This is the guy who wrote “Raspberry Beret”?

Not to mention "Come" and "Pussy Control"…I knew that Prince had been getting weird, but the tale of his descent into Jehovah's Witlessness and his newfound contempt for homosexuals is really depressing. It's true. Religion poisons everything.

I've still got a hard disk stuffed full of lubricious silkiness from before his brain rot, at least.


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Mention these songs to him and he'll go "yea but that was because I had not seen the light."

They always tell that they were evil back before they found the J man.


By dwarf zebu (not verified) on 17 Nov 2008 #permalink

Meh. He always was a little less than entirely sane.

By Geoff Rogers (not verified) on 17 Nov 2008 #permalink

So upsetting.

'Raspberry Beret' is still one of my favourite songs to karaoke.

By Brownian, OM (not verified) on 17 Nov 2008 #permalink

Prince has to be the one pop star I was certain was gay.

This just confirms it.

This is probably true for many cities around the world. In Chicago, there is a nightclub that has been around for years, Berlin. One of the regular themes was Prince Night. You can guess the spectrum of sexuality and gender that was on display.

Yes Lisa
Is the water warm enough?
Yes Lisa
Shall we begin?
Yes Lisa

I'm not a woman
I'm not a man
I am something that you'll never understand.

If I was your girlfriend

I miss that artist.

By Janine ID AKA … (not verified) on 17 Nov 2008 #permalink

That's okay. Never liked him anyway. Give me The Clash any day of the week. Not some goofy Top-40 Radio pop singer.

I always found Prince irritating.

Now... even more so.

Prince has been severly reality-challenged for the vast bulk of the last quarter century. A talented musician, yes, but he's always been absurdly pretentious. I've always considered him and Michael Jackson to be two peas in a pod, though MJ, despite being a lot of things (creepy, deeply mentally ill, massively egotistical), really isn't pretentious at all.

I think he's also had a distinct problem separating his sensual side from his spiritual; I don't know that much about his upbringing, but to someone as willfully isolated as he is, I'm not surprised the Godbotherer in him won out.

Posted by: Matt7895 | November 17, 2008 5:03 PM

Prince has to be the one pop star I was certain was gay.

This just confirms it.

Uh, Elton John? George Michael? Boy George?


Wurd skilz - u haz dem.

Boy George gay???? Say it ain't so! you'll be telling me next Liberace was gay!

By Nick Gotts (not verified) on 17 Nov 2008 #permalink

Moses, count me as one who loved both Prince and The Clash. Correct me if I am wrong but did not The Clash have a couple of Top 40 hits, say Train In Vain and Rock The Cashbah?

By Janine ID AKA … (not verified) on 17 Nov 2008 #permalink

Sigh. It's always sad when this sort of thing happens. I remember being appalled when I found out his former offsider Robia LaMorte ('Pearl'), who played the awesome Jenny Calendar in Buffy, was a screaming godbot.

By Wowbagger (not verified) on 17 Nov 2008 #permalink

I knew that Prince had been getting weird, but the tale of his descent into Jehovah's Witlessness and his newfound contempt for homosexuals is really depressing. It's true. Religion poisons everything.

Well, I don't know that he wouldn't be into something equally stupid if religion didn't exist.

Michael Jackson didn't noticeably improve by leaving the JWs, though it's one of the few good things I'd say about him.

Glen D

@Moses @ #7
I second that!

Posted by: Brian X | November 17, 2008

...though MJ, despite being a lot of things (creepy, deeply mentally ill, massively egotistical), really isn't pretentious at all.

The King Of Pop? The giant statue of himself based on a statue of Stalin that was dragged through Europe and Asia. Not pretentious? HA!

By Janine ID AKA … (not verified) on 17 Nov 2008 #permalink

As a long time Prince fan, I can only say: I love his music. Outside of that the man is and always has been a bit of a nutjob. Worse since he converted to Jehovah's Witness.

Also: among his many sexually tinged lyrics are such lines as "Grab someone for a quick dance, boy or girl, don't matter, I'm hot!"

That news just made me really sad...

You're right. Religion does poison everything.

By Pimientita (not verified) on 17 Nov 2008 #permalink

I always thought Prince claimed to be bi. Huh.

This one quote struck me in the article:

As Claire Hoffman writes, Prince has a budding relationship with Christian conservative media mogul Philip Anschutz, of Denver

I don't know if "relationship" would be the right word, exactly...

Mental illness has no upside. Ain't that a bitch.

What's with all these music posts? Prince? Chumbawamba? Is this what happens when commondescent gets all dull and boring?

Prince has always been, and still is, controversial. Just not in the way that I happen to enjoy at the moment. We bought his 311 album when it came out, and we listen to it from time to time although on the whole it is tepid at best. We had 3rd row seats at his last tour and he sweated on us. We were not healed. But he put on a good show. Too bad he's going to use his money and influence to help the dark side. Maybe he'll turn again. Maybe he just needs to listen to Chumbawamba.

By Somnolent Aphid (not verified) on 17 Nov 2008 #permalink

"Robia LaMorte is a godbot!? Say it ain't so!"

I'm afraid I can't do that, Dave.

Apparently Joss Whedon was planning to kill off Seth Green's character, until (so the rumor goes) Robia LaMorte got on his nerves.

By fmitchell (not verified) on 17 Nov 2008 #permalink

10 things I care less about than Prince:

1. How many tampons Barbara Streisand has used in her lifetime.

2. If I look good in red suede shoes

3. What Howler Monkeys think of Metallica

4. If Rush Limbaugh is getting enough roughage in his diet

5. If Rocky Mountain Oyster go better with Coke, or Diet Sprite

6. Is Elvis really still alive

7. If George W. Bush is feeling a bit rejected about now

8. If I will ever hit that high F in Minnie Riperton's, "Loving You"

9. If Breakin' Two Electric Boogaloo will ever be released in Swahili

10. Texas

Prince denies the whole thing.
I choose to believe him for now.
Purple Rain came out at the same time that my first girlfriend dumped me for a friend of mine.
It can't be true. It just can't.

The big difference between Jehovah's Witnesses and Christians is that the Watchtower Society's central core creed proclaims Jesus second coming in October 1914.

They sometimes try to obscure this failed prophecy,and say that he came 'invisibly'.Yes,all other Christains are awaiting Jesus return,the JW say he ALREADY came back in 1914 and is only working through their Watchtower society.

Danny Haszard

I don't understand... after Vanity, Madonna, and Kim B., Jeebus seems like thin gruel/weak tea.

Actually, even without those 3.

Id pay good money to see a religious debate between the artist formerly known as Prince, and the artist formerly known as Cat Stevens.

By Bart Mitchell (not verified) on 17 Nov 2008 #permalink

Posted by: Janine ID AKA The Lone Drinker | November 17, 2008 5:11 PM

Moses, count me as one who loved both Prince and The Clash. Correct me if I am wrong but did not The Clash have a couple of Top 40 hits, say Train In Vain and Rock The Cashbah?

Yes. But there's a bit of misconception. Having "Top-40 sales" didn't necessarily mean you got "Top-40" air play on a "Top-40" station.

There is cross-over in the concept and execution, but having a "Top-40" song is much more heavily weighted to "air-time" within a specific "pop-rock" niche than sales in a broad-based or different category. Especially back in the '70s and '80s before the mass consolidation of radio in the '90s.

