afterwards, at 11, we'll be meeting for brunch at Q. Cumbers — stop by if you're in the area and say hello.

I have nothing to say on this topic. I just, for once, wanted to be the first poster in a thread. I've been waiting two years for this moment. Allow me my time in the sun.

By Bride of Shrek (not verified) on 18 May 2008 #permalink

Oh come on, Bride of Shrek, I always go to you for something pithy. But with this comment, you have cheated me and left out the pith, I am pithed off. You owe me pith, damnit, pith on me.


Ciao, Jeffrey


In the words of the great Kenneth Williams (English comic actor)

Peace on you

By CosmicTeapot (not verified) on 18 May 2008 #permalink


You want me to pith on you? Damn boy, isn't there like a "house of ill repute" in your vicinity that'll perform that service for you?

By Bride of Shrek (not verified) on 18 May 2008 #permalink

In the words of the great Kenneth Williams (English comic actor)
Peace on you

Stop messing about

By Ihab Hussein (not verified) on 18 May 2008 #permalink

Bride of Shrek, re you #4, there probably is a house of ill repute nearby, but I am not an evangelist or fundamentalist creo-scientist, so doubt they want me as a customer. Oh well (dramatic sigh).

Always love your posts, BoS, and wish I had a platypus in my back yard, I just have ducks, geese and swans and herons on the pond. So boring.

Well, off to the home workshop to produce more pieces of the true cross for sale on Ebay. I use the proceeds from fundies to fuel my drug and alcohol induced atheist lifestyle.

Ciao, ya'll

Atheists are going to talk about ethics? Gonna be a short segment. EVERYONE knows atheists don't have 'ethics'!

I can't help but observe that it's always 9am somewhere. Does no one believe in timezones anymore?

Why do I have to live in Minnesota to listen?

Maybe 9am in Minnesota?

I've just noticed a serious neglect over at Dikipedia. - So, I'm passing it on as a little something especially suited for Sunday. There is no entry there for God. I know from years of reading and enlightening myself here that there are those here articulate and knowledgeable in the subject so I hope they will share.

Camp Quest! My ex-gf used to be a counselor there, she said it was a great place. Definitely cool for kids with no bible camp to go to.

@ 13 - Thank you :-)

Podcast is up! I should correct my fiancee who posted in my name earlier. We don't actually stream the live show from our site, that's through AM 950 KTNF. All you really need for verification is a Minnesota zip code, like 55401. Thanks for listening!

There's no need to specify time zones. After all, PZ's readers fall into two categories: PZ's fellow Minnesotans, and inferior barbarian outlanders.

By BoxerShorts (not verified) on 18 May 2008 #permalink

55401 eh? Thanks for the tip. :-)

Now we're pithed off barbarian outlanders.

By Patricia C. (not verified) on 18 May 2008 #permalink

Actually, I'm partial to 55343.
Thanks to MST3k I will forever know the zipcode of Hopkins, Minnesota.