Bo's Law?

I'm completely confused. We've got a parody site parodying a law about parodies — no one will ever be able to keep them straight.

Bo's Law relates to Atheism and the difficulty of identifying legitimate Atheists and their organizations because it is so hard to tell fake Atheism from the real thing. The law also works in reverse because as Christians, we know in actuality, there is really no such thing as "Atheism." So in fact, "real Atheists" can also be indistinguishable from "fake Atheists" because there are people and organizations who claim to be Atheist, while we know that is quite impossible, since there is no such thing as a real Atheist.  All sane and rational people believe in God, whether they deny it or not.

They have a test, a list of sites you need to score whether they are true atheist sites or fake atheist sites, and Pharyngula is on it. Fake atheist or real atheist?

(I think it's a trick question. Since they just said there is no such thing as a real atheist, we must all be fakes.)


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First, for the first time on any thread on any site ever! Yay.

Landover Baptist Church is a great big Poe. And a really good one too.

I've seen Bo's law in effect. At there are often people who post comments that make some sense, then push it completely too far to be a legitimate position held by anyone rational. Fake-atheists damage the credibility of real atheists. Real Christians damage the credibility of the less crazy Christians.

By CorbinFox (not verified) on 19 Jan 2009 #permalink

I don't post here often, but I have to mention the little disclaimer at the bottom. You really have to read it, it is something of pure beauty.

Pfff. Bo's Law -- there's no *way* that's a real atheistic parody of a parody-like christian organization.

By Breakfast (not verified) on 19 Jan 2009 #permalink

This whole Bo/Poe so-and-so is becoming quite Po-Mo. Fo' sho.

It's wild the things that these people can say that makes one think that they're kidding when in actuality they're not:

1: From here:
So whom does God wrong in commanding the destruction of the Canaanites? Not the Canaanite adults, for they were corrupt and deserving of judgement. Not the children, for they inherit eternal life. So who is wronged? Ironically, I think the most difficult part of this whole debate is the apparent wrong done to the Israeli soldiers themselves. Can you imagine what it would be like to have to break into some house and kill a terrified woman and her children? The brutalizing effect on these Israeli soldiers is disturbing.

So...Poe or no poe? You can find the answer on the sixth full paragraph from the bottom.

2: From here: (the italicized comments are from the person in question, the bolded is someone arguing with him)
If the applications are so different, then what right does he have to judge us, other than "might makes right"?

With God, might makes right is right. So what?

Yeah, so "depraved" that the idea of billions of people dying for the sake of the "glory" of some "sky-daddy" sickens me. Yeah, I'm "depraved" alright...


Chilling, isn't it?

I think there's no such thing as real Theists (or followers of God), because there is no God to follow.

Therefore you're either Fake Atheist or Fake Theist.

Actually, fake atheists aren't that rare on the internets.

But they're usually pretty easy to spot. True, Dembski fell for a transparent fraud at Panda's Thumb (who "thanked" myself and, I believe it was, Popper's Ghost, for supposedly not allowing Xians to communicate), but he's clearly incapable of detecting design reliably at any level or in any of its aspects.

Most common atheist fakes are the religious people "who once were atheists." Most of them obviously weren't atheist in any intellectual sense, merely being reactionary against religion (now they're reactionary against the irreligious), irreligious, or straightforwardly lying.

Glen D

List of REAL atheists:

Thomas Jefferson
Benjamin Franklin
Thomas Paine
Albert Einstein
Bertrand Russell
Richard Dawkins

I don't know what a "fake" atheist is. Anyone willing to reject the ludicrous and stupid superstitions and traditions of our tribal past (religion included) is at least a cogent rational person, whether they agree on any of the dogmatic details or not.


Wow! The first is not a Poe though, only sadistic theist thinking that there's nothing wrong with chopping a helpless infant because he's gonna go to heaven anyways; in fact, you would be doing him a favor as he might grow up, sin and go to hell. I have heard this type of reasoning and believe me it is not Poe.

