Oh, no, another goodbye

We're losing Evolgen now, so say farewell. It looks like a combination of general burnout and the fact that he's a young guy on a career track, and this is a time of transition, when he's leaving his post-doc and looking for a real position. And as you all know, this isn't the best of times to be trying to secure a job, so as he mentioned in a private communication*, he has to keep his options open in case the only openings are at Biola, Liberty, and the Discovery Institute.

*Those of you who have met RPM know that his real expertise is in sarcasm. Oh, and drunk karaoke.


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Oh, goody, maybe the students there will learn some real science for a change! (Kidding.)

By speedwell (not verified) on 16 Jan 2009 #permalink

Yeah! The scientists have finally found true faith!

Now God will drown them all in the Red Sea with his divine mercy!

He'd make a fine addition to the DI. They are in need of an actual scientist after all.

By DGKnipfer (not verified) on 16 Jan 2009 #permalink

Wait...there's SOBER karaoke?!

definition from the Japan/America Friendship Society fundraising dinner (attended with spouse, who is from Tokyo):

Ka-ra-ok-e: Japanese for tone deaf.