Sarah, Pale in Comparison

I told you that Roy Zimmerman had a new topical song about Sarah Palin…and here it is:

More like this

I'm down at this funky coffeehouse in Fargo, the Red Raven, watching Roy Zimmerman set up. It's not too late, the show starts in a half hour, so you Dakotans better come on over! It's a nice cozy little venue, and a great place for a performance. Definitely a great performance — Roy is great about…
tags: politics, democracy, superdelegates, Roy Zimmerman, streaming video For this morning's video, I thought I'd share this little song with you, mostly because I have been asked to interview a local superdelegate for a story that the Huffington Post (where I volunteer) is writing. This time, I…
I've been following Roy Zimmerman's output of musical satire since his 2004 album Faulty Intelligence, and I was certainly not disappointed by the recent You're Getting Sleepy. The CD's title is shared with the opening song and refers to the hypnosis that must be going on when half of the US…
tags: Dick Cheney, Roy Zimmerman, politics, streaming video This streaming video is a song by Roy Zimmerman, who is a musician and political humorist. In this video, he chose to sing about Dick Cheney, who is supposedly the sexiest man alive [3:00].

He does a good Bob Dylan.

By Buzz Buzz (not verified) on 02 Sep 2008 #permalink

Is it just me, or is the embedded video not working?

By Bill Dauphin (not verified) on 02 Sep 2008 #permalink


And the video worked fine for me.

This New Yorker knows Sarah Palin is no Hillary Clinton. Not even close. Nice try, McCain.

Obama/Biden '08!

Meh. Not one of his better ones. Considering all the sexist and objectifying bullshit she's gotten thrown at her already I think the "ass trophy" line and the like was uncalled for and in bad taste.

Ah well, he can't write winners all of the time.

There is more coming out about Palin, none of it good. Her minister is some right wing lunatic who thinks people who vote democrat are going to hell and the war in Iraq is gods plan.

The 18 year old father of her grandkid-to-be had a myspace account, now disappeared. He calls himself a ____ redneck and says he doesn't want kids. LOL

The fact that someone like this is even a nominee for VP to a 72 zombie who has had cancer several times indicates that the USA is well on the way to imploding. Lived through Nixon, Reagan, and Bush and this is IMO, the closest the USA has come to destroying itself.


The church runs a number of ministries providing help to poor neighborhoods, care for children in need, and general community services. But Pastor Kalnins has also preached that critics of President Bush will be banished to hell; questioned whether people who voted for Sen. John Kerry in 2004 would be accepted to heaven; charged that the 9/11 terrorist attacks and war in Iraq were part of a war "contending for your faith;" and said that Jesus "operated from that position of war mode…

Jeez, the dems will have to work their butts off to blow this election!

Well, we have a black guy, so that's already hurting us. Fortunately, most of the people that won't vote on him on those grounds were already the brain-dead republicans who think Bush is the best president ever.

Ehhh... it's good, of course, but not one of his better songs, in my opinion. Maybe it's just that I'm not a big Dylan fan - although I have to admit I giggled at the "ass trophy" line. Because I'm all of 7, yo.

Anyone else think it's hilarious/sad that Palin supports abstinence-only sex ed, in light of her Monday announcement about her daughter's pregnancy?

Hey, I got moderated, and only one link! What gives?

By Sven DiMilo (not verified) on 02 Sep 2008 #permalink

To her, death is quite romantic
She wears an iron vest
Her religion's her profession
Her sin is her lifelessness
And though her eyes are fixed upon
Noah's great rainbow
She spends her time peeking
Into Desolation Row

I hope dylan doesn't mind the word switch.
(I leave it to you clever Pharyngulites to figure it out)

By Benjamin Franklin (not verified) on 02 Sep 2008 #permalink

And the video worked fine for me.

Does for me, now, too. When in doubt, reboot!

By Bill Dauphin (not verified) on 02 Sep 2008 #permalink

Sad to say, but my fundie mother cheered McCain's selection.

Good one, BF (#15), switcheroo and all. Dylan never hesitated to change his own lyrics at a whim, so I think he'd be OK with this one.

