Evolution is a laughing matter

The Daily Show has compiled their best evolution moments. I hadn't known this was such a funny business!


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In addition to being a dumbass, Wild Bill looks like a talking penis with glasses. For you NFL/ESPN fans, he reminds of John Clayton, another penis with legs.

By Fred Mounts (not verified) on 13 Feb 2009 #permalink

After seeing who is on this panel, I'm scared to watch it.

Will the stupid burn, or does Jon Stewart make the cretinists look like fools?

By EVolutiAN (not verified) on 13 Feb 2009 #permalink

Mr. Dembski did pretty good, I thought. Compared with some of the real kooks out there who, for instance, would make weird flash animations, or put Darwin's head in a vise, or maybe even post fake reviews of their own books, or other sorts of wacko stuff like that. I thought he looked pretty good compared to those kinds of kooky people.

By birdieflyday386sx (not verified) on 13 Feb 2009 #permalink

In addition to being a dumbass, Wild Bill looks like a talking penis with glasses. For you NFL/ESPN fans, he reminds of John Clayton, another penis with legs.

Am I crazy, or does John West of the Disco

By happybirdie386sx (not verified) on 13 Feb 2009 #permalink

Am I the only one who remembers they might be running out of a certain item and might have to run to the convenience store whenever they see Johnathon Wells talking? (And no, I'm not talking about beer.) Just wondering. Thanks for reminding me again Mr. Wells.

what the hell was that woman doing on it? She's insufferable. Seems like some idiot woo crystal fraud? I had to switch off, her crazy laugh freaked me out.

Make sure to cursor down and watch Ed Helms' segment where he visited Dayton, Tennessee, home of the Scopes trial.

This is classic - he basically mocks the entire town and everyone he interviews claiming that the whole town is some kind of skit based on 1925 Dayton. Of course, everyone he interviews is a cretinist.

His last line is classic - "this (town) has to be fake, because if it were real it would be f****** terrifying."

I thought the woo woo woman was a great tool for driving home the fact that anyone who doesn't accept evolution is a crackpot.

I loved the bit where John comes back with the "why don't we teach that in schools?" after the crazy lady was talking about EM radiation. Bill D's face was priceless.

I thought it was revealing that BD wanted to distance his "designer" from things he felt weren't so good.

Finally, I have to say BD's Mt Rushmore and KH's casio watch examples were crap - first we know about how mountains get carved and watches get built - we can directly observe their creators - but also the simple fact that mountains and watches don't reproduce really needs to be pointed out to them.

By Your Mighty Overload (not verified) on 13 Feb 2009 #permalink

Not that I don't agree that most of them are completely off the edge, but anything that might just strike a chord with those (very) few that might still be questioning things and might make them think and explore...

Oops. The thinking thing again.

Never mind.

Agree with #4.

Who's got the link for Canadians?

I thought it was fairly reasonable for Mr. Dembski to pretty much not necessarily disagree with Edward Larson about the evidence for evolution.

Except for the part about the logos theology of John's Gospel restated in the idiom of information theory, I think they pretty much see eye to eye on a lot of things. It's nice to see a "fellow" of the Discovery Institute who can relate to some of yer typical evolution type stuff.

By birdie386sx (not verified) on 13 Feb 2009 #permalink

Oh, yeah, Dembski's "fairly reasonable" all right.
*eyes a-rollin'*

By Sven DiMilo (not verified) on 13 Feb 2009 #permalink

For me the best moment was when Stewart challenged Dembski to name one scientist who found God as a result of studying science, and Dembski couldn't do it. He was basically forced to acknowledge that all the creationist scientists started out as entrenched believers before they ever got into science.

By Gregory Kusnick (not verified) on 13 Feb 2009 #permalink

Oh, yeah, Dembski's "fairly reasonable" all right.

Well okay, when he says, "Ask yourself why Cambridge would publish this book if indeed there was nothing new in it," it does sound a bit transparently fallacious like something a small crybaby child would say. Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh...

But other than that he seems fairly reasonable on most things.

By flybirdie386sx (not verified) on 13 Feb 2009 #permalink

Dembski looks like what would happen if Napoleon Dynamite pursued a higher education, minus the ability to dance.

And numchucks skills...

Dembski looks like what would happen if Napoleon Dynamite pursued a higher education, minus the ability to dance.

And numchucks skills...

...bow hunting skills, computer hacking skills....

Your Mighty Overlord:

I loved the bit where John comes back with the "why don't we teach that in schools?" after the crazy lady was talking about EM radiation. Bill D's face was priceless.