And while, admittedly, there was some cross-over, you really didn't hear The Clash, The Ramones, DEVO or any other punk/post-punk/goth-punk bands on Top-40 radio which is more along the lines of "pop-rock." Even Blondie (alternative rock) didn't get that much Top-40 air play, besides Heart of Glass, off the Parallel Lines album despite their music being very successful from a commercial standpoint.

Now, Barry Manilow... Rod Stewart... I used to work in a store that had a Top-40 radio station feed... Suffice it to say I have a deep and abiding hatred of Barry Manilow and Rod Stewart...

I like Rod Stewart, as well as Barry Manilow.

Blondie and the Clash? Now they sucked donkey ass...

Maybe I've misjudged them, but I didn't think anyone could become a JW without being nearly brain-dead (excepting folks who were born into it and brainwashed while growing up of course).

Id pay good money to see a religious debate between the artist formerly known as Prince, and the artist formerly known as Cat Stevens.

Moderated by Bob Dylan.

By Gregory Kusnick (not verified) on 17 Nov 2008 #permalink

Weird Al's satire had it right: "Tonight we're gonna party like it's 1699."

I too was hugely disappointed when some friends saw Robia at a con a few years ago, and reported back that she was a religious whackaloon. I've just rewatched Seasons 1 and 2 of Buffy, and she is still breathtakingly beautiful and deliciously cheeky, which makes it all the more depressing.

Apparently Joss Whedon was planning to kill off Seth Green's character, until (so the rumor goes) Robia LaMorte got on his nerves.

Now that is funny.

My wife and I eloped (with a small group of friends as the wedding party). After the service, we went to watch the movie Purple Rain. This is really going to effect my sentiments when our anniversary comes around.

And I've literally JUST bought his greatest hits.

"My name is Prince...and I am flaky"

An excentric celebrity saying stupid shit? Shock of shocks! This, of course, is why I despise the cult of celebrity that grips the US. People in entertainment live in an ultra-high stress environment that demands constant competition and performance. This stress leaves them vulnerable to all sorts of pits falls, be they drugs or fad religions. This should serve as a reminder to all of us that while celebrity voices are handy to have when there on your side they are notoriously inconsistant.

Funny. my wife and I were just last night were making a list of the pop albums that we thought really shook the music nation and ushered in new movements. "Thriller" was on the top of both our lists.
He's still a freak though, even more obviously so now.

Oops! left out the fact that "Purple Rain" was supposed to be listed ahead of "Thriller" there... running late for class and posting... bad idea.

Moses, speaking as someone who was involved in college radio in the mid to late eighties, it was amazing how even those DJs who avoided Top 40 liked Prince.

Also, when you disparage Rod Stewart, you have to be careful. The Faces were rather glorious. The last thirty five years, he has been musical evil. Part of the reason I hate him so much, once upon a time, he was great. Such a betrayal of his talents.

By Janine ID AKA … (not verified) on 17 Nov 2008 #permalink

Robia LaMorte never could act her way out of a paper bag. It was always sad to see the brilliant acting of the rest of the Buffy cast and then see Robia show up. I personally think they killed her because her acting was so damn bad,,

If you doubt me on this, I dare you to go back and watch the episodes with her in them again.

Dare ya!

Gregory, Bob Dylan joined a religion too?

Man, Im glad I could care less about the lives of pop stars. I just learned, here, that Michael Jackson became a JW, then an apostate from them? Wow, these people are seriously wacked. I just can't imagine what must go on in the head of someone who changes their entire faith.

I grew up in a godless household. We never even talked about the existence of god/gods. In high school, I just called myself an agnostic, since I didn't know that much about religion. After so many people telling me to accept christ, or go to hell, I decided to read the Bible. Still can't understand why its called the 'good' book. I can kind of wrap my head around the idea of coming to reality through rational thought, but it still must be a weird day for someone when they realize they no longer believe in something that seems so foundational to a personality.

But this bouncing back and forth between faiths, going from one to the other like your trying out a new fashion statement. It really just blows my mind that a person can so quickly, and so often, change how they feel about reality.

By Bart Mitchell (not verified) on 17 Nov 2008 #permalink

Robia LaMorte never could act her way out of a paper bag. It was always sad to see the brilliant acting of the rest of the Buffy cast and then see Robia show up. I personally think they killed her because her acting was so damn bad.

She was hot, and in hot schoolteacher hot. I didn't say she was good.

The acting in Buffy wasn't always brilliant. In the first season David Boreanaz was more wooden than the furniture - though I will admit he got a lot better, esp. when he was Angelus.

By Wowbagger (not verified) on 17 Nov 2008 #permalink

"'I'd pay good money to see a religious debate between the artist formerly known as Prince, and the artist formerly known as Cat Stevens....Moderated by Bob Dylan.""

Dylan: Eaheha ahhe whah ahee?

Yusuf: Um, what?

"Prince": Who?

Dylan: Eaheha ahhe whah ahee HEE?

Yusuf: ??

"Prince": ?

Sorry, what i should have written in #50 was:

She was hot, as in hot schoolteacher hot. I didn't say she was good.

Apologies if it didn't make sense.

By Wowbagger (not verified) on 17 Nov 2008 #permalink

Wowbagger, David Boreanaz was literally a person that was pulled from the street. An agent saw David walking and asked if he would like to act. He was supposed to last through the first seven episodes. Now he is in the middle of his third series.

Yeah, he was a lot of fun as Angelus. As Joss said, David was able to bring out the bastard. But it was the episode I Only Have Eyes For You that convinced him that David could carry a series.

By Janine ID AKA … (not verified) on 17 Nov 2008 #permalink

...saw David Boreanaz walking his dog.

I wish I could edit my statements.

By Janine ID AKA … (not verified) on 17 Nov 2008 #permalink

*sigh* And there I just bought a copy of Lovesexy for my civil union partner.


By Matty Smith (not verified) on 17 Nov 2008 #permalink

"10 things I care less about than Prince:"

Wouldn't "things I care MORE about" make your point better?

*obligatory kevin smith referense*

By arachnophilia (not verified) on 17 Nov 2008 #permalink

Fuck Prince!!!...Oh, wait...

By Steverino (not verified) on 17 Nov 2008 #permalink

Wowbagger, David Boreanaz was literally a person that was pulled from the street.

And Robia LaMorte was a dancer, not an actor. My point was that not everyone in Buffy was always a good actor. She might have improved just as DB did if they hadn't killed her character off - though her recently (at the time) acquired love of Jebus probably would have put paid to her being in a show about vampires and witchcraft anyway.

By Wowbagger (not verified) on 17 Nov 2008 #permalink

"Yeah, he was a lot of fun as Angelus. As Joss said, David was able to bring out the bastard. But it was the episode I Only Have Eyes For You that convinced him that David could carry a series."

And my heart. *sigh*

Isn't Michael Jackson a Jehovah's Witness, too?

I wish I could remember who the comedian was who had a routine about his mother becoming Jehovah's Key Witness and leaning on her family to turn Jehovah's State's Evidence.


By John C. Randolph (not verified) on 17 Nov 2008 #permalink


Eh, I'd chalk Blondie up as Punk/New Wave, alt rock is more of a late 80's early 90's shin-dig.

