The Official Theme Song for Happy Monkey!

Dance, everyone!

More like this

“The atoms come into my brain, dance a dance, and then go out — there are always new atoms, but always doing the same dance, remembering what the dance was yesterday.” -Richard Feynman It took 13.8 billion years of cosmic evolution, billions of years of biological evolution and astronomical numbers…
Remember when you went to the high school dance, and all the social strata of the institution were exposed? You knew who the jocks and cheerleaders were, and the stoners and the college preppies, and of course, the geeks, the A/V nerds, the chess club crowd…the ones who didn't show up very often,…
This deserves to be highlighted. Hat tip to Lorri Talley (see comments in Orb Weaver entry). I give you... The Mating Dance of the Jumping Spider! "I have the best pedipalps of them all! The very best. With my little dance, I will hypnotize you into wanting them. Yes, my darling, wanting them!"
In many of the world's most affluent countries, the population is shrinking because people aren't having enough children to replace the folks who die. This offers some hope to solve global overpopulation, though unfortunately the solution involves eradicating poverty and establishing global…

Happy Monkey isn't what it was in my day.

Not available in my country neither.
I feel discriminated.
I want my Happy Monkey rights!!!

funny stuff.


The guest appearance by the FSM was pretty great.

Unavailable for me too (UK)...
I didn't realise it was such an ethnocentric celebration...

By Colonel Molerat (not verified) on 18 Dec 2008 #permalink

Why not go back, way back to the Nairobi Trio from the great Ernie Kovacs.

By natural cynic (not verified) on 18 Dec 2008 #permalink

The movie is not available for my country (Brazil).
I wanted to celebrate "Happy Monkey"

What's the opposite song? I'm NOT a happy monkey. I'm doing the freezing chicken dance.

Hey Rev. is that blue love monkey you? Tee, hee!

By Patricia, OM (not verified) on 18 Dec 2008 #permalink

Goddamn fucking right. Happy Monkey Day is here to stay and if you have a problem with it, get the fuck out of America!

Are we not men?

By J. D. Mack (not verified) on 18 Dec 2008 #permalink

Monkeyman by the Stones

All the polls say that most Americans believe as I do: That the traditional signs of Happy Monkey are a good thing.So give monkeys a break, enjoy the season no matter how you celebrate it, and be thankful you live in a country where the philosophy of peace on earth, good will toward all monkeys is honored with a federal holiday.

I agree with natural cynic at #11. I was going to reference that Ernie Kovacs great skit, but he beat me to it.


By George E Martin (not verified) on 18 Dec 2008 #permalink

Love the FSM's cameo.



By Timothy Wood (not verified) on 18 Dec 2008 #permalink

What is so offensive about this video that it is not available on YouTube in so many countries???

By Michael C (not verified) on 18 Dec 2008 #permalink

11 and 20, #7 beat you both.

So, what's the status on the request to display a giant banana at the Washington State Capitol?

Make sure to honour Name Deleted on the plaque as the holiday's founder.

By Brownian, OM (not verified) on 18 Dec 2008 #permalink


The movie is not available for my country (Brazil).
I wanted to celebrate "Happy Monkey"

But you can. Happy Monkey lives in the hearts of all of us, not on silly, blasphemous YouTube.

Remember--where two or three are gathered in the name of His Happy Hirsute Holiness, he will be there among you.

'Happy Monkey' for you, but it's a Festivus for the rest of us.

By Feynmaniac (not verified) on 18 Dec 2008 #permalink

Feynmaniac, #30

That's right, 'happy monkey" was commercialized before it became a seasonal greeting. With such a precedent it can't help but prosper. :)

That was BRILLIANT! Rockin' song, fantastic video. And I thought I hated the New York Dolls. Now I think maybe I want to have David Johansen's grotesque monkey children...

By Sanity Jane (not verified) on 18 Dec 2008 #permalink

Not only for the holidays; all year round. We might have a name better than "Brights:" Happy Monkeys! It'll drive the Creationists right up the wall.