By LotharLoo (not verified) on 19 Jan 2009 #permalink

The Jesusland and "Accept Jesus and get a PS2!" ads on the site give Bo's Law away as a Poe.

By Twin-Skies (not verified) on 19 Jan 2009 #permalink

On the other hand, it's rather difficult to tell a legitimate Christian site from a fake. They both make ridiculous claims without much evidence and attribute it to a poorly written rather incoherent collection of stories known as "The Bible". Many go on to claim that those who do not whole-heartedly agree with them are going to burn in eternal hell because they have not been "saved". So, it's very difficult to distinguish between them.

Wow! The first is not a Poe though, only sadistic theist thinking that there's nothing wrong with chopping a helpless infant because he's gonna go to heaven anyways; in fact, you would be doing him a favor as he might grow up, sin and go to hell. I have heard this type of reasoning and believe me it is not Poe.

A woman here in Cincinnati killed her child for that reason about 12 years ago. Said that she feared he'd go to hell if he watched TV or something.

But to be fair, this is not symbolic of the religionist at large. But they are a scary minority.

Anyone willing to reject the ludicrous and stupid superstitions and traditions of our tribal past (religion included) is at least a cogent rational person...Not necessarily.

Not necessarily.

Yeah, I guess it would depend on their motives. Fred Phelps probably dismisses many ludicrous and stupid superstitions.

Rascal's Wager?

Are you sure they're not just radical solipsists? From that point of view, none of us are real.


By John C. Randolph (not verified) on 19 Jan 2009 #permalink

No, they're wrong. There are real atheists. I am a real atheist. I can tell, because only a real atheist like me would be so very, very angry at God. I blame God for all the bad stuff that happens in my life, so I am obviously a for-real atheist.

Bo Knows Atheists???

Sorry, Somebody had to say it

I do believe that the entire question of Poe or Bo may be handily summarized in one single musical word. To wit:

(Fiddler on the Roof)

Pro-jec-tion! Projection! Dumb dumb dumb dumb dump...PROJECTION!

(/Fiddler on the Roof)

One might as well argue that whatever is at the center of one's life is one's deity, thus rendering us all believers of one stripe or another. This devalues the very idea of a transcendent omni-whatsis to the point where atheism becomes more practical...

The MadPanda, FCD

...with apologies to Zero Mostel.

I do believe that the entire question of Poe or Bo may be handily summarized in one single musical word. To wit:

(Fiddler on the Roof)

Pro-jec-tion! Projection! Dumb dumb dumb dumb dump...PROJECTION!

(/Fiddler on the Roof)

One might as well argue that whatever is at the center of one's life is one's deity, thus rendering us all believers of one stripe or another. This devalues the very idea of a transcendent omni-whatsis to the point where atheism becomes more practical...

The MadPanda, FCD

...with apologies to Zero Mostel.

If a fake atheist doesn't say his prayers does God still hear them?

By mayhempix (not verified) on 19 Jan 2009 #permalink

Two "atheists" are guarding a pair of doors. One of them is a fake atheist, the other is a real fake atheist...

How do we know they aren't philosophical zombies (oddly enough, also called "p-zed" according to Wikipedia)?

I had to look at what jpf mentioned in #28 - the Wikpedia page on Philisophical Zombies - and it has this to say:

A philosophical zombie, p-zombie or p-zed is a hypothetical being that is indistinguishable from a normal human being

That's really kind of hilarious if your pronunciation of the last letter of the alphabet is the non-American 'zed'...

By Wowbagger (not verified) on 19 Jan 2009 #permalink

How do we know they aren't philosophical zombies (oddly enough, also called "p-zed" according to Wikipedia)?

PZ, I apologize for calling you PZed, I knew not of this information. My using was only a Canadian - USA take on Zed vs Zee, and I will not use it anymore?

/ brains?

Wasn't there something in the Bible about denying Jesus three times before the cock crowed? Sometimes I turn out all the lights and stare into a mirror whispering "There's no such thing as Atheists" over and over again until Zombie Nixon and a band of pre-Revolutionary Calvinists leap out from the toilet and carry me away into the night.