And Jane @ 47-
Yeah, let's not give solo artists credit after they break up,Rod Stewart Sucks, Faces is awesome, just like Sting is a jerk but the police rock. There are many more examples...

#10 BrianX,

I wouldn't describe MJ's behavior as egotistical. I don't think you could find a clearer case of massive insecurity. The polysurgery addiction, the publicity stunts, uncontrollable spending, the way he controls the rest of his family through the pursestrings, sure doesn't paint a picture of egotism as far as I can tell.


By John C. Randolph (not verified) on 17 Nov 2008 #permalink

Woah, never knew Jenny Calendar from Buffy had turned into a fundie. She was so gorgeous too.

As for Boreanaz, it doesn't matter if he was just pulled off the street. He really could act. See 'Angel', particularly the first couple of seasons.

#39> I had a student when I still taught two subjects, one of them being history, who walked up to me and sung in a German accent "Tonight we're going to party like it's 1939." Coming from a blonde, blue eyed teenager, I wasn't sure whether to laugh or cringe.

come on PZ, Prince has been out of it for way more than 7 years. One may want to argue that it took brain rot for him to become religious, but I don't think one can argue (in the case of prince) that religion caused brain rot.

"Say what you will about Prince, but he is an extremely talented musician who has serious guitar chops."

Reeeally not impressed. I play better than that and I am a nobody...

Aw, man...Not the guy who gave us "Kiss" (considered by many as one of the best pop songs ever written - and I agree). Also, "Sexy M.F.", just wonderfully funky-jazzy. And I never tire of listening to him and Stevie Wonder in that live performance of "Maybe Your Baby".

I could go on and on...


So, if Prince moves house to become religious does it means he's joined a Jehovah's Witness Relocation Program?

/bad joke>

By Wowbagger (not verified) on 17 Nov 2008 #permalink

So this is what it sounds like...when doves cry!

Lago @ #36
Oh bad music taste... Ya' can't beat the clash. To each their own, though. I just can't stand by while someone disgraces good old Joe Strummer (RIP). One of the coolest musicians ever - rock, pop, punk, funk, reggae, ska, even hip-hop - and it all rocked (with the exception of the aptly named "cut the Crap" album).

"There are people who play faster, but that doesn't mean they play better. If it did, Dragonforce would rule the world."

I never mentioned speed. There is far more to playing than speed. Princes playing in that clip was un-clever, and mundane...

Sigh, Lago. To each their own, I guess. Though how you can dismiss Prince and the Clash, and actually enjoy Barry Manilow, I will never understand.

What the hell is 'Prince'?
Something that makes all this new-fandangling noises called 'music' by misinformed youth? Noises that mostly wreck hearing so next time they perform it even loader?

Yes, I am getting old, thankfully, and Ludwig is more to my liking. Not that anyone really gives a shit about what I like, but I want to show off my superior taste anyway :^)

best comment #32:

Id pay good money to see a religious debate between the artist formerly known as Prince, and the artist formerly known as Cat Stevens.

I'd give a kidney to see that!

By The Swiss (not verified) on 17 Nov 2008 #permalink

Yes, I am getting old, thankfully, and Ludwig is more to my liking. Not that anyone really gives a shit about what I like, but I want to show off my superior taste anyway :^)

Oh, is that what you were doing?

I think those darn kids are on your lawn again.

By Brownian, OM (not verified) on 17 Nov 2008 #permalink

Now we know "When Doves Cry".

Two of Prince's biggest influences were Little Richard and Jimi Hendrix. Little Richard was/is gay even though he became a preacher and tried to run away from it. Hendrix recorded Dylan's "All Along the Watchtower". So I guess there is some sort of weird symmetry to the whole sad story.

@Janine ID AKA The Lone Drinker
Rod Stewart's best work was with Jeff Beck on "Truth" and "Beck-Ola". Amazing blues rock. The band included Ron Wood on bass before he and Stewart left to form Faces.

By mayhempix (not verified) on 17 Nov 2008 #permalink

Well, if Jenny Calender's death saved Oz, then I'm totally ok with it.
She wasn't a great actress but I loved her and Giles as a couple.
Now watching David B. season one was just painful, although I loved watching him bring the kill on as Angelus. Him, Spike and Dru were some of my fave villains. I'm just glad he took a few acting lessons between then and Bones.

Was he misinterpreted as is people are claiming? Well the easy thing for him to do is make a public statement in favour of gay rights, that should clear that up.

Posted by: Brian's A Wild Downer | November 17, 2008 7:01 PM
Warren Zevon's cover of Raspberry Beret was better anyway. Don't know anything about his beliefs though.

Warren Zevon was an unrepentant atheist all the way up to his death from lung cancer.

Dirty Little Religion
(Warren Zevon)
I like to think I've earned my reputation
For rushing in where angels fear to tread
I'll take you home to meet the congregation
We'll all get together in my tent

I make a dirty little religion out of lovin'
I'll make a dirty little convert out of you
I make a dirty little religion out of lovin'
I'll make a dirty little convert out of you

They treat you like a red-headed stepchild
And try to keep you nailed to the floor
Join us for the countdown to the Rapture
We never turned a sinner from our door

I make a dirty little religion out of lovin'
I'll make a dirty little convert out of you
I make a dirty little religion out of lovin'
It's a dirty little religion, hallelujah

Dirty little acolyte
Dirty little one
Learn the fundamentals of desire
Can I get a witness
To my testament?
Can I get an amen from the choir?

I like to think I've earned my reputation
For trying to take the bull by the horns
I'll show you where I get my inspiration
Where we plow and where we plant the corn

I make a dirty little religion out of lovin'
I'll make a dirty little convert out of you
I make a dirty little religion out of lovin'
It's a dirty little religion, hallelujah

Dirty little acolyte
Dirty little one
You'll learn the fundamentals of desire
Can I get a witness
To my testament?
Can I get an amen from the choir

By mayhempix (not verified) on 17 Nov 2008 #permalink

I've always thought Prince sucked out the ass.

I've always thought Prince sucked out the ass.

Funny, he likes you.

Seriously, folks. This is Prince. He kept funk alive through the '80s. The inheritor of the keys to the Mothership. Just because he's gone nutty religious doesn't change the basic dictates of good taste, which indicate that Prince is, in fact, awesome.

"Jehovah's Witlessness" heh. My girlfriend is an ex-JW. That's what we call it too.

Mayhempix, you just touched my very geeky side. Stewart and Wood did not form The Faces. The joined The Small Faces after Steve Marriott left the band. It was decided that they were no longer The Small Faces because Stewart and Wood are on the taller side. The members of The Small Faces were all short.

Does it get more geeky then that?

By Janine ID AKA … (not verified) on 17 Nov 2008 #permalink

Robia LaMorte ('Pearl'), who played the awesome Jenny Calendar in Buffy, was a screaming godbot.

First Prince, now the hot techno-wiccan?

By Feynmaniac (not verified) on 17 Nov 2008 #permalink

Noooo! Another mainstay of my adolescence jumps the shark. I just found out last week that Anne Rice had reverted to devout Catholicism and now writes good Jesusy books (and oh, man, did anyone ever read the 'Beauty' trilogy she wrote under the 'nym A.N. Roquelaure? HAWT!!) And now this. Shit. Guess he isn't singing "Erotic City" much these days.