I concur! That was brilliant!

Juxtaposing the obviously woo woo against the woo woo that has --- through PR, politics, and persistent loudness --- come to be mistaken for a serious, alternative scientific theory, and asking why the coo coo for Cocoa Puffs notions should not also be taught as an alternative to evolution drives home, in a humorous manner for the layperson, some extremely important points: Just because you can dream it up as an explanation doesn't mean it is a scientific theory worthy of the respect accorded genuine theories. Your hypotheses about reality are not worthy of respect just because you have them. You have to prove them, and actual theories are not unproven merely because you don't like them.


I thought it was fairly reasonable for Mr. Dembski to pretty much not necessarily disagree with Edward Larson about the evidence for evolution.

It actually seems quite insidious to me. The Discovery Institute knows how to play the PR game, and its representative knew he was in front of Jon Stewart's audience. He made sure to seem more reasonable than the audience would expect. He's an IDiot, but not an idiot.

I'd bet that his concessions to the evidence for evolution were no more genuine than the Institute's general claim that it does not seek to further creationism or have religion taught in public schools.

Canadians - search for "daily show" and "CTV" and a proper link will come up. You can choose any past date and any segment through that. I have yet to watch this one but it looks like it was thursdays segment, so it should be the first one to come up or the one to automatically play until tuesday morning.

Wow,Dumbski on the Daily Show,I hadnt seen that one before !
The creepy woman was hard to watch...

Why is inane stupidity given a voice?
Find it nauseating to listen to the self-righteous drivel presented by Dumbski and that female cretin.
After the shrub is gone JS seems to have lost his sting, and now delves into dullness. Shame that, because intelligent American humour has lost one of its last beacons (Robin Williams is still there, but very lonely).

shonny, they will have to work for it from now on. After all, shrub and co practically wrote the stuff for them so they became lazy :)

Of, and Lewis Black for the win.

By John Phillips, FCD (not verified) on 13 Feb 2009 #permalink

DOH! Of=Oh

Brain appears to be shutting down in 10, 9, 8...

By John Phillips, FCD (not verified) on 13 Feb 2009 #permalink

One thing I thought that Larson (history Prof in first one - may have got name wrong, remember it was suspiciously close to a crime though) said that was pretty stupid was about letting science teachers choose the curriculum. I agree that know-nothing local busybodies shouldn't be in charge of the curriculum, but given that some 16% of high school science teachers believe in creationism, it is hard to formulate a strong case for them being given that responsibility either. No, curricula have to be formulated by a process akin to peer review by qualified professional, which is to say actual scientists. Preferably at national level, and make it really hard to change - just in case that Republican, anti-knowledge wind blows into the White House again...

By Your Mighty Overload (not verified) on 13 Feb 2009 #permalink

It was disappointing though when Stewart had as the last guest of the Evolution Schmevolution week Gwyneth Paltrow. I was like, WTF!? but everyone else was like, LOL

Wow, they had someone who made Dembski look good.

By wildcardjack (not verified) on 14 Feb 2009 #permalink

Great stuff!

Back in Black, the Town and the kids reading Darrow's questioning of Bryan were my faorites.

By mayhempix (not verified) on 14 Feb 2009 #permalink

Anyone know the date of the broadcast for those of us from the great white north?

I especially liked Darwin's discovery of the finches common ancestry through a taste test.

By GILGAMESH (not verified) on 14 Feb 2009 #permalink

to those of you north of the border, the videos are not on the daily show site. they are on the comedy central insider site. the date of the compilation is february 12, 2009.

float your cursor over the url to see the addy. i don't know how you can access it from canada, but i am sure using google.ca foo might find it.

I couldn't watch it - I saw it once in live time, and couldn't bring myself to watch the creotards again.

OK, searching for a Canadian accessible link to this video is starting to drive me crazy. For those of you that can see it, I'm guessing that this video isn't part of a regular episode? Have any Canadians actually found a link that to this video that they are able to watch? I find nothing on the Comedy Network. Help please! I feel very left out here :)

I'm about halfway through and I'm a bit disappointed. Most of it is distinctly unfunny. It reminded me of the Freitag Nacht News.

By Anonymous Coward (not verified) on 14 Feb 2009 #permalink

Anyone else struck by the irony of Dembski wearing glasses? If I was John Stewart, I would have forgone the ballsack joke and gone on about how could an intelligent designer make vision balls so pathetic.