By Sven DiMilo (not verified) on 02 Sep 2008 #permalink

That made my evening.

I'd post it on my site, but I've OD'd on Sarah Palin and, honestly, it's going to get enough exposure here.

Huffington had a link to a church service Palin was in. Gack! The woman is soooo gawdsoaked, and sooo stupid it's frightening to watch. She should be a laughing stock instead of governor.
I listened to Sean Hannity today to get a take on what the christian freaks are saying about Bristol - it's all forgiveness. Jebus loves her. So you just hold your bible up - you don't read it... now I get it.

So you just hold your bible up - you don't read it... now I get it.

Why of course. Reading is a form of intellectual elitism. That's why you go to church and have your pastor tell you whats in it, what it means, and only you are going to heaven and why everyone not like you is in hell.

Hmmmph. Sexist.

The whole thought of a mccain administration scares the f0k out of me. His insistant "bomb bomb bomb iran' is stupid.

By Paula Helm Murray (not verified) on 02 Sep 2008 #permalink

It's Palin, Palin and McCain, Cain, Cain, Cain...

h/t to James McDonald of Making Light, who has the entire "Pinky and the Brain" theme song filked over there.

I just don't get it. With Sarah on as VP they know that they will get their assed kicked. There must be a reason for the torpedoing they are going to take. Do they want to shift the blame for the war, gas, recession to Obama? Sound like the only reasonable reason for me.

It's a circus guys. Looks like we will have one up here in Canada too, only it will be much much shorter.

The police have heard this song and are sending a SWAT team to "question" him.

I don't know about you guys, but as a democrat who just listened to the irresistible Joe Lieberman - a truely sincere democratic patriot, I'm sold, and definitely voting for McCain/Palin. How could anyone not be swayed by Lieberman's irresistible logic and impeccable democratic credentials?

Mike B @25. The Rethugs saw a some of Evangelicals starting to look at Obama as someone they could handle. Even the wingnuts are dipping a toe or 2 into the reality pool.

Stories like this would scare the GOP shitless. They know the Evans are a true main core of their party. They can GOTV in some pretty big numbers.

By Mercurious (not verified) on 02 Sep 2008 #permalink

How disappointing. This guy was funny not very long ago.


By John C. Randolph (not verified) on 02 Sep 2008 #permalink

"I don't know about you guys, but as a democrat who just listened to the irresistible Joe Lieberman - a truely sincere democratic patriot, I'm sold, and definitely voting for McCain/Palin. How could anyone not be swayed by Lieberman's irresistible logic and impeccable democratic credentials?"

Uh, are you serious? As for me, I'm one to compare Joe Lieberman to Benedict Arnold.

I'm surprised that I haven't yet heard Sarah's VP career compared to Harriet Miers' Supreme Court career.
PZ, you'd be a great headline writer for FARK.

Palin's responses on radio talk show very unbecoming

DAN Fagan

Published: January 27th, 2008 01:12 AM
Last Modified: January 27th, 2008 01:38 AM

The governor's appearance on KWHL's "The Bob and Mark Show" last week is plain and simple one of the most unprofessional, childish and inexcusable performances I've ever seen from a politician.

Anchorage DJ Bob Lester unleashed a vicious, mean-spirited, poisonous attack on Senate President Lyda Green last week while our governor was live on the air with him.

When we played the tape on my show the day after it happened, we received 130 calls. Even some Palinbots were disgusted.

The Daily News posted the recording on its Web site and it fired up bloggers.

The Fairbanks Daily News-Miner editorial writers demanded the governor apologize. The Juneau and Ketchikan papers also ran the editorial.

The Daily News opinion page addressed the governor's gaffe. They wrote "She came off looking immature herself, almost high-schoolish. It was conduct unbecoming a governor."

It was conduct unbecoming a human being, never mind a governor.

The governor's office eventually tried to spin the public relations disaster, releasing a statement reading, "Governor Palin was caught off guard by Bob Lester's reference to Senate President Lyda Green."