"Warren Zevon's cover of Raspberry Beret was better anyway."

Quoted for truth.

By Screechy Monkey (not verified) on 17 Nov 2008 #permalink

Damn right, Warren Zevon's cover of "Raspberry Beret" was better. He performed it with the Hindu Love Gods, and THEY were a side project of members of REM. They couldn't avoid making a better version. I miss Warren, though. I grew up on "Sentimental Hygiene."

And now I'm glad I don't listen to much Prince; I always got some weird vibes from him and there are better artists in his genre. But I was SURE he was bi. Damn!

I never liked Prince. I thought he was a musical genius, but the sexual overtones of his songs bothered me, along with the way he was said to have objectified women in real life. His trying to adopt a symbol as his legal name only added to his insane appearance, and now as a Jehovah's Witness, he's gotten even worse.

BTW, Most of the Jackson family, including ultra-loon Michael, were raised Jehovah's Witnesses.

I think it's time someone compiled a list of entertainers who we're really disappointed to hear are woo-addled.

Evangeline Lilly, who plays Kate in Lost is another.

By Wowbagger (not verified) on 17 Nov 2008 #permalink

"Natalie, what do you think of Daniel Rydell?"

"Are you referring to yourself in the third person?"


"'Cause it's awfully annoying."

"I know it is."

"Also when you change the pronunciation of their name midstream. Don't call me Tony DORsett, call me Tony Dor-SETT...."

"I know this is..."

"And like getting the world to call Prince by pretentious name in a lifetime wasn't enough, I've gotta learn to draw the symbol for moron!"

By Not Aaron Sorkin (not verified) on 17 Nov 2008 #permalink

I think it's time someone compiled a list of entertainers who we're really disappointed to hear are woo-addled.

I hear Jello Biafra is a die hard thumping Southern Baptist.

Ron Wood and Rod Stewart didn't leave Jeff Beck Group to form the Faces. What happened was The Small Faces (of Itchykoo Park fame) picked up Ron and Rod and became the Faces. Truth was one of my favorite '60s albums, and not just because it's got both Jimmy Page and Keith Moon on it. Beck was brilliant but could never hold a band together for long. Probably still is brilliant, but I haven't heard any of his work for about 5 years.

By papa zita (not verified) on 17 Nov 2008 #permalink

Chimpy, I said I was geeky. Not The Faces. Five Guys Walk Into A Bar is one of the best box sets ever.

By Janine ID AKA … (not verified) on 17 Nov 2008 #permalink

@Janine ID AKA The Lone Drinker

Your Geekness: I am humbled. You are completely correct about Stewart and Wood joining, not forming, Small Faces. I actually knew that once upon a time but it is clear I am bested in the rock geek category. Marriot left when the rest of the band revolted against his addition of Peter Frampton and together they formed Humble Pie.

Could this be the beginning of anonymous blog geeks in love... or at least lust?

;^ )

By mayhempix (not verified) on 17 Nov 2008 #permalink

BTW, back in the day, Prince was a staunch Reaganite.

By papa zita (not verified) on 17 Nov 2008 #permalink

I hear Jello Biafra is a die hard thumping Southern Baptist.

Yeah, he's just released a new single, Too Drunk to Pray...

By Wowbagger (not verified) on 17 Nov 2008 #permalink

He's STILL hiding in that closet? He's getting desperate...

By Kevin Schreck (not verified) on 17 Nov 2008 #permalink

@ #15 Wowbagger -

OMG! You just sent me to google and it's TRUE! I'm ready to cry now. Thanks a lot.

Sigh. It's always sad when this sort of thing happens. I remember being appalled when I found out his former offsider Robia LaMorte ('Pearl'), who played the awesome Jenny Calendar in Buffy, was a screaming godbot.

"I hear Jello Biafra is a die hard thumping Southern Baptist."

Maybe you need a hearing aid. Biafra's been called a sell out and was sued by the other former Dead Kennedys members over royalties, but that hardly makes him a religious loon.

Chimpy, I said I was geeky. Not The Faces. Five Guys Walk Into A Bar is one of the best box sets ever.

Ok. i accept your answer as the barley Wine is going down fast....

yes that was a non sequitur. But i don't care.

i did just pull up and loaded up some Faces. I need to pick up that box set.

Yeah, he's just released a new single, Too Drunk to Pray...

I hear he re-wrote the lyrics to Moral Majority and recommissioned HR Giger to change the inside cover art from Frankenchrist from Penis Landscape to Jesus Landscape.

Crazy stuff

"Jello Biafra is a die hard thumping Southern Baptist."

Could anyone confirm this? I googled it and nothing came up. He was still a principle in the Alternative Tentacles record lable as of the first of the year.

By mayhempix (not verified) on 17 Nov 2008 #permalink

I think it's time someone compiled a list of entertainers who we're really disappointed to hear are woo-addled.

Well, everyone knows Bob Dylan's religious output was a low point. Thank goodness that crap ended. I'm not sure if he's still religious or not, but his music doesn't show it.

I am very happy to report that Robert Smith of the Cure seems to be godless. Their website even links to the brights! And yes. I still listen to the Cure. You haters can just shut up. Disintegration is the best album ever and I will not be convinced otherwise.

Yeah, he's just released a new single, Too Drunk to Pray...

Oh, that's great!

But is there a source for the claim of Biafra's Baptistism? This not-overly-sympathetic article in the East Bay Express has this quote:

"I get equally frightened -- even terrorized -- when President Bush says things like 'You're either with us or the terrorists,' " he says. He skewers the antiterrorism legislation of "Bible-thumping white supremacist" John Ashcroft for creating "a permanent state of emergency at home."

He still sounds like the High Priest of Harmful Matter to me.

(I cringe at DK's simplistic lyrics now, but I gotta credit the band (and the friend who introduced me to them) for starting me down the road to rationality via questioning authority. Plus, it's fun to try to recite "Night of the Living Rednecks" after too many pints.)

By Brownian, OM (not verified) on 17 Nov 2008 #permalink

I am very happy to report that Robert Smith of the Cure seems to be godless. Their website even links to the brights! And yes. I still listen to the Cure. You haters can just shut up. Disintegration is the best album ever and I will not be convinced otherwise.

I always say Pornography is better until I put on Disintegration. That album rules!

Jello Biafra still seems very much the anti-authoritarian, anti-loon guy he was before. And he totally did not sell out. His sort-of-recent work with the Melvins is very kick ass. Not DK kick ass, but then again not much is.


Seriously, I'm the same way. It's hard to pick one over the other, since both albums are wonderful, but Disintegration gets thrown on the turnstile way more often than Pornography by me nowadays. The latter I can only get through when I'm in a specific frame of mind, but the former is good to go anytime. I've woo'd many a girl with Love Song... well, not that many, but that's how you separate the wheat/potential mates from the chaff.

At least he hasn't chopped off his ear and mailed it to a hooker.

Prince is a nutty artist. Who takes his other opinions seriously?

By Joel Grant (not verified) on 17 Nov 2008 #permalink

Disintegration is the best album ever and I will not be convinced otherwise.

Who are you, Kyle?

But I'm more of a The Head on the Door guy anyway.