Curses I cannot view the video due to my country or 'domain'.

Somebody is already oppressing my rights to express how Happy Monkey I feel... I bet its a right-wing conspiracy led by Billo!

Monkey Man!

Not the Stones. Don't get your hopes up, cheese.

By Janine, Insult… (not verified) on 18 Dec 2008 #permalink

The drummer at 1:38 looks just like Ken Ham.

At some point in the indeterminate and unknowable past, somehow, somewhere, the phrase, "The Happy Monkey Dance" entered my lexicon.

As in, "You got a raise! So you're doing the Happy Monkey Dance now!"

And remember, "Happy Monkeys fling no poo!"

This just made my entire life.
Happy Monkey to all, and to all a good night.

Okay, now I am a Happy Monkey.

Gawd, that's entertaining.

Not only for the holidays; all year round. We might have a name better than "Brights:" Happy Monkeys! It'll drive the Creationists right up the wall.

I second that emotion!

Quick! Time to edit the 'About me' section on my facebook profile!

By Brownian, OM (not verified) on 18 Dec 2008 #permalink

This video is not available in your country or domain.

WTF? Who the hell is censoring stuff for France (and the other countries noted), and why!?

Never too late to mix a little politics with religion. Full post is almost 700 words. Following was originally a comment I made at Firedoglake in reference to a post there referencing some rightwing asshats as 'fuckers'. It is reposted to my website as well as on my Talking Points Memo blog (where recommending or commenting on it will ensure more visibility if the mood strikes you!)…

Here's a couple paragraphs I'm sure you guys will appreciate to whet your appetites:

The more I think about it, the more I'm willing to overlook your colorful and carnal use of colloquial curse words, so long as I still get to refer to the FUCKERS as enthusiast supporters of the torture of children's testicles. Maybe Pastor Warren will explain it as necessary to torture the testicles of children because doing otherwise 'might jeopordize the integrity of the unborn'. Did God not mention his stand on the torture of children's testicles? Was he so preoccupied with condemning the homosexuals and seafood eaters that he overlooked the obvious? God gave us all noses, ears and and asses, never actually directing us on what their functions were to be used for. He must have known we were smart enough to figure out our heads from our asses. Too bad he didn't have the forethought to forcefully and vehemently comment against the torture of toddler testicles. I thought that issue, (along with the Magna Carta), had been settled long, long ago.

and my personal favorite, a post Bush employment suggestion for Condi Rice.

....she could open a think tank. It could be named the "Center Heading Research in Support of Torturing Toddler's Testicles" aka CHRISTTT, which will of course be more informally referred to as the CHRIST CENTER for purposes of public consumption. That's just how those FUCKERS roll.


Great song and video! Was that Bender singing?!

Here's more Monkey:

Or should I put this in the Japanese thread?

This video is not available in your country or domain.

Same here in Sweden.
For media companies to properly ream people according to where they live, the World must be partitioned into isolated regions, as with DVDs and console games. Of late, YouTube has started supporting such a scheme, presumably at the request of their corporate customers.

you people and your PRO-SIMIAN AGENDA!!1!one! You have to stop monkeying around.

When will you learn the 'One True Holiday' TM , Festivus ?!/! You are destroying an 11 year old tradition. Historical records show that a New York City did indeed exist in 1997 and that a comedian named Jerry Seinfeld once lived there. Therefore everything in Season 9 Episode 10 of Seinfeld is 100% true.

Everytime someone greats me with a 'Happy Monkey' or 'Happy Holidays' or 'Merry Christmas' i will punch them in the face!

If you cannot accept the teachings of the profit Frank Costanza, peace be upon him, than just shut up during Festivus and don't ruin it for the rest of us!!
i will think of you during the air of grievances !!1!exclamation point!1!!!