Then I wake up to discover I've jizzed in my pants.

This proves God exists, because, seriously how else do you explain that?

"So...Poe or no poe?"

What is a 'Poe'? (From context I assume this is not an Edgar Allen Poe reference....)

By oscar zoalaster (not verified) on 19 Jan 2009 #permalink


I just posted the following in whatever blog you were arguing with Javier:

It's interesting that Javier told Reynold to "stop cussing" after Javier used the word "scumbag." Just another bit of Christian hypocrisy.

By 'Tis Himself (not verified) on 19 Jan 2009 #permalink

The commenter quoted by PZ stated tha there is no such thing as atheism. But atheism strictly defined (or taken literally as "a-theism") is a denial of theism, not a denial of "God" or "the gods", since these may be non-theistic. I am an atheist in the sense that I do not believe in any of the several theistic gods, yet I believe that God and Nature are one. I prefer the term "Nature", because of the false impression given by too frequent use of the word "God" when Nature is what is meant.

By stephanurus (not verified) on 19 Jan 2009 #permalink

My atheism can never be in doubt or questioned, no matter how I may come across to certain commenters here who dislike my veracity, especially when I doubt their sincerety in expressing their questionable atheism. To all you sincere atheists who are adamant and steadfast in their stance I offer my regards and respect.

Naked Bunny With a Whip @ 22

Not to be nasty or critical, but did you really write what you stated and mean what you wrote?

SmartLX | January 19, 2009 6:54 PM [kill][hide comment]

First, for the first time on any thread on any site ever! Yay.

Would you like a fucking cookie, you imbecilic asshat?

From the Landover Baptist link:

So the dilemma is: Are the web-sites and blogs that claim to be Atheist, really web-sites created by Christians who are parodying Atheists or by people and organizations who are so deluded to think they are Atheist, but in fact not, and thus lending to the extended parody of Atheism and mental delusion?

There are two questions. Second question first:

Is there a difference?

First question second:

How do you know for sure? What does it take to convince you? What are your standards? How easily amused are you? Can you explain your views in contemporary terms without resort to ancient mythology? Can you imagine the future without resort to ancient mythology? And stuff like that there.

By Crudely Wrott (not verified) on 19 Jan 2009 #permalink

Can you explain your views in contemporary terms without resort to ancient mythology?

I think I can
I think I can

I spent two minutes trying to figure out what was meant by the quoted text in PZ's post. Frustrated, I decided to check the context only to find it to be from Landover. Hilarious.

PS: check out Landover's book on The reviews are pretty great, being virtually all 5 stars (appreciating the satire) or 1 star (loving jesus).

PPS: everyone in the comments above should stop speculating; Landover IS a Poe. That's the point. It's a satire site much maligned by the people whom it satires. I guess if you've never heard of it, the site could be hard to distinguish from genuine. that's why it's a Poe, after all.

I've never been to North Dakota, nor have I ever met anyone from North Dakota. So I know for a fact that North Dakota can't exist.

There are people and organizations who claim North Dakota exists, but I know it is quite impossible, since there is no such thing as North Dakota. All sane and rational people know there is no such thing as North Dakota, whether they admit it or not.

#38 She was poeing. She's as hard-core an atheist as ever was.

By recovering catholic (not verified) on 19 Jan 2009 #permalink

What? I drove east to west across South Dakota not long ago. At no time did I feel that I was less than an entire state's distance from Canada. Therefore, there is no Canada.

By Crudely Wrott (not verified) on 19 Jan 2009 #permalink

did you really write what you stated and mean what you wrote?

Yeah, I wrote it. I was going for a "real fake atheist" (or "fake real atheist"?) thing, in keeping with the article. funnybone is impaired today. I've been far too earnest for my own tastes on other threads, and my humor has been falling even flatter than usual. -_-

Landover Baptist Church is the funnest poe ever :-)

recovering @ 44

My first impression, but wanted to be sure, as poeing is starting to get out of hand. Naked Bunny, my apologies for doubting your intent to be humorous and exacting.