By Brownian, OM (not verified) on 17 Nov 2008 #permalink


My uncle (bass player) was touring and recording with Dylan when he was converted by one his backup singers. She moved in with him in Malibu but one day a couple of years later he woke and she was gone. At the time there was a whole movement of progressive Christian rockers loosely centered in LA including the early U2 and T-Bone Burnett who were convinced they could influence the Christian Right to become less about hate and more about Christian charity based on Jebus' love and forgiveness. We all saw how that turned out.

By mayhempix (not verified) on 17 Nov 2008 #permalink

Rev BDC,

Yeah, I was fairly sure that was a joke, but the concern of others made me doubt my rock star religion judgment and so I sort of toned down my initial response. Damn that second guessing!

Also, awesome link. Gracias.

county = country

And I just fired up "Soup is Good food" for some more Jello

Anyone interested is a great site for pulling up and listening to most any music that isn't too eclectic.

Thank you Chimpy! I am pleased that someone bookmarked one of my random youtube music links.

By Janine ID AKA … (not verified) on 17 Nov 2008 #permalink


No freak out here... out of respect to the Rev I wanted to politely make sure instead of claiming outright it was patently absurd.

But thanks for the drink... the blood of Jebus never tasted so sweet.

By mayhempix (not verified) on 17 Nov 2008 #permalink

It's awesome that your uncle played bass with Dylan. What album(s) can I hear him on?

No, but that is, incidentally, my favorite South Park episode. And THOTD is also an excellent album. In Between Days always gets stuck in my head.

Can I just say that this is my favorite Pharyngula thread ever?


No freak out here... out of respect to the Rev I wanted to politely make sure instead of claiming outright it was patently absurd.

But thanks for the drink... the blood of Jebus never tasted so sweet.

I deserve little respect...

but thanks

I have to plug one of the great jazz guitar players, Pat Metheny. His website has a personal list of recommended books, music, etc. and includes Dawkins, John Allen Poulos, and Sam Harris among others.


You can hear him on Street Legal, the album before Dylan converted. It was recorded live in warehouse in Santa Monica. You can also hear him with Elvis Costello's Rude 5 (Spike, King of America, etc) the real Elvis, the Doors LA Woman, several Peter Case and Richard Thompson albums and countless other artists and hit records.…

By mayhempix (not verified) on 17 Nov 2008 #permalink

And I just fired up "Soup is Good food" for some more Jello

And caused me to have a 'shroom flashback. I haven't listened to that song since high school. I see that and raise you 'Chicken Farm'.

Can I just say that this is my favorite Pharyngula thread ever?

Yeah, this is great!

Geez, but Biafra sounds like a pissed-off Junior High teacher in that last link, Rev: "I hate to fucking talk like this, I really do."

As we're having ourselves a regular Jello-fest here, I suspect I wasn't the only one to race to buy The Last Temptation of Reid as soon as it came out. I suspect Al Jourgensen remains staunchly anti-theist.

By Brownian, OM (not verified) on 17 Nov 2008 #permalink

Oh, another religious musician to add to the pile. John Coltrane, who spent much of his life trying out different religions. One of my favorite albums, jazz or otherwise, is actually a devotional album by the man, A Love Supreme. The religiosity of it doesn't subtract from it's brilliance, though.

Coltrane seemed pretty kooky when it came to spirituality; and it showed in his approach to music. "I would like to discover a method so that if I want it to rain, it will start right away to rain. If one of my friends is ill, I'd like to play a certain song and he will be cured; when he'd be broke, I'd bring out a different song and immediately he'd receive all the money he needed."

Well, you have to admit that it is funny that the writer spotted Prince in flip-flops with socks. (Sounds like that would need a breathtaking amount of physical coordination to pull off, but still ....)

Actually, it would be poetic justice if Prince, now only 50, started wearing lime-green Sansabelt slacks pulled up to his armpits and decided to take up shuffleboard.

By Julie Stahlhut (not verified) on 17 Nov 2008 #permalink

The good thing about JW's is that so many join and even more leave. I give him a year or two. To get over it.

Man. All this talk of Jello is forcing me to play through whole DK discography. Any of you... er, more vintage commenters lucky enough to catch the "California Uber Alles into Pull My Strings" stunt at the 1980 Bay Area Music awards? I wasn't even born yet, and though I do have an audio recording, there doesn't seem to be any video from the event. Sigh.

One of my favorite albums, jazz or otherwise, is actually a devotional album by the man, A Love Supreme. The religiosity of it doesn't subtract from it's brilliance, though.

Totally agree. A love Supreme is one of my favorite jazz albums. I'm a big heroin, coke and women addled Miles Davis fan personally, but Coltrane is a bad ass.


Agreed on Coltrane's A Love Supreme.
It sounds fresh and amazing every time I hear it.
It used to live on my turntable when I still had one.

By mayhempix (not verified) on 17 Nov 2008 #permalink

I'm surprised that people still use turntables. I don't even use CDs anymore. If it's not on my Winamp playlist, I don't listen.

Ha! I just remembered something!

I went to a Catholic school until Grade 10, at which time I switched to the public high school next door. Years later, a couple of friends and I auditioned for the annual talent show back at the Catholic school (a few of my friends still went there). Not having any talent, we decided to lip-synch and air-guitar 'Riot'. Maybe it was youthful naivete, but we were honestly surprised when the music director (also the music director for my former church) found the lyrics objectionable.

By Brownian, OM (not verified) on 17 Nov 2008 #permalink

Chimpy, thanks for that. And, yes, I loved DK.

I hope you have not come across this yet.

By Janine ID AKA … (not verified) on 17 Nov 2008 #permalink

spgreenlaw, I've been looking for the "Pull My Strings" footage for a while now (but by no means exhaustively.) So far I've had no luck.

East Bay Ray's cock-rock solo in that song is fantastic!

By Brownian, OM (not verified) on 17 Nov 2008 #permalink

Mayhempix, I recognize the name of Jerry Scheff. It seemed that for any artist T-Bone Burnett produced in the late eighties and early ninties, he would bring along Jerry and percussionist/drummer Alex Acuna.

By Janine ID AKA … (not verified) on 17 Nov 2008 #permalink


For me it's now aiffs (they sure suck up the megs) and Apple Lossless on iTunes. MP3s sound weak and I hate drm downloads...

By mayhempix (not verified) on 17 Nov 2008 #permalink

"Can I just say that this is my favorite Pharyngula thread ever?"

No, I'm sorry, there isn't time.

(Python references make every thread better!)

By Screechy Monkey (not verified) on 17 Nov 2008 #permalink

Spgreenlaw, I will try to get more obscure here.

By Janine ID AKA … (not verified) on 17 Nov 2008 #permalink

Open Letter to Prince:

Dear Prince:

Why do you want to treat me so bad? Don't you know I love you? How can you do this to me? Don't you know I care?

By gaygayGAY (not verified) on 17 Nov 2008 #permalink

I buy vinyl when I can. I've got a pretty decent collection going. Apple lossless on itunes if there's nothing better hanging around.

For me it's now aiffs (they sure suck up the megs) and Apple Lossless on iTunes. MP3s sound weak and I hate drm downloads...

I grab Mp3 V0 when I can. That or OGG work great considered it's lossy compression. Highest quality VBR is the right choice for me in a performance / size ratio.