[Note: If this 'War on Festivus' thing isn't funny blame it on the fact that I'm drunk. This isn't the first time the thought has occurred to me that I should put a breathalyzer on my keyboard]

By Feynmaniac (not verified) on 18 Dec 2008 #permalink

Don't i feel so lucky, to be able to actually watch the video then! And it's pretty good- so there ppppllllththt :P

Ha ha foreigners and their censored Internets lol
completely joking of course.

I'm getting my own "Happy Monkey" (TM) T-shirt for christm.. Happy monkey season..

Thanks Dano.(46)

By Richard Healy (not verified) on 18 Dec 2008 #permalink

Its censored here (The Netherlands) too.

I loves me some New York Dolls! Only two surviving original members, but they still have that sound! I bought Lipstick Killers on vinyl (extinct media:proof of technological evolution) in 1982 and never looked back. David Johansen, you might recall, did a stint as "Buster Poindexter" in the 80's (anyone recall "Is That You, Santy Claus?") Sylvain Sylvain and he are still kickin' as they near's definitely the power of Happy Monkey that keeps them young enough to rock this hard and still tour (they're playing in L.A. tomorrow night). In fact, the very simian appearance of Mr. Johansen is proof of the existence of Happy Monkey. How can anyone deny this!?

@ 61:



Dang, that was the obscure song I thought I would be first to post. That's what I get for showing up late.

Rev Brian, thanks so much for the Elvis tip-in. Made my day!

I was sitting at home last night with my partner and I mentioned that this song in my opinion made a much better Happy Monkey song. I'm glad to see I'm not alone.

Now shake your monkey hips my pretty little creationist!

Happy Monkey!

Thanks Emmet #54!

Works in the UK too. Catchy song!

Sammi Yaffa plays bass for the Dolls, he plays guitar in his other band Mad Juana. I'm no good with these internets, so you'll have to find them on your own, but they fucking rock. Gypsy, funk, punk, with a horn section. Nothing short of Awesome. Happy Monkey!!

"Hey! You got my punk rock in your evolution!"
"You got my evolution in your punk rock!"

Mmm... two great tastes that taste great together.

This video is not available in your country or domain.
UNHappy Monkey!
alternate sites - thanks James F #13!!!
Happy Monkey!

By samantha mullaney (not verified) on 19 Dec 2008 #permalink

To #57

Thanks, now I can't get that song out of my head.

By JrShaBaDu (not verified) on 19 Dec 2008 #permalink

Not only for the holidays; all year round. We might have a name better than "Brights:" Happy Monkeys! It'll drive the Creationists right up the wall.

You win.

This seems to be the same video, but internationally accessible (at least, it's accessible in Sweden):

Thanks, works for me!

@ 61:



Yeah, that's probably the most appropriate response. Urgh. Am I glad I was only born after the 70s were over.

By David Marjanović, OM (not verified) on 19 Dec 2008 #permalink

Great...y'all just made Apple/ITMS another $5 as I sucked down an album from Yet Another Band I Was Too Uncool To Like back in the day.

Two of my favorites - evolution and the New York Dolls!

I turned on the SciFi channel this morning and found The Monkey King playing. Happy Monkey!

By DominEditrix (not verified) on 19 Dec 2008 #permalink

Not available in Canada either. :(

By JonathanL (not verified) on 19 Dec 2008 #permalink

Scimmia Felice!
Glücklicher Fallhammer!
Singe Heureux!
It's all Happy Monkey to me!

By Pareidolius (not verified) on 19 Dec 2008 #permalink

If we're suggesting anthems and carols and such, I'm throwing the (non-monkey) "Open Eyes" by Oingo Boingo into the ring:

Auld Lang Syne, reworded by atheist Danny Elfman.

"May the memories not be forgot
May we never lose our mind
may no one tamper with our thoughts
for the sake of open eyes

The mindless cretin on parade
they may fill our lives with fear
Should we forgive and look away
Well perhaps, but not this year!"

wtf when did youtube start discriminating on the basis of country of residence?!