I've never been to North Dakota, nor have I ever met anyone from North Dakota. So I know for a fact that North Dakota can't exist.

hey!!!!! *pout*

I think I can
I think I can

Are you the Little Engine That Could?

By 'Tis Himself (not verified) on 19 Jan 2009 #permalink

Naked Bunny @ 47

As I stated in #49, I had to be sure I was not misinterpreting your intent to be humorous. There are times when I wish the Poe's Law had not gotten such attention and application as it tends to get out of hand especially with a wrong interpretation. Anyway, atheists to the core.

'Tis Himself is indeed the Little Engine That Could only if he can later truthfully claim that

I knew I could
I knew I could

He would also have to show his work and his sources.

By Crudely Wrott (not verified) on 19 Jan 2009 #permalink

Are you the Little Engine That Could?

I guess that I can't be, because that would be using a modern mythology/allegory.

Naked Bunny @ 54

They go to Morris, Minnesota and are incorporated into cracker meal.

Hey, hey ,hey...

North Dakota has REAL atheists, unlike those frauds from out east.

And there's a Canada, I can see it from my yard.

@ Newfie, #55.

T' wern't him,
Twas you.

@ 'Tis Himself, #51

Twas you.
T' wern't him.

*looks down and twists toe in sand*

By Crudely Wrott (not verified) on 19 Jan 2009 #permalink

Let it be known that watching the NBA while trying to comment here is not a productive combination.

#58 should conclude thusly:

@ 'Tis Himself, #51

T' wasn't you.
Twas him.

Otherwise it didn't make sense, did it?

The color creeps up my cheeks. But the Celtics won.

By Crudely Wrott (not verified) on 19 Jan 2009 #permalink

Are Xtians ever original? First they cobble together stories, some very creative but still untrue, from other traditions to make their own lame religion and pretend it's the "true" one. Now, once again, Xtians steal a perfectly good, creative term someone else came up with to make their own pallid version. Typical.

That is irony of a very high order. How many orders of irony should a person be expected to follow?

"all sane and rational people believe in god, whether they deny it or not"
Hilarious. Of course all sane and rational people believe in an invisible man who lives in the sky and runs everything, what other reasonable position is possible?
The site may be a Poe, but I've heard this argument before (from my born-again wackjob of a father, the last time I spoke to him in fact). How to respond with anything other than complete befuddlement or purest derision escapes me though.

I was able to deny the holy ghost in St. Peter's Basilica, but I failed to get it on video. Does that make me a fake atheist? Oh, I also gave my Atheist pin from the RD website away Saturday night at a dance party (I couldn't help myself, an attractive woman asked me for it).

By Robert Thille (not verified) on 19 Jan 2009 #permalink

rhY at 11:

List of REAL atheists:
Thomas Jefferson
Benjamin Franklin
Thomas Paine
Albert Einstein
Bertrand Russell
Richard Dawkins

In the interests of being strictly truthful:
Yes (presumably)
No, No, No (None of them Christians but believed at least in some distant creator thing)
Not really (We could reasonably claim that what he called "God" wasn't a God but he himself thought it a suitable name)
Yes, Yes.

Matthew 10:33 and Luke 12:9, no Christian would ever falsely claim to be an atheist, because they would know that doing so would cancel their salvation. Therefore those who claim to be atheists cannot be Christians.

By John B Hodges (not verified) on 20 Jan 2009 #permalink

dammit i don't want some confusing parody law thingy named after me.

rhY at 11:

Thomas Paine was definitely a theist, although not a Christian.

" Thus, people who claim to be Atheists are suffering from a mental delusion that can be cured in many cases by steadfast prayer, and/or mild electro-shock therapy coupled with approved medications prescribed by an authorized Christian Psychiatrist or experienced Pastor. "

Shock again nooooo!

I admit it. I faked my atheism last night.
My partner's logic and reason just didn't stimulate me the right way for some reason.