I saw "X" in Buffalo NY in 1983. Couldn't hear the next day. Great show!

By gaygayGAY (not verified) on 17 Nov 2008 #permalink

Fairport Convention doing an Emmitt Rhodes. Funny seeing a teen age Richard Thompson trying to hide in his hair.

By Janine ID AKA … (not verified) on 17 Nov 2008 #permalink

@Janine ID AKA The Lone Drinker

Yes, he was T-Bone's, and also Mitchell Froom's, go to bass player. Often they would record several of his bass lines and grooves first and then work with the artist(s) to construct songs around them, especially the younger bands they were producing. This technique was also used for several Crowded House tracks and both LA Woman and Riders On the Storm.
He was often paired with great session drummers like Acuna, Hal Blaine and Jim Keltner.

By mayhempix (not verified) on 17 Nov 2008 #permalink

Spgreenlaw, my linking skills are poor.

By Janine ID AKA … (not verified) on 17 Nov 2008 #permalink

Man, they got old, when was that filmed? Exene's voice doesn't sound like it held up so well but they're still, awesome. I know it's hardly a punk tune, but my favorite X song is "Come Back to Me" off of Under The Big Black Sun. Tears me up whenever I listen to it.

I saw X at UC Irvine around "82 give or take a year. I also had the pleasure of opening for PIL in the same venue that year with the DIN.

By mayhempix (not verified) on 17 Nov 2008 #permalink

My preferred music tends more to the lugubrious than the lubricious.

The only way to win is cheat
And lay it down before I'm beat
And to another give my seat
For that's the only painless feat, for

Suicide is painless
It brings on many changes
And I can take or leave it if I please...

By Benjamin Geiger (not verified) on 17 Nov 2008 #permalink

Yeah she sounds rough. i don't think that was too long ago.

Lets see who else

The Misfits next maybe... A little horror punk. If you Ignore what a tool Danzig is

Never saw X live but Hungry Wolf was my gateway to the underground. Quarter of a century later and that song can still gets me bouncing off the wall.

By Janine ID AKA … (not verified) on 17 Nov 2008 #permalink


You freaking opened for PIL? That's amazing. I've got an original pressing of Metal Box, unrusted canister and all, that I'm pretty fond of.

Speaking of X, this was my introduction to country punk soon to become americana.

By Janine ID AKA … (not verified) on 17 Nov 2008 #permalink

Rev BDC,
Not a fan, huh?

I know, Rotten/Lydon is kind of a loser in real life nowadays, but the guy was in two of the greatest bands since the 60's died.

Mayhempix, I tried googling DIN. Any links?

By Janine ID AKA … (not verified) on 17 Nov 2008 #permalink

Spgreenlaw, third time is the charm.

By Janine ID AKA … (not verified) on 17 Nov 2008 #permalink


I've heard a little by the Monks and heard a lot about them, but I'd never seen that clip. Very awesome, and thanks for sharing it.

@Janine ID AKA The Lone Drinker

DIN was an OC band that I joined after their first album was released that had a regional hit and airtime on MTV called "Hungry Reptile". It was a sort of punk/funk/slash band with 2 bass players, 2 guitars, sax, I played synths (all sorts of weird noises and pads). We also opened for the Minutmen, Suburban Lawns and other bands in the LA/OC punk/post punk/new wave scene at Madame Wongs, Cathay Grande, Club Lingerie, etc. The drummer and I left during the recording of the second album because the producer was strangling the life out of the sound. I have no idea if there are any links and lost track of everyone but the sax player who played in my band and with Frank Zappa.

By mayhempix (not verified) on 17 Nov 2008 #permalink

Who has the ten and a half inches?
Kira has the ten and a half inches!

And now some more Minutemen.

By Janine ID AKA … (not verified) on 17 Nov 2008 #permalink

Coincidently I just saw Johnny Lydon at the end of July at LA International Airport with another band member. They were outfitted in all yellow kahki, shorts, jungle boots with buzzed bleached hair and red stripes painted over the ears.

I guess he's still doing it....

By mayhempix (not verified) on 17 Nov 2008 #permalink

Come on now, some has to bust out some Husker Du. The Girl Who Lives On Heaven Hill and I Apologize.

By Janine ID AKA … (not verified) on 17 Nov 2008 #permalink

Chimpy, Mike and Kira also perform together as Dos.

By Janine ID AKA … (not verified) on 17 Nov 2008 #permalink

@Janine ID AKA The Lone Drinker
We played the last show with the Minutemen before D Boone died in the car wreck.

By mayhempix (not verified) on 17 Nov 2008 #permalink


By Janine ID AKA … (not verified) on 17 Nov 2008 #permalink

I moved on to art installations and filmmaking and edited and/or directed music videos for many underground bands on 120 Minutes, also bands like the Indigo Girls and Bonnie Raitt. Countless commercials, movie trailers and several movies, social and political documentaries and propaganda for Greenpeace, Union of Concerned Scientists, etc. We just submitted "American Renegade: Confessions of a Radical Humanist" to Sundance and several other film festivals. The live version of Bob Marley's "Stand Up, Get Up" is used in the credit sequence.

By mayhempix (not verified) on 17 Nov 2008 #permalink

It's almost 3:30 am here in Buenos Aires and I have to take my son to school in a few hours.
Thansk for all the great flashbacks everyone!

Night all.

By mayhempix (not verified) on 17 Nov 2008 #permalink

"Greg Ginn is a total monster"

Is that really your idea of a monster guitar player? Have you ever picked up a guitar? Tone deaf maybe?



You criticize a hell of a lot of guitarists, don't you?

The rest of you Lovelies (and BDC [just kidding, Rev.]),

It's only 12:40 am on the east coast, and even though I'm a young lad of just 21 years, I think I'm going to gag down some nyquil and get to sleep as well. I cannot shake this damn fever/cough thing. Ugh.

It was good talking to all you other music lovers. Thanks for the chit chat and youtube links. See you 'round the threads!

Prince? Pretentious? Absolutely. Two wontons shy of a pu-pu platter? No doubt. But he has written some shockingly good songs. Hearing "Kiss" has always made me all lubricious every time I've heard it. Now I guess it'll make me all lugubrious.

Dark Matter, I "grew up" on Excitable Boy and loved almost everything Zevon did thereafter. Lukewarm on his "Raspberry Beret," though, as well as Richard Thompson's cover of "Kiss."

Wowbagger, Evangeline Lilly?? Say it ain't so! Good news about Robert Smith, though - thanks, spgreenlaw.

Thanks also to Owen for the Kevin Smith vids and Janine for the vintage Fairport Convention vid.

By Sanity Jane (not verified) on 17 Nov 2008 #permalink

I'm so upset to find out Prince is a whack job. He always seemed so together and normal.

(forgive me, but the only effect this article had on me was to hop over to iTunes and grab the song purple rain for a bit of nostalgia)

"You criticize a hell of a lot of guitarists, don't you?"

When people keep talking about guitarists that are more famous for how they sell themselves socially and commercially rather than their abilities,, yes.

Here are a few Good players I found in a couple minutes:

The great Danny Gatton:

Edgar Cruz:

The Jokester Paul Gilbert:

Tony MacAlpine:

Tony playing Freddy Chopin:


Millions more are out there that are quite good..