I don't buy it. Early on in the conversation before Palin started to crack up, Lester referred to Sen. Green as a jealous woman and a cancer. Palin, who knows full well Lyda Green is a cancer survivor, didn't do what any decent person would do, say, "Bob, that's going too far."

But as the conversation moved on, Lester intensified his attack on Green.

Lester questioned Green's motherhood, asking Palin if the senator cares about her own kids. Palin laughs.

Then Lester clearly sets the stage for what he is about to say by warning his large audience and Palin. He says, "Governor you can't say this but I will, Lyda Green is a cancer and a b----." Palin laughs for the second time.

What were teenage boys thinking when they heard the governor laugh at someone being called a b----? How about the teenage girls who look up to Palin. What did they think when they heard her laugh?

But there is more. Lester then describes Green's chair as big and cushy. A clear reference to the senator's weight. Palin laughs a third time. She's just having a grand old time.

Palin was clearly enjoying every second of Lester's vicious attack on her political rival.

But it gets worse.

Lester asks Palin point blank: "Do you have any idea of what you did, to make Lyda Green dislike you, hate you?" How does Palin respond? Does she do the right thing? What you would expect from a mature leader, a governor and say, "Bob, Lyda doesn't hate me."

No, she responds like a 13-year-old and says, "Um, you know once and a while I try to figure that out but I can't figure that out."

The Palin camp says the governor did call Green and apologize. That was the right thing to do. But the governor's statement shows the apology a half-hearted one.

The statement in part reads: "The Governor called Senator Green to explain that she does not condone name-calling in any way and apologized if there was a perception that the comment was attributed to the Governor."

But there's strong evidence Palin did condone Lester's name-calling. At the end of Lester making fun of Green as a mother, calling her a cancer, twice, and saying she has to go; after calling the senator a b----, making fun of her weight, and accusing Green of being jealous and hateful; after all of that, Lester ends the conversation offering to visit Palin.

How does Palin respond? "I'd be honored to have you."

The statement released by the governor's office also called Palin's action bad judgment.

But bad judgment is when you stay up late the night before a big test, order steak at a Chinese restaurant or wear blue jeans to a black tie affair.

What the governor did was wrong.

Not only did she sit by and watch a decent public servant get thrashed in front of tens of thousands of people, she actually enjoyed it.

This is our governor, for goodness sake.

Our leader. I wonder.

1) I like Roy's music more and more....

2) What does McWhat'sit's [latest] wife think about his choice here? (I've only been married for 11 or so years, and I guess I still would think trying to get real close to the pretty girls is kind of asking for some form of trouble.)

By marc buhler (not verified) on 02 Sep 2008 #permalink

Posted by: No More Mr. Nice Guy! | September 2, 2008 9:27 PM

Jeez, the dems will have to work their butts off to blow this election!

I've learned never to underestimate the lengths they will go to lose elections.

Dale Husband:

Uh, are you serious? As for me, I'm one to compare Joe Lieberman to Benedict Arnold.

And I'm another one... and I didn't have to wait 'til tonight: We here in CT have been learning, ever since 2006, about all the lies he told — about how he'd always be a Democrat, and he wanted out of the war as bad as anyone, and he was desperate to elect a Democratic president — in order to defeat the true, primary-endorsed, progressive Democrat, Ned Lamont.

LIEberman was Obama's Senate mentor, fer Jebus' sake, and here's what he said about Obama as recently as the 2006 Jefferson-Jackson-Bailey Dinner (the CT Dems' major annual fundraiser). To hear him turn on Obama as he did tonight was stomach-turning... but the time when it would have been surprising has long since passed.

All that said, though, I'm pretty sure dave's virtual tongue was fairly firmly in his virtual cheek @27.

By Bill Dauphin (not verified) on 02 Sep 2008 #permalink

At #27 dave wrote:
I don't know about you guys, but as a democrat who just listened to the irresistible Joe Lieberman - a truely sincere democratic patriot, I'm sold, and definitely voting for McCain/Palin. How could anyone not be swayed by Lieberman's irresistible logic and impeccable democratic credentials?

