They do have very nice iconography

People keep trying to tempt me into Tarvuism, and I do admit that they have some lovely reverential imagery.


However, I am a hardcore atheist, and I deny Tarvu. I even deny Oobu.


So I'm sorry, I won't be joining, even if it is so easy to join. I do encourage and endorse their right to display a cyclopean cephalopodian nativity scene in the Washington state capitol, however.

(via Canadian Cynic)


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"Who are we? Why are we here? Where are we going? "

Just look in the mirror to find out who you are. I'm only here for the beer and I'm agonna die.

Are they serious. It seems like some kind of weird joke, but I'm not sure. If its a joke then its a really good effort, if not then WTF.

Hebbo again. I was wondering, if anyone here can answer, if tarvuism is compatible with celebrating the Festivus holiday which happens to fall on the 23rd again this year. In other words can I believe in both or is there some mutual incompatibility? TIA - SA

But. It's so easy to join!

Tarvuism isn't a real religion! It's not in Wikipedia! nyuck, nyuck. Happy Monkey all!

Hebbo Somnolent Aphid @#3
I don't know if Tarvuism is compatible with Festivus (even though it is so easy to join). So I would stick with the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster (pesto be upon him). Since His Noodliness is not a jealous god, Pastafarianism is compatible with everything. Celebrate whatever you want, I don't think the FSM really cares.

By Ubi Dubium (not verified) on 23 Dec 2008 #permalink

Are they serious. It seems like some kind of weird joke, but I'm not sure. If its a joke then its a really good effort, if not then WTF.

It's by Peter Serafinowicz and Robert Popper, the same guys that made the spoof science education show Look Around You for the BBC.

I spit upon such temptations, give them the finger, snort at them derisively, and fart in their general direction (thanks, Monty Python), because I save all my faith, love and devotion for the one true goddess... Athe... who is unique among gods and goddesses in that she insists that her followers (atheists) NOT believe in her, worship her, or otherwise acknowledge her (lack of?) existence.


That's OK... I just confused myself.

In response to DuckPhup in message no. 7: Is this Athe the same as Athe the All Powerless, who lives in a tin can? This second Athe was discovered, if my memory serves me, by David Brin and friends while undergrads at Caltech.

By Stolen Dormouse (not verified) on 23 Dec 2008 #permalink

I think Tarvu is my new ShuDurPerSav.

I do love the word "chabbernaggle."

By Sven DiMilo (not verified) on 23 Dec 2008 #permalink

Hebbo Ubi @#6 - I believe you. FSM (may his blessed sauce spill onto us, everyone) is all embracing. I am disturbed, however, by images found on a Church of the SubGenius website ( ) depicting J.R. "Bob" Dobbs as somehow joined in battle with what looks to be a betentacled beast or poorly rendered FSM (may his gluteny goodness bring us joy) or perhaps even Tentaclaus himself. Isn't it strange how some can see evil in all the encompassing goodness of what others take to be truth?

"It's by Peter Serafinowicz and Robert Popper, the same guys that made the spoof science education show Look Around You for the BBC."
Robert Popper was on the Sound of Young America radio show back in August(available on podcast via iTunes or website) and he alluded to doing some spoof project in the near future...evidently this was it...too sweet.

Like, OMG! Peter Serafinowicz? If I'd known that, I'd have joined before I even heard of it! (So yeah, it's a cult of personality... oh well.)
Another fun fact: he's also the voice of Darth Maul.
Although, well, those movies never happened.

I know it's fascinating, and surely a big hit around here, but the whole "talking to an octopus" thing isn't even a percent of a percent of what Tarvuism is all about. Yet as deep as the spiritual waters of Tarvu flow, it IS really easy to join. Say Hebbo today, you'll be glad you did!

Looks like it's not as well fleshed-out as the Church of the Subgenius or Pastafarianism. I guess they don't have enough contributors yet to make it as silly as it could be.


By John C. Randolph (not verified) on 23 Dec 2008 #permalink

It makes as sense as anything else.

No, it makes more sense than some.

Tarvu is a good religion to have in your back pocket if you end up arguing with a believer in Yahweh. Refer them to the web site. Easy name to remember.

Nothing that Tarvu believers assert about their faith and beliefs can be refuted. Their revelation is sufficient. You can believe it or not. They may not have as many believers as Yahweh but they have as much justification as any religion.

And they do seem far more inclusive than most!