You know, Prince had my sympathies when he tottered out in heels and fishnets as an early afternoon warmup act in 1982 for the Stones at the LA Coliseum and became a target for bottles and cans thrown at him. Now that Prince has metaphorically turned into one of those losers, I'm just sad.

Huh. For a minute, I thought this was an insufferable music snob thread over at pandagon. Oh, and mayhempix? We're not worthy. It takes some serious chops to be within that many degrees of FZ.

Fuck Prince! When I need spiritual/theological direction, I go right to the MAN, Kirk Cameron. Or the Banana-Man.

If you're going to post Gang of Four, might as well include The Mekons. Oh, and may I post some Wire?

By GuyIncognito (not verified) on 17 Nov 2008 #permalink

I'd give a kidney to see that!

Prince wouldn't be allowed to accept it.

How's this one? Beck (Hansen, not the aforementioned Jeff) is a Scientologist and has been since childhood.


Prince is a real musician. I didn't realize this for several years after I first heard of him, and then when Raspberry Beret was released, I realized that he really can play the guitar. He's not in Frank Zappa's league, but he could make a living as a session man.

Of course, being a real musician and being a nutcase are not mutually exclusive, by any means.


By John C. Randolph (not verified) on 17 Nov 2008 #permalink

Re: Prince

It's pretty obvious he was misquoted. I'm going with his people on this one -- that interview sounded like a load of crap to me. The interviewer should be put to task for doing the interview without a recorder.

He's weird, but he isn't the anti-gay nutjob the New Yorker made him out to be. :D I will still bop around to Raspberry Beret guilt-free.

The mere thought of Prince induces gales of laughter from me. LISTENING to any of it induces a cardiac infarct.

Or isn't his name "Artist Formerly Known As Prince" anymore? I've been waiting for the inevitable: naming himself "Genius Formerly Known As Artist Formerly Known As Prince" uh, Esquire.

Who cares? It doesn't matter. I follow real music - real artistic content - not celebrity crap.

Narcissistic cuckoo from Day One. Makes Michael Jackson look self-effacing. ( pun intended).

Neither of them have any authentic passion for music or its expression. They use "music" as a cosmetic prop (oops, damn...honest, no pun intended) to enhance their prancing about on stage.

Prince at his most "lubricious silkiness" was just about as original as Johnny Weismuller's yodeling as Tarzan. Just add a beat and some chords and a heavy bass line...yeah, that's it!

For a long time I couldn't understand why a full-length mirror isn't enough for these terribly talented "ARTISTS". Then I realized that an audience can actually be induced to spontaneous noises of approval: it's natural and it's "real"! (I suppose it beats recordings of cheering and applause issuing from sound system speakers surrounding one's reflected image in a very big mirror every time).

Perhaps future technology will allow such ARTISTS to view real-time images of themselves superimposed over their view of the audience. (Maybe Michael can acquire another $7m advance on research towards that end from some wealthy Arab fellow. It could be a spectacular investment, like the other one).

But, as Richard Wagner (that shameless bigot, racist and narcissistic asshole, who nevertheless actually knew how to compose and play an instrument) once remarked upon being introduced to a far less grotesque development, a new instrument called an accordion: "It may mean the end of the world."

Taste is always finicky yet most agreeably diverse. But mine is certainly not upended by seeing Prince culminating in what I have always seen there to begin with: "brain rot". That particular seed of "lubricious silkiness" has been germinating for a long time.

What's the big surprise? That kind of self-obsession is made-to-order for entering the vast hallowed realm of religion: nothing else could possibly contain their supernaturally-sized heads!!!

I pose these thoughts in memory of the passing of Mitch Mitchell, the final member of Jimi Hendrix's 3-man band, all of whom were extraordinarily talented musicians, were actually passionate about the friggin' music, and knew how to play it exceptionally well....just to supply a little comparitive contrast between real genius and wanna-be nut cases.

BTW: I expect this will raise howls but scribbling out a likely poem on a handy piece of paper during a fit of grandeur doesn't necessarily constitute being a composer "writer of music", let alone anything remotely resembling musicianship...even if it did lead, after many iterative permutations and actual wherewithal supplied by professionals, to such worthless and mercifully forgettable pieces as "Raspberry Beret", "Come" or "Pussy Control". I cannot suppress a gag reflex on't.

By Anonymous (not verified) on 18 Nov 2008 #permalink

jcr, #207

Funnily enough, The Blues Brothers was on tv here on Saturday night - I only caught the end of it, though.

I'd never seen that clip before, but after watching it I have a sneaking suspicion that that it - and maybe Cab Calloway in general - was used for research purposes by Danny John-Jules in getting the moves for his portrayal as Cat in Red Dwarf - if you're familiar with that particular UK comedy/sci-fi program.

By Wowbagger (not verified) on 18 Nov 2008 #permalink

Wow! I only thought the martial life of these celebrities were fucked up. After reading the comments, I realize pretty much about these celebrities is fucked up.

By LotharLoo (not verified) on 18 Nov 2008 #permalink

Oh, and if we're doing the fanboy thing, I have to point out you can see a really talented musician here:

Not much of a showman - too introverted - but he could write lyrics like nobody's business.

By Wowbagger (not verified) on 18 Nov 2008 #permalink

@ Ken Cope
" It takes some serious chops to be within that many degrees of FZ."

If only it were true... the sax player has the serious chops and a close friend was FZ's sound guy. My forte was songwriting and herding cats (making a band function is analogous to the The Myth of Sisyphus.)

By mayhempix (not verified) on 18 Nov 2008 #permalink

The following SUMMARIES OF OVER 1400 JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES CRIMINAL and CIVIL COURT CASES will provide the BEST and MOST ACCURATE info about Jehovah's Witnesses, their beliefs about CELEBRITY MEMBERS, SEXUALITY, HOMOSEXUALITY, and how they ACTUALLY practice such day to day.

The following website summarizes 900 court cases and lawsuits affecting children of Jehovah's Witness Parents, including 400 cases where the JW Parents refused to consent to life-saving blood transfusions for their dying children, as well as nearly 400 CRIMINAL cases -- most involving MURDERS:


The following website summarizes over 500 lawsuits filed by Jehovah's Witnesses against their Employers, incidents involving problem JW Employees, and other secret JW "history" court cases:


#13: "Boy George gay???? Say it ain't so! you'll be telling me next Liberace was gay!"

That Liberace sure could play piano but heard he sucked on the organ.


Or isn't his name "Artist Formerly Known As Prince" anymore? I've been waiting for the inevitable: naming himself "Genius Formerly Known As Artist Formerly Known As Prince" uh, Esquire.

The whole name thing was not just pretentious vanity. It was a contract dispute with a record label that effectively trademarked the name "Prince" and so he could not use it if he recorded elsewhere. But there was a time limit on that contract and once it expired he could once again use his own name.

Rev BDC,
Thanks for the link to It's my new favorite music site.

I have Captain Beefheart's "Safe As Milk" playing on the other tab right now.

By Father Nature (not verified) on 18 Nov 2008 #permalink

"Prince is a real musician. I didn't realize this for several years after I first heard of him, and then when Raspberry Beret was released, I realized that he really can play the guitar. He's not in Frank Zappa's league, but he could make a living as a session man."