Not just his logic, but his astonishing rhetorical skills sure swayed me! Gawd almighty, can that man make words sing!! He's almost as fine a speech maker as McCain! Now I'm really fired up!!!!

No More Mister Nice Guy (@9) and ndt (@35):

Jeez, the dems will have to work their butts off to blow this election!

I've learned never to underestimate the lengths they will go to lose elections.

Funny y'all should mention that! Cue Roy Z:

By Bill Dauphin (not verified) on 02 Sep 2008 #permalink


Don't forget his unshakable loyalty and devotion to peace!

By Ryan Cunningham (not verified) on 02 Sep 2008 #permalink

C'mon guys.

Sarah barracuda is the best.

John McCain showed all of his many years of experience and judgment to pick the most qualified of that deeply talented field of republicans for the job.

Think of Rudy Giuliani, Fred Thomson, Kay Bailey Hutchison, the distinguished founder of the DHS - Tom Ridge, Mike Huckabee, Kay Bailey Hutchison, oh sorry did I repeat myself, I mean our great Secretary of State Dick Morris' pick Condolezza Rice, Mr Olympic Mitt Romney, and last but not least that great shining light of bipartisanship Joe Lieberman.

Just contemplate - she is more qualified than all of thes fine statesmen and stateswomen. John McCain has the judgement and leadership to know.

Sarah barracuda. She will bring that fighting fiesty beauty team spirit to our country. She put Alaska first, in fact so adamantly that she felt at one time they should seceed from the union (however you spell it this late at night). Imagine as a mayor of a small town of Wasalla she was able to get over 20 million dollars to help better the lives of her people. She tirelessly fought corruption, and was elected because everyone was so corrupt. She wanted to build a bridge to nowhere, until she found it went nowhere so she had the integrity to change her mind.

She is also a women of deep faith and family values. She even fought to keep dirty books out of the schools. Yea she got a drunk driving conviction, but she was able to learn her lesson. She taught her daughters the value of abstinence only education, and thinking for yourself about issues like evolution and she will take these values to the nation as a whole.

But remember the most important thing - John McCain's great judgement and his insight to know that Sarah barracuda Palin is the most qualified of that eminently qualified field of republican candidates who have done such a spledid job over the past eight years.

By Michael Baca (not verified) on 02 Sep 2008 #permalink

I caught a glimpse of the headline in the local paper today, a McCain aide saying that Palin was fully vetted. I like that. A whole article devoted to the question, "Her? Are you SURE?"

Wow! Dare I dream? The republicans stand no chance with this constellation. Not even vote-rigging can save them now, or can it?

If we've gotta have someone from Alaska, why not Mike Gravel?

I know he's hopeless, but I liked his upfront attitude.

THIS New Yorker knows that Clinton is no New Yorker.

By BrainFromArous (not verified) on 02 Sep 2008 #permalink

Well, whether you all (or should I say ya'll) like it or not, I rather admire and am quite suspicious of Palin.

I like her for the following reasons (so far - I have yet to see her response in a debate or from media interviews):
a) She effectively ran against and defeated corrupt politicians from her own party.
b)Her high approval ratings as a governor (executive position) in her home state.
c) Her class response to the media with respect to her daughter's pregnancy
d) She demonstrates her non-compliance with ancient traditions about how women should be compliant and non-vocal.

I am EXTREMELY suspicious about:
a) Her position with respect to State's rights in implementing social change (McCain is a Federalist-my kinda guy)
b) Her degree of independence from those who might try to influence her based on her religious beliefs.
c) Her willingness to analyze and accept/reject new ideas and modify her approach as she encounters new situations.
d) Her lack of knowledge about science and what that approach has brought us, from a species perspective.

In summary, I don't yet know how I will vote. I DO know that emotional efforts to circumvent my cerebral thoughts will be resisted. Although such efforts might be amusing, they are NOT going to be effective in determining how I will cast my VOTE.

