The Old Ones are too old for toys

As long as we're acknowledging crafty cleverness, you've got to admit that this is a nice twist on the "My Little Pony" theme. If I had a little girl anymore, I'd get her one.


Maybe for the grandkids, someday.


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Ah my trusty steed CthulhuPony.

Hey I linked to that in comments on a Cephalopony Friday two weeks ago. (Atrios had posted it.) Welcome to the party, pal.

By Douche Nozzle (not verified) on 07 Oct 2008 #permalink

Kids shmids. If you like it, get it.

My wife and I bought the Master Chief one.

This is also what Palin thinks evolution is.

By Marc Abian (not verified) on 07 Oct 2008 #permalink

"Happy Birthday, Honey!"
"Mommy, I'm scared."

I'm pretty sure your daughter would still love it. Hell, I'd have something like that on my shelves, it's a great conversation piece for the university aged.

Shame on you, PZ. You do have a little girl - aren't they always that way to dads?

My son got one of the plushie Cthulhus as a gift a few years back. He slept with it for a good while, and still plays with it. Of course, he's four, so that's to be expected. I can say that it's quite an advantage, when battling night-time monsters, to have one on your side. I'm considering getting the plush Nylarhotep to help out.

Just as well. Think of how expensive all the accessories would be. First she'd want a little Necronomicon to go with it and then it would be the rest of the Great Old Ones line of toys.

I bought the Shub-Niggurath set for my daughter, but she keeps leaving the Young on the floor, where I tread on them or kick them under the sofa. We're down to 926 now and I'm worried I may have been too disrepectful....


Forget the little necronomicon, there's a plush one (if you can find it)

For those that say they'd get this for their kids - it's 300 Euro (!!!!!)

I'm led to understand that the teenage and college years are a somewhat sensitive time for giving a daughter "little girl" presents. However, sufficiently surreal items like a my little Cthuluoid Pony may (depending on the not-so-little girl) allow recognizing that her vista of the world has grown, but still sending a message of love and affection and a reminder that she will always carry with her the little girl she once was.

Perhaps get her a nice print of Cthulhu's Day out, or (shameless plug) some of Ursula Vernon's other weirdness.

My older sister and I collect vintage My Little Ponies and we have a few custom-made MLP from broken or otherwise destroyed vintage ponies. So on one hand I think the CthulhuPony is adorable, part of me feels very sad that there is one less vintage rearing-pose SunDancer out in the world.

By Aphrodine (not verified) on 07 Oct 2008 #permalink

Is it sneezing up a octopus?

By Porky Pine (not verified) on 07 Oct 2008 #permalink


As I've said before, I'll second a plug for Ursula Vernon anytime. She's very talented and does some beautiful, surreal work. My wife has quite a few prints.

You could donate a couple to a community center. (I hesitate to suggest the Santa Claus drive in your city -- it would probably traumatize some innocent kid.)

As someone your daughters age, I can assure you that it would make an awesome gift regardless of non-child status. In fact, I think I need to send the link to my father...

By Sydney S. (not verified) on 07 Oct 2008 #permalink

As someone your daughters age, I can assure you that it would make an awesome gift regardless of non-child status. In fact, I think I need to send the link to my father...

By Sydney S. (not verified) on 07 Oct 2008 #permalink

Iä! Iä! My Little Pony fhtagn!

That is adorable. :)

By DjtHeutii (not verified) on 07 Oct 2008 #permalink

It looks like a mount for an Illithid. I am totally going to throw this at my PCs.

...I am writing this under an appreciable mental strain, since by tonight I shall be no more. Penniless, and at the end of my supply of the drug which alone, makes life endurable, I can bear the torture no longer; and shall cast myself from this garret window into the squalid street below...The gibbering voices still ring in my ears "ia! ia! kawaii!"...Things have learned to prance that ought to crawl ...The end is near. I hear a noise at the door, as of some monstrous yet adorable shape lumbering against it. It shall not find me. God, those hooves! The window! The window!

I'm pretty sure I'm older than your little girl, and I have more plastic ponies than... Well, a lot of real little girls, no doubt (but then, my inner child isn't so inner, anyway).

I've been planning a ceph-related MLP custom for a while myself now, actually. It's just hard to do anything with Sculpey when you don't have an oven. ~_~

Wow. As someone whose childhood was devoted to my dozens of My Little Ponies and associated accessories and playsets (Paradise Estate and Dream Castle being particular favorites), this may possibly be the coolest thing I've ever seen. ALMOST 300 euros cool.

And just in time for Halloween!

I had a friend who was modifying MyLittlePonies to be evil and not girly. . though I'm not sure if he's done anything quite like this.

It's quite clearly an Each Uisge - the most fearsome creature of Scottish folklore.

Isn't the purpose of parents to humiliate their children? Get her it anyway, make sure the box is really pink and sparkly, and hand it over to her in front of her friends before giving her a big hug.(*)

(*) Note to Skatje: Please don't kill me.

By Adam Cuerden (not verified) on 08 Oct 2008 #permalink