OK, for one, Frank Zappa,...not that great of a guitarist. His son on the other hand?? ... is a damn fine player.

Prince is no session player. Here is a session player (Steve Lukather) playing with the guitarist from Megadeth:

Prince is not a zit on either of these two guys asses

I'll still sing along to his songs.

Crazy people are usually also crazy talented.

Michael Jackson, for instance. The man is nuts. Gonzo.

But I heaaaart his music, especially his older stuff, which I will sing and dance to for hours, because I have no shame.

Father Nature,
Safe as Milk is excellent, and I know Van Vliet is must famous for Trout Mask Replica, but my personal favorite of his has always been Doc at the Radar Station.

On a related note, have you ever seen any of his paintings? They're pretty good, if you go in for the whole abstract expressionist thing. Actually, Shiny Beast and Doc both feature his work on their covers.

Yeah, I remember seeing that Judge Judy clip a few years ago. It was... and odd experience. Still, I like the way the Pistols pissed off the Rock n Roll Hall of Fame. It was charming (and I don't care if it was only because they were to cheap to buy a table).

Seeing Captain Beefheart, I started thinking of his former drummer, Drumbo. His real name is John French and he was part of one of my favorite supergroups, French, Frith, Kaiser and Thompson. They only put out two albums and that was about twenty years ago. There is only one video to be found on youtube.

There is a clip of Thompson doing two songs off of their first album; Life, Love, Larf and Loaf. It is Days Of Our Lifes and Now That I Am Dead. The latter was written by John French.

By Janine ID AKA … (not verified) on 18 Nov 2008 #permalink

Damn, Cab Calloway. That was one fine showman, and he always could put together good bands in his heyday. His style and flash had a lot of influence on early R&B and rock and roll. Others like Lionel Hampton and his band did as well.

By papa zita (not verified) on 18 Nov 2008 #permalink

Huh? One must be a "session player" now to be considered exceptional? LOL

Prince can play guitar.

Watchman, did not happen to nick your moniker from a certain guitarist?

By Janine ID AKA … (not verified) on 18 Nov 2008 #permalink

GuyIncognito just had to bring up The Mekons. This is one of my very favorites. I am afraid I take the opening lines to Memphis, Egypt a little too seriously. Plus the video is just filled with spazz dancing.

By Janine ID AKA … (not verified) on 18 Nov 2008 #permalink

"Huh? One must be a "session player" now to be considered exceptional? LOL"

I am not the one that brought up session players. I just suggest that Prince is no session guitarist, as most of those guys are monsters...

"Prince can play guitar."

So can Tom Petty, but that does not mean he does it well...

And continuing with late seventies brit bands, X-Ray Spex

By Janine ID AKA … (not verified) on 18 Nov 2008 #permalink

Dweezil can put the eyebrows on his father's riffs. As a guitarist, he didn't fall far from the tree. Fortunately, his father left enough original work behind to keep more than one tribute band busy.

As for Cab Calloway, there's no questioning his genius, but leave it to JCR 207 to turn praise into poison.

I have to stop this sooner or later but for now, here are The Raincoats.

By Janine ID AKA … (not verified) on 18 Nov 2008 #permalink

Janine: Nope. :-)

Well, Lago, you have excellent taste, IMO. However, if you choose to employ one of the greatest guitarists who ever lived as a baseline for who is or is not a "real musician", that's your prerogative - but don't expect the rest of us real musicians to adhere to your arbitrarily high standards.

(Lago: "I just suggest that Prince is no session guitarist, as most of those guys are monsters...")

True enough!

Please forgive the sound of the late eighties drum machine. It seems that the only one to use it right was Big Black, but I going off track now. One of the many Jon Langford bands, The Three Johns.

By Janine ID AKA … (not verified) on 18 Nov 2008 #permalink

Robia LaMorte is a godbot!? Say it ain't so!

Holy crudmuffin! That is a blow!

Spgreenlaw, no. But that is funny. I am not really interested in this mornings topic. But there is an open thread and I am feeling playful.

Needs more Sally Timms. Here she is covering Johnny Cash's Cry Cry Cry. One of my favorite concerts, Sally and Neko Case in a small storefront in the northside of Chiocago. They are two of the funniest filthy talkers and together, well...

Oh, yeah, both are great singers.

By Janine ID AKA … (not verified) on 18 Nov 2008 #permalink

spgreenlaw: My iPod is in love with yours!

By Julie Stahlhut (not verified) on 18 Nov 2008 #permalink

I can't think of Prince and NOT think of Charlie Murphy's True Hollywood Stories on the Chappelle show, with Dave Chappelle playing Prince, and Charlie Murphy describing losing a basketball game after underestimating Prince and the Revolution.

"Good hustle" (slaps rear)
"I'm not on your TEAM!"

"I don't know where you got that outfit, but it sure wasn't the men's department!!"

"Game, bitches."

Let's go crazy, let's get nuts
Let's look 4 the purple banana till they put us in the truck
Let's go!

We're all excited, but we don't know why
Maybe it's cuz we're all gonna die
And when we do, what's it all 4?
U better live now before the grim reaper
Come knockin' on your door
Tell me...


Come on, baby
Let's get nuts!
Yeah (Crazy)
Let's go crazy

Are we gonna let de-elevator bring us down?
Oh no, let's go crazy! (Go crazy!)
I said let's go crazy! (Go crazy!)
Let's go! (Let's go!)
Go! (Let's go!)

I for one would still like to party like it's 1999.


Thanks for the tip about Beefheart's "Doc at the Radar Station." I'll try to find it and have a listen. The "Blimp" and "The Old Fart at Play" from his "beat poetry" (?) genre are two of my all-time favorites.

..have you ever seen any of his paintings?

I haven't. I understand he's given up music and only paints these days. A real musical loss. But...hey we still have Miley Cyrus.

By Father Nature (not verified) on 18 Nov 2008 #permalink

Prince may be egocentric, naive, maddening, annoying, psychotic, etc. etc. etc. but DAMN that man can play a guitar! He is not a total loss...

By Badjuggler (not verified) on 18 Nov 2008 #permalink

"Prince may be egocentric, naive, maddening, annoying, psychotic, etc. etc. etc. but DAMN that man can play a guitar! He is not a total loss..."

Jerry Reed...he could play a guitar. Prince? Not so much...

Your core following seems to be very easily distracted!

By irspariah (not verified) on 18 Nov 2008 #permalink

I'm with all the fans of Prince (I could care less what his religious views are). I think I read FZ once said he thought the scientists were wrong, stupidity was much more abundant than hydrogen.
Not really sure about ones who say Prince and FZ are notgood guitar players except they most likely never saw either live.

I grew up a JW and it's like being brought up on another planet. It can't help Prince's insanity. It's a very isolating religion that teaches you to hate and fear the world around you. You are taught that the entire world outside the JW organization is run by Satan. Even now that I'm out, I still have a tough time trusting people.

Badjuggler@243: "Prince may be egocentric, naive, maddening, annoying, psychotic, etc., etc., etc...."


And if his talent ever approached those attributes to similar intensity, he would no doubt have been universally regarded as the greatest musician in history.

By Arnosium Upinarum (not verified) on 19 Nov 2008 #permalink