One can only demand that the candidates will express their honest positions on matters that people who vote must consider. After all, democracy is a gift that must cherished
and fought for. The disappointing lack of Republican response to questions from Sciencedebate 2000 is disturbing.

I really wish people would STOP bashing Sarah Palin on preconceived notions of what she might do. Using statistics to predict the outcome of specific events doesn't work (See Quantum Mechanics).

I really want Obama to provide detail on how he will:
a) Reduce the national debt
b) Offer new social programs such as health care for all
c) Not destroy the economy (currently measured by the value of the DOW)
d) Protect us from religious fuckwads (Muslim AND Christian)
e) Reduce taxes for the "middle-class"
f} Repair our aging infrastructure (e.g Interstate transportation)

Undecided as of now - any amygdalae attack will be resisted.

Forget babygate, forget troopergate, watch Palin addressing her church three months ago :

If Americans make this mistake of letting McCain/Palin get elected, they will move straight to a christofacist theocracy.

Together, these two will do much worse damage to the USA and the world than Bush/Cheney.

So McCain choosing Palin has indeed changed the nature of this election. It's now become only a question of blocking this hyper dangerous ticket.

So if you were thinking of being lazy, or not voting or voting for a third party come November 7, please think a little bit more !

By negentropyeater (not verified) on 02 Sep 2008 #permalink

Not Roy's best, but it got a few chuckles out of me.

Some of my humble speculation on how the hell McCain ended up picking Palin:

1) Fundies were lukewarm on McCain, so he wanted to do something to lock up the batshit crazy vote and make sure they showed up on Nov.4. Look at all the abortion talk going on and that horrible infanticide slander they're chucking at Obama. Palin is all their favorite things wrapped in one former beauty queen runner-up package: guns, god and gestation.

2) The Republican puppeteers have given up on this election. They're hoping that the fruits of W's incompetence continue to ripen and create resentment for the Obama presidency that they can exploit in 2012.

3) The early stages of dementia


I really wish people would STOP bashing Sarah Palin on preconceived notions of what she might do. Using statistics to predict the outcome of specific events doesn't work (See Quantum Mechanics).

Do you realise how nonsensical this proposition is ? And do you have any understanding of quantum mechanics whatsoever?

By negentropyeater (not verified) on 02 Sep 2008 #permalink

In summary, I don't yet know how I will vote.

Then apparently you haven't decided what your own views on issues are ...

I really want Obama to provide detail

... or you're just another low information voter; it's all been published.

By truth machine, OM (not verified) on 02 Sep 2008 #permalink

Do you realise how nonsensical this proposition is ?

No, no, no, the past has no bearing on the future! Empirical inferences aren't valid! See QM!


By truth machine, OM (not verified) on 02 Sep 2008 #permalink

Dale Husband wrote:

...How could anyone not be swayed by Lieberman's irresistible logic and impeccable democratic credentials?"

Uh, are you serious? As for me, I'm one to compare Joe Lieberman to Benedict Arnold.

Well, Lieberman did say, "What you can expect from John McCain as President is precisely what he has done this week."

And one of the things he did that week was choose Palin as his VP. He gave Obama a good line for some TV spots: What McCain did this week.


I don't need to make a deep statistical analysis to conclude that a person who claims, still in 2008, that the war in Iraq is part of God's plan is going to be an extremely dangerous president of the USA. With or without quantum mechanics.

Oh you will say, she's only the VP, but in view of McCain's age, there's a signifcant chance that she could become the president.

And that's not a risk that anybody should take, American or not.

By negentropyeater (not verified) on 02 Sep 2008 #permalink

(See Quantum Mechanics)

It's all ball bearings now.

(Hey, tm and neg! Off to teach at this ungo...uh, ridiculous hour. But perhaps I should cancel the course - no need for social analysis what with QM and all...)

foxfire wrote:

I really wish people would STOP bashing Sarah Palin on preconceived notions of what she might do.

A few hours ago that would have been one line I agreed with. Not any more. If you take the time to read up on her you can find out enough to know how she'll deal with certain issue.

Here's a place to start:

Negen @ 46 posted
If Americans make this mistake of letting McCain/Palin get elected, they will move straight to a christofacist theocracy.

