Kevin Hayden is traveling east

Kevin Hayden, the maestro of the American Street blog, is packing up and moving across the country from Oregon to Massachusetts. Along the way, he's going to be interviewing people and composing a written and video portrait. He needs help, though: he's looking for people along his route who would be willing to be interviewed, or who would put him up for a night, and he's also looking for contributions. He still needs more help, though. Take a look at his project, and if you think you can chip in, do so!


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My US Geography is a bit rubbish, can someone give me a quick summary of the areas he will be passing through on the way.

By Gavin McBride (not verified) on 17 Sep 2008 #permalink

@gavin #2: The 2nd link in PZ's post has maps of the route. Basically, some Pacific Northwest, through some of the northern states, the Upper Midwest, skirting the bottom edge of the Great Lakes, and through Pennsylvania to the Northeast.


Great idea. Just too bad he won't get any perspective from the South.

too bad he won't get any perspective from the South.

Tersest irony ever!

My US Geography is a bit rubbish, can someone give me a quick summary of the areas he will be passing through on the way.

Gavin, Nat King Cole has the best summary:

Kevin, however, will be travelling considerably farther north. He should, however, stop in Bozeman, Montana to check out the Museum of the Rockies and get a humongous sandwich at the Pickle Barrel (if it's still open).

By Longtime Lurker (not verified) on 17 Sep 2008 #permalink