Holey Shit!! She sounds like a ditzy teenager giving a book report. And what is with that nasal Midwestern accent?

She will make a perfect Dick Chaney follow-up, as she supports ariel wolf hunting in Alaska.

Hunting Wolves with a twelve gauge from a low flying plane, that's real sporting.

I'm surprised that I haven't yet heard Sarah's VP career compared to Harriet Miers' Supreme Court career.

Why are people who don't pay much attention and don't know how to use google (gee, only 50,000 hits for Palin+Miers) surprised that they haven't heard this or that?

By truth machine, OM (not verified) on 02 Sep 2008 #permalink

She sounds like a ditzy teenager giving a book report.

And what a teenager :

`[speaking of the war in Iraq] Pray for our military men and women who are striving to do what is right also for this country, that our leaders, our national leaders are sending them out on a task that is from God, that is what we have to make sure we are praying for, that there is a plan, and that this plan is God's plan.

Yes, she's the real deal ! I think even G.W.Bush wouldn't have been able to say this with that much naïvity and stupidity.

So this time, it's not about her family, not about a trooper, it's about very clear evidence that she is completely nuts and doesn't have any idea whatsoever of what's going on outside, maybe, of her little Alaska.

By negentropyeater (not verified) on 03 Sep 2008 #permalink

"Her minister is some right wing lunatic "
What's up with all this "her minister", "my pastor says" ... ?
Does every citizen of the U.S. have a priest assigned by the authorities?

By young european (not verified) on 03 Sep 2008 #permalink

Posted by: young european
Does every citizen of the U.S. have a priest assigned by the authorities?

Not yet, but we're getting so nervous we have to thread the sewing machine while it's running

John C. Randolph
How disappointing. This guy was funny not very long ago.

Guys like Roy rattle off two or three tunes a week, then they hone down the good ones over time, and that's usually what gets heard. He's a bard.

Oh c'mon y'all...Sarah's a great repugnican choice! I think they should stick with her. :)

By Sauceress (not verified) on 03 Sep 2008 #permalink

Maybe Palin's selection was the first gambit of a bait & switch? Then again, going by McCain's showing so far....maybe not.

By Sauceress (not verified) on 03 Sep 2008 #permalink

#8:"There is more coming out about Palin, none of it good. Her minister is some right wing lunatic who thinks people who vote democrat are going to hell and the war in Iraq is gods plan."

Of course, the "Rev" Wright is sooooo much better. GAWD DAMN AMERIKKKA! and all that.

You forgot to mention that she's a WOOOOOOMAAAAAN!

The shrill hysteria from the majority of the posters here reminds me of a debate between an Islamic Apologist and a Christian Apologist that I heard. They were both exceedingly quick and accurate in pointing out the flaws in the other's logic, while totally blind to their own. While I disagree with both, I would consider Christianity to be the lesser of the two evils. Islam is the most dangerous superstition on the planet.

McCain is a RINO; Obama is a communist. Neither would be a good POTUS, but McCain is the lesser of the two evils. By a long shot.

Obama is a communist.

:-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D

I really laughed out loud at this one.

Dude, do you have even the slightest idea of what "communist" means?

And have you, BTW, completely overlooked how clearly Obama has distanced himself from what Wright said long after Obama had left that church?

By David Marjanović, OM (not verified) on 03 Sep 2008 #permalink


if you look at the video (see my post #46), it's Palin who's talking, and not her minister.
It's Palin who says that our national leaders are sending out our military men and women to Iraq on a task that is from God, that is God's plan.

So if you can find me ONE piece of evidence that shows that the ideas of Rev.Wright are being parrotted by Obama, please do so.

Meanwhile, stop parroting Rush Limbaugh or Sean Hannity's talking points, or the kind of nonsense such as "Obama is a communist" (and "McCain is a RINO").

By negentropyeater (not verified) on 03 Sep 2008 #permalink


Do you realise how nonsensical this proposition is ?

Let me restate: using statistics to claim to accurately predict that Palin's child is being forced to marry the father of her child, being forced to have the child, and will ultimately be divorced is a bit much. Said predictions were phrased as being exact as opposed to highly likely.

And do you have any understanding of quantum mechanics whatsoever?

Of course not. Let me be the first to congratulate you when you win the Nobel for simultaneously measuring the exact location and momentum of, say, an electron (simultaneous being from your perspective).

Please note that comment #46 appeared AFTER comment #45 (yeah, QM-wise, that may not be all that relevant). I haven't yet seen the YouTube video and I have noted that PZ deemed it important enough to devote a new blog entry to it. After this post my next action will be to watch said video.

The Rove-like vitriol over the picayune (the kid being preggers) does not reflect reason. I wish Obama would address how wonderful things will be accomplished without driving this nation into further debt.

Besides, it's boooring when everyone agrees.

Palin does not need to open the box to determine if Schroedinger's cat is dead or alive.

Apparently she "knows" that whichever the case, it is God's Will.

So much better to let dead/alive cats lie, not unlike convention speeches in so many ways.

By Benjamin Franklin (not verified) on 03 Sep 2008 #permalink

Well stated Ben (#67)!

Still, being contentious in this blog does have its rewards (like exchanges of good data as opposed to hysterical hand waving)

foxfire: Besides, it's boooring when everyone agrees.

It's interesting when people disagree intelligently. It's booooring when people disagree in a substanceless and trivial manner.

Case in point: firefox: Her high approval ratings as a governor (executive position) in her home state.

Putin is also extremely popular right now. Why? Oil prices. Missing the single most significant factor in either of their popularities, and misunderstanding that the causative factor is primarily one that is completely outside of their control, is a good sign that the speaker is a bit soft in the head.

DM: Dude, do you have even the slightest idea of what "communist" means?

In Libertarianspeak, a communist is everyone to their left. McCain is a communist - GWB is a communist. They usually use the word "collectivist" when around the gentiles, but after a few beers, out comes communist.

Buchanan is a communist!

It plays the role of "counter-revolutionary" in Commie-speak. Any one who doesn't fall in line with their beliefs. They really enjoy that comparison!

The song is mediocre, but topical ala Bob Zimmerman. Aka Bob Dylan who is Hibbing, Minnesota's most revered native son unlike Chi Chi LaRue, another Hibbing native who now has a career as a gay porn director and female impersonator.

But I digress.

Sarah Palin will energize the base. The hockey moms, the church basement ladies, the woman who raise children while holding down a job will get out the vote for her. John McCain doesn't imspire them, but she would. Don't underestimate her as she is anther Michelle Backman, Minnesota's own nutjob who still outcampaigned her opponent and became our embarassment in Congress.

As for those who worry about Obama and the deficit, they should be reminded that the largest deficit in history has been recorded by the current occupant of the White House, George Bush, who has suceeded in ruining our economy by cutting taxes and borrowing billions to finance an unnecessary war.

Iran won Bush's war without firing a shot while China has taken over America's place as the preminant industrial power in the world. All on the Republicans' watch.

I'll take my chances with Obama/Biden!


So if you were thinking of being lazy, or not voting or voting for a third party come November 7, please think a little bit more !

I love the sentiment, but it's November 4! Sending people to the polls on the wrong day is the job of Repub dirty-tricksters!

In case any of you forgets the date, just remember that (national) election day is always the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November. (Which means it can never be earlier than Nov. 2 nor later than Nov. 8). Always Tuesday.

By Bill Dauphin (not verified) on 03 Sep 2008 #permalink


He "premiered" this song for us, not yet completely written, in Omaha, NE on Saturday.

It was great even in its unfinished form.

Truly a swell guy.

Well, for some reason my original comment, highly amusing (to me) and replete with relevant Dylan references, including his tune "Sara," never appeared. The impermanence of art manifest, I guess. Too lazy to try to recompile, so I'll just go with the money shot:
Sad-eyed lady of the lowlifes

By Sven DiMilo (not verified) on 04 Sep 2008 #permalink